The Perpetual Healing Garden - SweetSue's Joyful Return

Sueeee......happy wednesday! Your garden is lookin beautiful! Every time I think of your brownies! Hahaha:volcano-smiley:
Sueeee......happy wednesday! Your garden is lookin beautiful! Every time I think of your brownies! Hahaha:volcano-smiley:

:laughtwo: Thank you Scottay. Happy Wednesday to you. :hug: :love:
Do I see munchies? To me it's funny, I know it's in my head, but I never got anything outta eating herbs.. Now let me explain, I have felt cookies, or edibles, before. Got ripped off a batch of cookies. Fired up another outta the same batch of coconut butter, and nothing. Me I'm the hardest critic on herbs, because over the years I was off into the errrr say harder med's. I was self medicating. Doctors didn't want to work with me, I come riding up on a scooter, wearing leathers, with long hair complaining about bad back pain. Even tho I had had a broken neck and numerous other problems. I was a dope fiend in their eyes, I got tired of that crap and took care of it myself for years. Now I'm seeing a doctor that at least works with me, even to letting me smoke herbs and still prescribe me. I had a internal morphine pump for 5-6 years and it was cranked up there, after finding the right doctor, I was able to remove the pump and just do oral meds. Weed maybe be legal in Oregon,,, but, most doctors go by federal guidelines. But back to cookies, it's taken awhile to allow' edibles' to take a mellow effect. Thats only been the last year or so. I know I'm using max about of herb that the oil will carry. All buds and 'nice sugar leaf'. I have no idea what the dose is, but I know it has to be 20X's stronger than the crap they sell at the stores. What 15 milligrams per dose, and one dose is it. I kind of wonder what is a true dose? Made with the maximum that the butter can carry before it falls out. Plants look great I wrote this the other day and forgot to post... Keepem Green
This kinda scares me alittle..

The soil in Italy has lots of volcanic minerals in it. It is essentially very similar make up wise to what we get in the kit. You'll also remember tails of phenomenal Hawaiian or Jamaican weed. Remember both of those places are basically extinct volcanos. There's a reason the weed grown there is phenomenal. It's already growing naturally in high brix soil.

Sent from this funny device I carry around and still call a phone even though I hardly ever make calls with it.

**The more you know**
Volcanic ash can contain high amounts if mercury. Depending on location..(I.e. which volcano, how large of eruptions, *distance from eruption).
I would recommend having the soil tested if you plan to grow near or on volcanic sediment.
Pretty sure no one wants to inhale mercury...
Do I see munchies? To me it's funny, I know it's in my head, but I never got anything outta eating herbs.. Now let me explain, I have felt cookies, or edibles, before. Got ripped off a batch of cookies. Fired up another outta the same batch of coconut butter, and nothing. Me I'm the hardest critic on herbs, because over the years I was off into the errrr say harder med's. I was self medicating. Doctors didn't want to work with me, I come riding up on a scooter, wearing leathers, with long hair complaining about bad back pain. Even tho I had had a broken neck and numerous other problems. I was a dope fiend in their eyes, I got tired of that crap and took care of it myself for years. Now I'm seeing a doctor that at least works with me, even to letting me smoke herbs and still prescribe me. I had a internal morphine pump for 5-6 years and it was cranked up there, after finding the right doctor, I was able to remove the pump and just do oral meds. Weed maybe be legal in Oregon,,, but, most doctors go by federal guidelines. But back to cookies, it's taken awhile to allow' edibles' to take a mellow effect. Thats only been the last year or so. I know I'm using max about of herb that the oil will carry. All buds and 'nice sugar leaf'. I have no idea what the dose is, but I know it has to be 20X's stronger than the crap they sell at the stores. What 15 milligrams per dose, and one dose is it. I kind of wonder what is a true dose? Made with the maximum that the butter can carry before it falls out. Plants look great I wrote this the other day and forgot to post... Keepem Green

I have a friend in Oregon battling with his own pain doctor. It's one of the saddest situations I've witnessed, where he suffers for the month before a visit so he can pass the piss test, not knowing in advance if the man will ask for one this time.

