The Perpetual Healing Garden - SweetSue's Joyful Return

Hey there SS - on the small pot thing. I use small pots with autos all the time - 3gal and under. The plants are not alive long enough to up-take all the nutrients in the soil. Regs different story..

Make the micro-herd happy... you already know that! Re-fresh them with a EWC tea... try an ounce of ground malted barley in with the EWC tea.. only aerate for 24 hours (very important).. mix that in with water and feed the whole lot. Give the Claw Sisters some extra.

The high N tea works but you have to be careful. Too much N in the soil and your roots will decompose! Think anaerobic bacteria. I generally dilute all my teas with water.

Don't forget that you have a lot of plants, if 1 or 2 look sickly or are not performing, cull and move on. Your space under the lights is high rent... runts are not worthy... sorry.

I come from outdoor gardening where we cull more that grow. It's life ... one dead plant feeds 10. Compost FTW. Don't get frustrated with what I'm saying, please. Not meant for that. I know you can't have a compost pile YET. I get it but under performing plants cause other issues, trust me, it's not worth it. Don't go pulling out plants ... just FYI to keep you thinking green.

I've got a few males from some seedlings I'm running... they get the heave hoe... eventually. I actually like to treat the ladies in the flower tent to some male hormones.. leave the male in there for several days, the ladies go crazy... then bam chop and drop. Life goes on. There's no need for all those balls! hahaha

Hahaha! I like the way you think BB. :laughtwo:

Please don't ever be concerned that I'll take offense. I'm only wanting to learn to do this part of my obsession better, so I appreciate any and all input. You're my LOS hero BB. You can tell me anything you want.

I hear you on the sad plants, and thank you for the encouragement with the small pots. I tried this before, but didn't tpstick with it long enough to figure it out with LOS. As you point out, I may be better to run autos in the smaller pots. I have an unending supply of auto seeds, so I may well consider this as a way to get more grown.

My plans on the teas is to consistently add small amounts. Very diluted, but continuous.
brownies send me to another stratosphere. Last ones I ate I had to cuddle up to my wife and her tell me everything was going to be ok. It was like I was a 12 year old child again scared and excited at the same time., Super good stuff if its done correctly. Enjoy your buzz Sue, I will be thinking about you.
Daily Update: Monday, November 7, 2016

bobrown14 and I were discussing Conradino's high brix plants and the possibility that they grow that well in part because Italy used to be a sea bed, which suggests that limestone can be found in the river waters. He made a good point and there's nothing detrimental about adding small amounts of limestone to my own watering system. We'll get to see what benefit this provides.


The soil in Italy has lots of volcanic minerals in it. It is essentially very similar make up wise to what we get in the kit. You'll also remember tails of phenomenal Hawaiian or Jamaican weed. Remember both of those places are basically extinct volcanos. There's a reason the weed grown there is phenomenal. It's already growing naturally in high brix soil.

Sent from this funny device I carry around and still call a phone even though I hardly ever make calls with it.
What is the saying again? Minerals, mycos and magic.

Happy Day Sue. :ciao:

Yes it is, and I need to remember that one of my goals was to find a way to replicate that with my LOS in smaller pots.

Ahhh..... Good morning keltic. :hug: You've caught me in an introspective mood. The entire enterprise hinges on a successful grow. It's time to once again pay closer attention to the small details. I got a little distracted there. I accept that I get away with a lot because I'm cute and I'm loving. But I'm here to grow top-quality medicine for more than just myself. That's a responsibility that's beginjing to hit home as I see the increasing benefits to my daughter and my friend.

Today, on my way out I'm dropping off a small container of pain cream to another friend whose mother has begun to depend on it for her back pain. I'll be making more shortly, this is a stopgap delivery because I haven't made any for her yet.

And that's when it hit me that I've accepted the responsibility for these few people, that pain cream of any quality begins with high-quality flowers and I was the person charged with that part of the equation. There's no way any of these people could either grow their own or procure these meds in any store. So I need to grow better flowers. I need to grow bigger and more of them. I'm considering the many ways I've approached this and the resources I have on hand. I'm headed out to the river walk to give it some deeper thought before I begin putting it to paper for a broader view.

I'm close to the flow I'm looking for. I need to solve some soil issues and make some decisions about spaces.

In the meantime...... This is a plant in need of more root space. The soil is scheduled to be done tomorrow. Can anyone offer me a solid reason why I couldn't jump ahead one day and do that transplant today?


This is a plant hoping everyone says "Do it now Susan!"


