The Perpetual Healing Garden - SweetSue's Joyful Return

Sue, Duggan,
I think you two have used most of the popular light setups.

I am just about to press buy on a 4 pack of Mars Hydro 600 lights to add to the two off brand panels I have. The room is about 4X6.

Any thoughts, pro or con?

This is the setup as it is now.

FWIW, I have a mars 900 over a 3x3 flower area. There is also 1 mars 300 hanging sideways in each corner for side lighting. I am running about 950w for a 10sqft area. Overkill? We will see. This is the first run with side lighting. :peace:
Ive only used it later in flower, around the same time as recharge and OG drenches (if youre using it). After the cat drenches, they'll start going crazy with growth, stretching and all that good stuff. When the party's over, they hit a flat spot and start looking sad. This is when you use the recharge and optional OG drench and wayahead. Now if your plants are more landrace than OG, you shouldn't need either one really. Brix is some strong stuff to begin with so when you add the wayahead, its like putting a turbo on a gocart, it sounds cool but death is inevitable hahaha!!! Ease into things in the kit before going all out with them cuz in most cases a little goes a long way :)

Ahhhh.... you and I will have to have some long conversations. I'm in my second year on my own now and just relaxing into the idea that I can be independent and excel on my own. This includes learning to do this better than "close enough for government work" as Dale used to say. Lol! Alright, this one was directly following the first CAT. Let's see what she does.

The "death is inevitable" comment had me laughing so hard I almost disrupted the woman on the labyrinth, but she was on her cellphone anyway. :laughtwo: I don't hold back laughter well. Lol!

supergroomer, now THAT'S light!
Have to share:

Got a call just now from the landlord. Seems I deducted from the checkbook but neglected to authorize the transfer of funds. :oops: All's good. I've paid my rent on time and in full for almost 11 straight years. I'll clear it up easily.

We ended the conversation with his expression of pleasure at the effectiveness of the brownies I offered them when we last spoke. "Could we arrange for any more?" he asked a bit hesitantly.

I'll be baking them a pan so they can freeze and plan their excursions. :battingeyelashes: :love:

Isn't the universe a wonderful place to spend your time? The labyrinth is clear. My turn. I brought the vape pen and that incredibly smooth wax with me.

Hmmm.....wax. Easier to travel with, I'd think. :hmmmm:

LABS is coming along nicely. Should have usable serum in a few more days.
I have a bunch of seeds on the way to start a field of herbs at my cabin in Maine next year....we have nearly 2 acres of...well...nothing much. Id like to change that, and to that end I have on the way comfrey, stinging nettle, milk thistle, valerian, marsh mallow, skullcap, and burdock seeds. Aside from a couple weeks in the freezer, do you have any tips for getting these started for transplant next spring?

I know its sorta off-topic, but I figure that asking you and Birdie wi get me the info I need :)

Congrats on the harvest...a zip and a half of that is worth several of most other strains :)

Daily Update: Flowering tent, Saturday, November 12, 2016

Let's try a new approach to this update process. There's too much going on to put it all into one.

The flowering tent has me all excited these days. A B-I-G smile spreads across my face every time I peek in here. I confess to making multiple stops. :cheesygrinsmiley:


The goal is between 10 - 15 degrees difference day to night. I'm good with 11.


Carnival #2 (Day 109: Flip + 29, CAT + 4) Wow! I mean, look at her. Disregard the curling leaves and just see her. In person she kinda purrs. I remember my first Carnival did that. Makes me wonder if any of the other growers noticed this but didn't know how to put it into words. I'll have to post on the community thread and see what response I get. The plant has definite presence and power.



Hehe! :slide:



In the corners, but enjoying the light and the chance to grow into maturity, we have the Carn1 clones. They're both at Day 36.







Carnival #2 Impressive! She's four days out from her last drench and nowhere near as dry as you want a plant to be at this stage. The implication is that she has a weaker than hoped for root system, but look at her. She's massive. The sheer number of blossoms is stunning, and they're all developing beautifully.


I'm impressed as hell with how it's going in here. Keep it up girls. :battingeyelashes: :love:

I have a bunch of seeds on the way to start a field of herbs at my cabin in Maine next year....we have nearly 2 acres of...well...nothing much. Id like to change that, and to that end I have on the way comfrey, stinging nettle, milk thistle, valerian, marsh mallow, skullcap, and burdock seeds. Aside from a couple weeks in the freezer, do you have any tips for getting these started for transplant next spring?