It's barbaric. I'm a peaceful woman, and I have a hard time feeling peaceful about this doctor.

A "true"dose is determined individually by the patient. Each body processes cannabis in an individual manner, so you take the time to determine your optimal therapeutic dose, knowing it may need to be readjusted when you change strains or delivery methods. Cannabis has never been a one size fits all medication.
Daily Update: Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Good evening everyone. :love: I beg your forgiveness right from the beginning. I lumped everything together today and it's quite a long update. Let's get right to it.

Starting off in the flowering tent.



Carnival #2 (Day 105: Day 106, flip + 26, CAT + 1) All of her pistils took on a pink edging today, I'm assuming just the light being reflected, but it gave the whole tent a magical feel. :laughtwo:



Carn1 clone 2 (Day 33: flip +1)


Carn 1 clone 1 (Day 33: flip + 1)


Into the auto tent.


Train Wreck Auto (Day 19)


Carn 1 clone 4 (Day 27) She's still unhappy about the drench. I'll check on her later.


Still waiting.



Around the corner and into the tiny closet.

Dark Devil Auto (Day 78) I'm thinking tomorrow morning, if I remember and get up at a reasonable time. I like to chop as the sun comes up, so I typically stay up all night before. Today was Callanetics, followed by my walking group, so I'm not certain I'll be up to a morning harvest. If so, she's coming down first thing in the morning.






I think she's done. I'll do my best to make it tomorrow.


The clones. It's time to get some of these leftovers upcanned.


Emerald's looking downright perky today. Her color's starting to improve a little too.


One of my ongoing projects is the composting of my leaf pile. I popped it open today and got in there to make sure there weren't any clumps. Then I sprinkled some rock dust in and mixed it around. My plan is to continue just like this, adding comfrey water every now and then, until I can use it as compost in my soil building adventures. Worms would make short work of these, but I've killed too many worms and I refuse to do that any more. :straightface: I'll mix it by hand.



On to the upcanning. I'm not going up very far, but it's about twice the soil volume and it's all good, fresh soil. When I opened the bin the surface was covered with dots of fungus working away. An excellent sign of microbial life. :slide:


I pop the root ball out and begin by sprinkling a generous amount of myco onto the entire surface, being particularly careful to coat any exposed roots.


Then I do the same thing with a coating of Roots!, sprinkling some into the planting hole as well.


Gingerly drop it into the hole, dust with a bit more Roots!.....


....... and carefully fill up with more soil.


Then top the whole thing with a layer of vermicompost.


They got watered in with a drench consisting of a gallon of water, 2 Tbs of comfrey soak, the gel from inside a 1"X1" piece of aloe fillet, 1/4 tsp CaCo3 (limestone), and a splash of Agsil 16. They'll get another kelp foliar tomorrow morning.


I cleaned off all the damaged leaves from the potassium-deficient clones. Let's see if I can cave them. They don't look so bad cleaned up.




The others are showing early signs that I hope to head off in the beginning.



The new soil should stop that deficiency from progressing any further. Then it's up to me figuring out the teas to keep them going in these small pots.


A better shot of Emerald.


Carn 1 clone 3 (Day 30)


A couple more days and I'll begin to train the clones I just upcanned.


I peeked in on #4. She looks much happier. :cheesygrinsmiley:


Whew! I made it! :laughtwo:

Things should begin to settle down a bit now. That's a good thing, because I have a couple projects in place for the study hall that'll be taking up a lot of my time for a couple weeks and I need the garden to run on auto pilot for a while. After the DDA4 harvest there's not all that much to do.

Thanks for stopping by. Continue on with your joyful day. I'll catch up to you later. I need a good buzz first. :battingeyelashes: :green_heart:


Thank you Weaselcracker. It's reassuring to have all of you around me. With the Lucas Formula she's already at half strength, unless I bump her down to the modified level. That may be my best approach, in which case I should drop her down to 2.5 ml Micro and 5ml of Bloom.