Also, how soon after the transplant, which will include her first CAT, can I apply the Brix/Way Ahead?

Do I want to do a TransWater at the transplant and make the next one the CAT? I'm uncomfortable transplanting with the CATs so close. Any new soil isn't primed for the CAT. This is what makes me think upcanning her may be a mistake.

Any thoughts, gentlemen?

I really have to be out the door. I'm an hour behind. :laughtwo:

Do I want to do a TransWater at the transplant and make the next one the CAT? I'm uncomfortable transplanting with the CATs so close. Any new soil isn't primed for the CAT. This is what makes me think upcanning her may be a mistake.

Any thoughts, gentlemen?

I really have to be out the door. I'm an hour behind. :laughtwo:

I don't generally like to transplant during flower. You might stress her a bit. If you have to, IMHO, i would use transplant and liberal amounts of de-stress and give her her CAT next week. But see what others have to say. :circle-of-love::peace:
And that's when it hit me that I've accepted the responsibility for these few people, that pain cream of any quality begins with high-quality flowers and I was the person charged with that part of the equation. There's no way any of these people could either grow their own or procure these meds in any store. So I need to grow better flowers. I need to grow bigger and more of them. I'm considering the many ways I've approached this and the resources I have on hand. I'm headed out to the river walk to give it some deeper thought before I begin putting it to paper for a broader view.

Phosphorous (P) - increases number of flowers

Potassium (K) - increases weight/density of flowers

Timing when the plant is able to use increased levels is something that is learned or intuitively known.

Flowering plants prefer lower humidity levels and last 2-3 weeks perhaps target 25%

Huh...I think I got that right. I can't help you with the transplant/timing thing. I never walked that path.

This is an upcan from 10 gals to 15? A couple things to consider ...

You realize that there isn't going to be a lot of room to stuff the extra 5 gallons into ... ? It'll be tighter than you'd think.

You should be careful about how moist the new soil gets. If it were me, I'd pre-moisten the new soil to greasy-skin level, and not water it in - just leave it moist like that. The current soil is already plenty wet.

When you pull the rootball, you may find that it isn't well developed and may fall apart around the edges. That'll give you more room for new soil but it'll also cause some transplant shock.

And if you're going to do it, today would be as good a day as any. :cheesygrinsmiley:

i would be terrified that bud growth would slow down dramatically with the transplant this late,but then again ive never transplanted one this late. Heck, I was worried when I transplanted mine right at the flip. I am confident you will make a wise and just decision Sue. You go girl!!

First off....Jim... :hug: Thank you.

Thank you as well cannaruss. That's my chief concern as well, and she's already struggling with some unidentified challenge. I'm leaning towards leaving her go on as she is.

supergroomer, you make a compelling argument, but I'm not certain another week would make all that much difference. It's not like I can expect her to bounce back into the picture of peak health at this late stage, is it? I'm on my way to an appointment downtown I almost forgot about, obsessing over my garden. :laughtwo: When I get home I'll take a good look at her, but my gut says she's set those buds and now it's time to potentiate the process with a CAT.
I forgot the Cat/Trans question. :hmmmm:

Keeping in mind that I do Cat later than most, so I wouldn't feel rushed ... if you're thinking how to be sure the cation sites are loaded, lemme think ...

Ok, so the biota break down the minerals in the first place and yours seem to be unhappy, so we could assume that your sites aren't well-loaded now. If we want to boost biota activity, we use Tea for the biota and DeStress foliar to tweak the root exudates. The plant clearly doesn't need N so that rules out GE until the new growth goes lime green. That leaves the question of Trans and/or Cat, and when.

I'd put off the Cat drench. I'd pre-moisten the new soil with Trans/Tea, do the upcan with a DeStress foliar with WA, and wait and hope for spikey new growth. If that happens, do a Brix/WA foliar with Transwater, followed by the Cat drenches.

Dunno. Something along those lines. Ideally, you want the new soil to boost metabolism enough to balance the old soil. Then the biota can get back to work doing what they do.
This is an upcan from 10 gals to 15? A couple things to consider ...

You realize that there isn't going to be a lot of room to stuff the extra 5 gallons into ... ? It'll be tighter than you'd think.

You should be careful about how moist the new soil gets. If it were me, I'd pre-moisten the new soil to greasy-skin level, and not water it in - just leave it moist like that. The current soil is already plenty wet.

When you pull the rootball, you may find that it isn't well developed and may fall apart around the edges. That'll give you more room for new soil but it'll also cause some transplant shock.

