The Perpetual Healing Garden - SweetSue's Joyful Return

Sue....Id lovveee to see the look on his face. Some people dont believe it if they havent actually seen it. Haha Im sure the guy is smart......but common sense-wise some people have not a lick of it. Hell.....just go to the "eye candy" thread thats been goin on 420mag foreevveerrr :thumb: You kick ass sue! :volcano-smiley:
Sue....Id lovveee to see the look on his face. Some people dont believe it if they havent actually seen it. Haha Im sure the guy is smart......but common sense-wise some people have not a lick of it. Hell.....just go to the "eye candy" thread thats been goin on 420mag foreevveerrr :thumb: You kick ass sue! :volcano-smiley:

:laughtwo: Thank you Scottay. That was the first thing I thought of. We see that kind of production around here on a fairly regular basis and they aren't using any growth hormones that I know of.

Again, the call for "responsible dosing." This bemuses me. I find it repsonsible to stay high constantly. It's not like it limits my level of productivity, does it? She writes at 2:50 AM - good God woman, go to bed already! :laughtwo:

For everything I do here I also keep my physical world running smoothly. I don't have to work, but other than that I have the same domestic responsibilities of anyone else, and I stay fit with a daily four-mile walk that doesn't count the additional mile to and from the grocery most days. Most of which I do high. Lol! I don't think he'd think of me as responsible.

The big concern appears to be the biphasic nature of many cannabinoids - they'll have one effect at a low dose (make you relaxed), and an opposite effect or a different effect at a higher dose. A worthy consideration, partially buffered by inclusion of CBD. Then there's that pesky concern about tolerance levels. In response to that one I prefer to consume better and more varied cannabis. :laughtwo:

To be honest, I understand that medicinal administration requires more control, but I'm also thinking someone seriously sick may want an occasional buzz to take the edge off. I guess mostly I didn't appreciate the derisive view of those of us who function at a different level. There were a number of times when Mr. Backes took on the derisive tone of a "stoner" to make his point about some misperceptions. I don't think it helps anyone to perpetuate intolerance of any of us, and quite frankly I enjoy my stoner moments. :laughtwo:

I'll be writing it all up soon, but the Big Three messages were control your dose, shoot for a Minimal Effective Dose (start at 2.5 mg), and ALWAYS buffer THC with CBD.

Some interesting encouragement to pay more attention to Beta Caryophyllene. The strain highest in Beta Caryophyllene is Cookies.

The class will take another lengthy pass-through. I'm going to bed.

Goodnight all. :love:
There is definate science behind growing a pheno out & torturing her & fluxin her up. Get that lil even canopies by pinchin the stems and boooom......u have 5-10 fist sized nugs on that baby. And thats in like LOS soil
I respect soooo mqny of the growers on here. Its 403am.....guess its time to go to bed. Happpy Sunday friends neighbors & country folk! :volcano-smiley:
So I'm off starting a new class I just purchased, "How Cannabis Works In Your Body" taught by the highly respected Michael Backes, and he's relating some other ways your ECS is enhanced that aren't related to cannabis.

It used to be thought that the "runner's high" was the release of endorphins. We were all taught that, weren't we? It was fact. Scientific fact. :laughtwo:

Nope, that's not what it is. It's the body's reaction to the degradation and metabolization of endocannabinoids. In layman's terms, runners are high, the same way most of you are right now. :laughtwo: Are we gonna outlaw running? Good Lord, we can't have people enjoying a buzz now, can we? Lol!

Ok, back to my class. This is a good one. It's gonna take me a while to get it all down, but it'll be worth the wait. I promise not to take too long. It's too important.

First off :hug:SweetSue:hug:

Next: Absolutely stunning pictures of the Buds.:love:

Being a runner before I got hurt i craved that high. I used to smoke back then but I "got high" when I drank or was just partying. I was in another world entirely before my injuries. Now this just confirms that. Everything in my life has been changed, and now you inform me that "runners high" is not due to the release of endorphins.

Okay Sue I gotta get outta here for now. Thank you for posting this.:love:
Ohh yeah, that's the stuff!
I've finally sampled some DDA for the first time, and ohhh hell yeah! I'm soo very sold :slide::yummy: and, without a cure :laughtwo:

Edit: muh belly has been spinning with butterflies since my sample, I'm so damn excited to chop her down.!(only day 54) I don't know about this cure bit.. I don't think I'm strong enough to resist the urge
"Such beautiful buds." <--- Understatement.
Lordie those DDA's got some pretty buds on 'em!

Yes they do Tead. Pictures forthcoming. Just a tease.