Does this sound like a rational approach?

Ya know Sue I started my plants on full strength nutes (3 part General hydroponics) from day 7 and there thriving at weeks 7-8 other than a calmag problem that's my bad as I wasn't aware that led lighting for some reason unknown to me make the plants need more of each (calmag) and when I say problem I just mean a few leaves with rust spots but I feed feed water repeat and that's at 6.2ph level. Hope it all works out.
like I said never a problem at full blast

Ohioboy can't stop!! Ohioboy With Fast Buds - Let's See How Fast Exactly
:passitleft: Here you go sweet One :hug: Wishing little ones speedy "settle in" :circle-of-love:

Ahhh....... :passitleft: Thank you Birdie. It was time. I sometimes surprise myself at how much time I devote to all of this. Been researching teas for the LOS, and I'm up to my eyeballs in recipes and ideas.

Alright..... One more...... :passitleft:

Love the work you put into these lovely ladies. The reward will be 10 fold for sure. Keep on doing what you do Sue. You have a beautiful garden.

Why thank you cannaruss. I sometimes look at the pictures and see a rag-tag gang surviving despite my efforts, so it's sweet to have the positive reinforcement.

And your girls made it through looking as healthy as ever from my screen at least. I was also interested to learn you use 2 marshydros 300's for flower that's what I'm using also

Ohioboy can't stop!! Ohioboy With Fast Buds - Let's See How Fast Exactly

Awwwww..... Thanks Ohioboy. :hug: Gee, I guess I should have more confidence in my abilities.

You guys know how to cheer a girl up. :hug: :love:

This helped too. :laughtwo:

Earlier this week I was gifted this beautiful wax, possibly the smoothest stuff I've ever smoked.


It had me feeling pretty special that I had a friend who thinks of me when he produces wax, that in the back of his mind when he makes a particularly sweet batch he thinks "Susan would appreciate this" and then he gets it to me. Tell me life isn't a joyful ride. :laughtwo:

Then today I got this gift.


Dark Devil Auto seeds from another friend who loves the strain as much as I do but also loves the adventure of breeding. His last attempt garnered thousands of seeds. He thought I might enjoy growing some. Hehe!

Next to what I'm smoking right now, a mixture of DDA3 and DDA2. Mmmmmm........




Beautiful seeds. I'll be growing them for quite a while. Makes me sad I just planted one. Now I'll have to wait......... OR I could start one in an azalea pot and grow it on the veg shelf just to see what I get. Hmmmm....... That sounds too tempting to pass up.

Daily Update : Thursday, November 10, 2016

Good evening everyone. :love: What a lovely day this turned out to be. :battingeyelashes: :love: Let's see what's going on in all these spaces I insist on maintaining. :laughtwo:

Tonight let's start our stroll with the veg shelf. Everyone here, excepting the HB Kit Carnival clone, got a kelp foliar.


Everyone looks wonderfully happy up close and personal. Lots of growth getting ready to explode out on the smaller clones that just got transplanted. Nice greening up going on too, a sight for sore eyes, I'll tell you. It'd be nice, standing on this very public stage, to be able to demonstrate a smattering of understanding for what we all do here :straightface:


Around the corner and into the tiny closet, you see the DDA4 is still standing. Yeah...... I slept in this morning, so she got another day. I stood and checked her out closely again today because her fans haven't turned at all, and that's one of the indicators that this strain is nearing the harvest window. There's no denying that the trichomes are going straight from clear to amber, or in the case of this strain, purple. She has to come down. I can't have this much amber in my trichomes.





I'll take her in the morning. Knowing that I took the time to remove the fans. Sticky, sticky work. :laughtwo:


I can tell you she's not holding four ounces. I'm thinking closer to two, another indicator that it's time for a new pot of soil.


The leaves got washed, ridding them of the pesky mites. That water got promptly dumped. These will dry and go into the freezer for some future edible adventure.