I know its sorta off-topic, but I figure that asking you and Birdie wi get me the info I need :)


I have no idea Mouser. My mother was the family herbalist, but I have her book and I'll look them up and PM you. :battingeyelashes:

mouser said:
Congrats on the harvest...a zip and a half of that is worth several of most other strains :)

You know it. :slide: I need to find a use for the indica I have on hand. Maybe make some sleepy-time brownies. :hmmmm: The DDA is my preferred choice, and will remain so, I'm sure, until I take a Carnival down.

I may actually have the head start with DDA I've been trying to achieve from the beginning.
Daily Update: Auto Tent and Clones, Saturday, November 12, 2026

I'm back. Whew! It's quite an adventure loading these pictures in one at a time. I usually enjoy the challenge of streamlining it and using the iPhone's intuitive text function to fullest advantage so it's more fun than frustrating. Hell, everything I do in life becomes fun. Isn't that the whole point of this living thing, to have fun with it? I'm doing that very well, thank you. Let me pause and reinforce that with a hoot of my DDA mix................ :roorrip:

OK, better now. :laughtwo: Let's take a look and see what's going on today, shall we? Starting in the auto tent.


Just about perfect. Someday I'll have a pair of temperature and humidity-controlled grow rooms. Someday, I'm certain of it.


Still waiting.


Train Wreck (Day 22)



No chance at all to top her. She's about as tight as she can be. Maybe sometime this week, but now I'm thinking let this one grow out so I know what to expect. It's awfully late for a topping.

A friend of mine just harvested one. He claims she tasted like blackberries. Oh yeah..... :slide:


Carn1:4 (Day 30) She still grows. She's not happy in this pot. I'll need to see about getting her into a Geo Pot. Maybe in a month.



On to the veg shelf and the many clones of Carnivals.


Carn1:3 (Day 33) She got a TransWater drench and some modification on the restraints. I'm gonna train her branches like the spokes of a wheel and grow some nice clones. She'll be needing a little more soil. I'll take care of that tomorrow.


This is by far the happiest of the clones on this shelf. That fact isn't lost on me at all. If nothing else the clones from Carn2 that had to be planted in LOS will be cloned themselves and those clones will be planted in Doc's HB Kit soil.


Emerald (Day 18) This is a plant begging for more food. I mixed up a 5:10 mix Micro:Bloom, flushed the reservoir and started her on that concentration today. Let's see what she does. If this Lucas formula doesn't pan out I'll try another clone with the regular approach. I'm watching Obi kick ass using the standard approach over on his journal. Pretty sweet, if you ask me. He's showing me how to do it right step-by-step and here I am playing. Ah well, I enjoy the games. This is, after all, a hobby.


Carn1:6 (left) and Carn1:5 (right) (Day 30) An improvement in new growth is what I'm watching for.


Carn1:6 Looks good from here.


Hopeful here as well.


Carn1:5 This one looks like an improvement too. Cautious optimism.


The Carn2 clones are all at Day 18.


Carn2:2 appears to be the heartiest among them.


Carn2:3 the weakest. I may cull this one tomorrow. This is valuable real estate at this point. No need to carry a deficient straggler.


Carn2:4 looks like a fighter. She buys a little more time. My goal with these is to get them healthy enough to clone. After the rush of Carnivals I have flowering now and following the current batch in the tent I need to grow a White Widow for the pain med value. I'm thinking long term with these girls. Still learning the ropes with cloning and maintaining a veg shelf. This is all new thought to me.


The tiny closet sits in stillness, awaiting the seed for the next adventure.


It's too dark over there. I need the corner lit up again. No, I won't turn the light on until there's a plant in there to justify it. *sigh*. Sometimes I'm too frugal for my own good.

That's ok Susan. It's only a matter of time. :cheesygrinsmiley:


That's everybody. Time for that long-neglected joint I rolled hours ago. :laughtwo: I'm gonna try for Callanetics. It depends on how potent this joint turns out to be. Lol! Thank you Pigeons, for the inspiration on rolling one. I think this was one of my best attempts to date.

Later guys. :ciao:


One of the nicest things about smoking a joint is the delicious way the smell permeates everything. Mmmmmm......

Well that was a productive buzz. That joint kicked me right into creative mode and made sense of some ideas I'd been tossing around about charting the individual plants. The flow sheets give me a general overview and a complete record of all activity, but I'm growing 12 plants in three different mediums and various pot sizes. This requires me to be able to see, at a glance, what's coming up for each plant.

Tonight I solved this challenge. :blunt:


I love these little Devils I grow. Fabulous buzz and creative development all rolled into one. :love:
Cruising right along I see. Fwiw, I use Graytail's formulas for drenches and sprays. It's the same but he calculated per plant instead of for the whole garden. Hope that helps. Miss seeing your bright shining face when open the mag. I guess I need to come on more often.