And if you're going to do it, today would be as good a day as any. :cheesygrinsmiley:


I think I'm crazy to try to go through all that for a measly five additional gallons of soil. Like you point out Graytail, there's not gonna be that much more space from 10 to 15 gallons. I'm gonna let her ride in this soil and give her the rest of her Recharge and the CAT today.
I forgot the Cat/Trans question. :hmmmm:

Keeping in mind that I do Cat later than most, so I wouldn't feel rushed ... if you're thinking how to be sure the cation sites are loaded, lemme think ...

Ok, so the biota break down the minerals in the first place and yours seem to be unhappy, so we could assume that your sites aren't well-loaded now. If we want to boost biota activity, we use Tea for the biota and DeStress foliar to tweak the root exudates. The plant clearly doesn't need N so that rules out GE until the new growth goes lime green. That leaves the question of Trans and/or Cat, and when.

I'd put off the Cat drench. I'd pre-moisten the new soil with Trans/Tea, do the upcan with a DeStress foliar with WA, and wait and hope for spikey new growth. If that happens, do a Brix/WA foliar with Transwater, followed by the Cat drenches.

Dunno. Something along those lines. Ideally, you want the new soil to boost metabolism enough to balance the old soil. Then the biota can get back to work doing what they do.

Sometimes the timing of the posts gets in the way, doesn't it? I wish I'd found this one before I went ahead with the first CAT today, but it's ancient history this time.

She's obviously got the buds set, which puts her right on time for the CAT, but I'm hoping I didn't complicate things by doing the CAT now instead of later. She's gonna do what she's gonna do now.

Graytail, the WA can be used with DeStress? I thought this was only to be used with Brix?

I have more clones coming along. I'll keep trying until I get this right. Time for an update.
Daily Update: Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Good evening everyone. :love: Join me in a stroll through the grow spaces?

I gave Carnival #2 another mild shot of Recharge, Roots, EWC and fresh soil. I took the time to work more soil into the edges of the pot, to get every bit of the pot filled, and then watered it all in with her first CAT. I considered waiting on the CAt, but it's obvious from my vantage point that she's at the perfect time for that first drench. I'd be happier if we knew what we could do to get the soil straightened out, but she's still building flowers and that's all I can ask for at this point. Next run I'll improve.


I upcanned the two largest clones and tossed them into the tent with her. At this point the tent transforms into a flowering tent, and will stay as such from now on. The clone shelf can become the veg area that feeds both tents.



Clone #4 got moved to the auto tent to veg until space opens with the harvest of Carn2.

The auto tent.



Train Wreck Auto (Day 18) She's taking her good old time getting that next node to open up enough to get her topped. It should have happened almost a week ago. No movement from her at all. She must be growing monster roots.


Still waiting.


Carn1 clone 4 (Day 26) You just know she's gonna love all this root space.


Dark Devil Auto 4 (Day 77). I pulled the loupe out and she's starting to go amber. I'll let her go just a couple more days, but I'm figuring take her on Thursday or Friday.



I gotta get one of those usb cameras so I can get the trichome shots I want.



The clone shelf, now designated as the veg area. Everything in here got watered with TransWater. I had it mixed, so why not?

I still need to decide what I'm gonna do with the damaged LOS Carn 1 clones. I'll likely cull them, but I'll be pulling them out tomorrow to take a closer look and see if it's worth the time to upcan them. Everything else under here has a need for extensive veg time. Emerald is stable, giving me hope that I might not kill her. :laughtwo:


I've decided to make this one (Carn 1, clone 3: Day 29) a mother. I'll be trimming clones in a few days. There's some nice possibilities staring at me.


That's the tour. Hope you enjoyed the stroll. Thanks for stopping and sharing in the joy. Now get out there and spread that joy around a little. Grab a hug if you have that option. Hugs are healing forces in their own right. Can't get enough of them. :hug::hug::hug::hug::hug: See? :hug::hug::hug::hug::hug:

I have a meditation to get to and then I think I'll do some strolling through your gardens. Until then.....



This is one will go into a fresh pot of soil in the tiny closet.
1:28 AM. I had an Early Miss brownie at 8 PM and then complicated that arrangement with some gifted wax I couldn't resist. :laughtwo:

Methinks SweetSue might not be a good fit for a slow-me-down indica. :laughtwo:

At 12:45 AM I decided to give the clones a kelp foliar.



All back in place, a little better positioned under the lights.


I diluted the sludge that filtered out and lovingly applied it to Train Wreck. Get those nodes spaced out already!

Now the house smells like I'm at the seashore. :laughtwo:
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