The broken pieces. :cheesygrinsmiley:


The new pot gets the DDA seed I just dropped. I want that one growing in this new pot of soil under this light. :slide: I'll plant the other in the azalea pot.


Off to the tents!

My tent full of Carnival. :battingeyelashes: :love:



Carnival # 2 (Day 107, flip + 27, CAT +2)


Starting to develop the frosting we all strive for. She'll get a Brix/Way Ahead in the morning. It was supposed to be today but sleep won out instead. :cheesygrinsmiley:


Carn1 clone 1 (Day 34, flip +2)


Carn1 clone 2 (Day 34, flip +2)



Next door we have the auto tent.



I hung the guide string and got the pots the right distance from the light. This is one of those things I need to pay closer attention to. :straightface:

Breathe girl, and let yourself be human already. :laughtwo:


Train Wreck Auto (Day 20)


Carn1 clone 4 (Day 28)


Still waiting.


That's the brood for today. Thank you kindly for stopping by. Now on with the joyful expression that is your day. I'm gonna make myself put the iPad down for a while and find some food and catch a serious buzz. I'll be running into some of you later when I get back to the threads. Until then.......


I've been researching botanical teas and teas meant to boost the performance of living organic soils used for growing cannabis and came across some very interesting ones on another site where they roll things up, that I'll be working on producing and documenting in the coming days. It was put together back in 2012 by one nick17gar, to whom I will be forever indebted.

I had some banana peels laying around so I whipped up this one to go with the other concoctions I've already made.

Banana Peel Tea.


Origin: Bananas. Cheap to make, eat the banana, use the peels.
Provides: Strong Potassium Boost. Ideal for flowering.
Preparation: After selecting 4 bananas, and eating the insides, place the 4 peels into a pot, with 4 cups of water (1L). You can also add in 2 tablespoons of molasses. Bring to a boil. Let boil for 5 minutes.



Remove the peels and cool. Place in glass jars for storage.

Application: Mix this 1 part banana goop to 2 parts water. Use every 2 weeks.


This side of the fridge is becoming a repository for cannabis amendments. I have the jar of reconstituted kelp meal with a bottle of kelp wash for foliars and the jar of comfrey soak I use for watering as well as this banana tea. I can see a need for reorganizing my fridge in the near future. :laughtwo: At least half the space in here is storing cannabis-related things. Lol!
I can see a need for reorganizing my fridge in the near future. :laughtwo: At least half the space in here is storing cannabis-related things.
I'm a little surprised. You obviously need to get organized and get rid of whatever all that non-cannabis stuff is. You can do it Sue! :thumb:
Making LABS (lactobacillus serum): an ongoing project

I have the separation I'm watching for. That took six days in my setting. Now I'll siphon out the middle layer and dilute it in milk.


The formula is 1 part wash to 10 parts milk. You're drowning the bacteria in milk to favor the lactobacillus.


You want an anaerobic atmosphere. I achieve this with a layer of plastic wrap placed in such a way as to force out the extra air.


Now it sits until the curds separate. That should be another week. Then magic happens. :cheesygrinsmiley:

A Study in Contrast

DDA2 on top, DDA3 below


They both look like they're in flames to me, just in their own individual ways. :laughtwo:
HARVEST: Dark Devil Auto 4, Day 80

I stayed up for most of the night. For the first time I fell asleep right before my scheduled harvest time, so I got a later start. :laughtwo:


Another really dark one. :cheesygrinsmiley:



I should expect an ounce and a half dry. Time to amend the soil. I've been studying and gathering supplies. I need vermicompost and EWC before I mix anymore soils. That can't happen until my deposit hits the account on Wednesday. I should be back in the soil-making business by next weekend.








The replacement.


The replacement soil, awaiting the sprouted seed. I'll pull the old pot today, clean the area out thoroughly and get everything ready to go for the next run.



Dark Devil Auto hanging. All's right in the world. :slide:

Get out there people. Be joyful. :battingeyelashes: :green_heart:

Nice work Sue. I still can't believe how dark these are...

I bet your kitchen smell lovely :)
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