I generally use Graytail's guidelines too. They served me well up to this point. Sometimes I get creative though, and use scruffy's guidelines of .36 ml of drench per gallon of soil. The man grew some of the most beautiful kit plants I've seen to date. He had a natural feel for the kit. Geez, I miss him. All the good ones go on vacation.

What's it say about me that I'm drawn to the cantankerous ones? :laughtwo:

I miss your presence here too Noob. You're right, you should stop by more often. :battingeyelashes: :love: It's special to find you here.

One of the nicest things about smoking a joint is the delicious way the smell permeates everything. Mmmmmm......


it is. . . it truly is. Back in the lost decade of the 80s I was the go to joint roller guy. I had a machine and did hand rolls too.
So when I have just finished one drying and/or in jar. With fresh harvest, I like to break out the rolling machine for a solid J for Mrs kB, who just got home from a extended trip with the cats this week.

Since I don't smoke she finished it all by herself after I fell asleep. My it will burn for a good long time.
..... She says this harvest is my best to date. Best in flavor and strength. I felt so good about it I rolled two more the next morning.
Our tiny apartment reeks so good. And she slept through the bursitis pain better than normal. So much win.

I love my rolling machine. One of those RAW rollers. Never ending fun this hobby o'mine. :ciao:
it is. . . it truly is. Back in the lost decade of the 80s I was the go to joint roller guy. I had a machine and did hand rolls too.
So when I have just finished one drying and/or in jar. With fresh harvest, I like to break out the rolling machine for a solid J for Mrs kB, who just got home from a extended trip with the cats this week.

Since I don't smoke she finished it all by herself after I fell asleep. My it will burn for a good long time.
..... She says this harvest is my best to date. Best in flavor and strength. I felt so good about it I rolled two more the next morning.
Our tiny apartment reeks so good. And she slept through the bursitis pain better than normal. So much win.

I love my rolling machine. One of those RAW rollers. Never ending fun this hobby o'mine. :ciao:

That was so heartening to read keltic. :hug: :love: The best justification for our gardens, IMHO, is the relief our harvests bring to our loved ones.
Just doing a drive by. Kind of seems that one strain has your 'claw' effect repetivaley. Maybe she likes less food than your other girls? Are you feeding all the same? You might want to feed the Carn. last and throw alittle cutter on it before watering? I mean she doesn't look like dire straits or anything. But somethings giving her indigestion. GL and Keeper Green
Just doing a drive by. Kind of seems that one strain has your 'claw' effect repetivaley. Maybe she likes less food than your other girls? Are you feeding all the same? You might want to feed the Carn. last and throw alittle cutter on it before watering? I mean she doesn't look like dire straits or anything. But somethings giving her indigestion. GL and Keeper Green

I like the way you put that, "indigestion." :laughtwo: Hadn't thought of it like that Woody. Yeah, I'm still trying to figure it out. The tendency showed up in both soil types, which is a bit confusing. I don't feed them nutrients, so much as feed the soil and the soil bots feed the plant. My soil bots aren't happy, it appears, in both types. This is a little problamatic, but I'll figure it out eventually.

Thanks for the drive by Woody. The more perspective I get on this the better my chances of catching the solution. :circle-of-love:
Maybe cut down on abit in the way of feedings..... Just mt 2 cents. She doesn't seen hungry..... Keepem Green
I'm watching Obi kick ass using the standard approach over on his journal. Pretty sweet, if you ask me. He's showing me how to do it right step-by-step and here I am playing. Ah well, I enjoy the games. This is, after all, a hobby.

Check out Obi's older grows. For a while, he was tracking everything using a grow software package and created nice tracking reports. Plus, he's always been just spot-on with his techniques. One of the cleanest and most technical grows around. I've loved following his grows over the years.
Cruising right along I see. Fwiw, I use Graytail's formulas for drenches and sprays. It's the same but he calculated per plant instead of for the whole garden. Hope that helps. Miss seeing your bright shining face when open the mag. I guess I need to come on more often.


Is that an excel spread sheet? I found one to calculate doses based off number of plants and plant size. Very useful tool. I have no idea who made it now though.

Sent from my iPad using 420 Magazine Mobile App
Is that an excel spread sheet? I found one to calculate doses based off number of plants and plant size. Very useful tool. I have no idea who made it now though.

Sent from my iPad using 420 Magazine Mobile App

I actually found his formula on another HB growers journal and I blogged it for reference. I'm thinking you can check my blogs and find the one I use. It isn't an excel spreadsheet though. I'd like to see that one though to compare.

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