Before the wash:



My treat for later. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Daily Update: Carnival #2, Day 88 (Flip + 8)

Incrementally larger every time I look in there. Just what a happy cultivator wants to see. :battingeyelashes:





Checked all around to make sure I was even. Close enough for government work.



She has this small area with a couple variegated leaves.





All ready for your inspection Duggan. She got a DeStress today. I'm concerned that she doesn't have a sheen, because the clones definately have sheen, and plenty of it. What can I do to help her through this? She appears fundamentally healthy. What can I do to kick her up just a bit?

She's due for her Recharge this week. I have it scheduled for day 14. We're at day 8. Any thoughts on moving that date up?

Edit: I left another question below Duggan.
Just a quick question Sue, I noticed your leaves turned down a bit, Is this regular behavior ? She sure is getting big though.

You look like you are holding a piece of Amethyst in that picture of the bud in your palm. Just beautiful color and development.
HARVEST: Dark Devil Auto Three: Day 61

She came in four days ahead of schedule and dark as she could be. I found amber trichomes yesterday.













Should be an ounce dry. I'll keep you informed.

One more to go. In about three weeks. Same age and same soil. Different light and lacking the mite infestation that her cousins endured.



Smiling real big over here in The Burgh. :slide:
Just a quick question Sue, I noticed your leaves turned down a bit, Is this regular behavior ? She sure is getting big though.

You look like you are holding a piece of Amethyst in that picture of the bud in your palm. Just beautiful color and development.

No Jacob, that's not normal behavior at all. It's something we don't expect in this soil, so I'm stumped. Duggan and I are keeping an eye on it.

Duggan, a thought on this soil: I didn't add amendment because I pulled the tents early and I completely forgot about it in the panic. This leaf expression suggests the soil is less than what we'd expect. I say do her recharge with the next drench (any day now) and possibly make it a bit heavy. Not much, just a tad more than normal. What do you think?
Ohh yeah, that's the stuff!
I've finally sampled some DDA for the first time, and ohhh hell yeah! I'm soo very sold :slide::yummy: and, without a cure :laughtwo:

Edit: muh belly has been spinning with butterflies since my sample, I'm so damn excited to chop her down.!(only day 54) I don't know about this cure bit.. I don't think I'm strong enough to resist the urge

:woohoo: Excellent news! It's hard to describe the real effects of this variety, but once you try it you understand. I can appreciate the challenge of making it to the three-month mark. When I have DDA available it's what I reach for every time. :laughtwo: It'll be interesting to have this much DDA around. I should have some left when the Carnival comes down. Then the choice becomes more difficult. Lol!
Would a good dose of EWC throw off the BRIX? She looks mostly healthy. Maybe a top dress of something tasty? Im not an DBHB grower yet, but she just has that look of needing the smallest of nudges. Somthing subtle that she can take as she needs.

Would a good dose of EWC throw off the BRIX? She looks mostly healthy. Maybe a top dress of something tasty? Im not an DBHB grower yet, but she just has that look of needing the smallest of nudges. Somthing subtle that she can take as she needs.


EWC is part of the Recharge top dressing, so that's a good idea, and another reason to consider an early application. She feels like she's asking for something.

I'm going for a stroll and a late lunch by the river. it's a beautiful, sunny day here and I need to get exposed to it. Get out there people. Spread some joy. :hug: :love:
:laughtwo: I was soooo high when I went out that I thought I posted these two here, but they were at spacef's budwashing thread instead. Lol! I was trying to find them while I was out and thought maybe I hallucinated posting them. :rofl:

SweetSue said:
Let's stop worrying about the sheen on the Carnival. I went to check the clones and realized they don't have a sheen either.


What they have is the look of very healthy plants. Just like the big girl in the tent. I'm sure the Recharge will give her the umph! I'm looking for.

SweetSue said:
Before I head out, an observation I'm sure Tead's already thought of.

DDA2, grown in a hempy, taking up less real estate. I estimate around an oz. Very inexpensive to run. If I'd taken the time to learn to control nutes it could be argued I'd have done better.


DDA3, grown in LOS. Much more expensive set up. The justification has always been that I'd get a cleaner product with better taste. I estimate I'll get about an ounce. She took up more space and her pot weighed significantly more than the hempy girl. It took seven colas to the DDA2's four to hit around the same weight, suggesting denser buds on the hempy, doesn't it?


It's obvious to me that they have comparable terpene and flavinoid expression. The smell and color are almost identical. I just tested the new harvest and they're comparable in potency, although I may detect a bit more kick from the LOS. That may be my bias talking. Suffice it to say both offered a classic DDA buzz.

Yes Reverend Tead. You have my attention. I'm going to lunch and think. I am so high, and it feels wonderful. :blunt:
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