TheDude1337 First Grow In Soil: 5 Strains

I think I solved my drying issues for the foreseeable future. I made a drying box that I can hang in my tent. I will take one of my two air intakes and stick it into the bottom of the box when I hang it. I also picked up some paper bags so that I can do the low and slow method. This way I can have some right away (patience) and compare it to the low and slow method. It may look like crap, but it should work and that is all that matters. I don't win any bonus points for looks.

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I broke down and did another Seedsman order. I will update with picture of my seed haul in another week or two depending upon when it arrives. After this I should have enough seeds to last me well over 4 years. I also contacted Seedsman to ensure order accuracy and they said they would include the bitcoin bonus pack and an extra 3 seeds because of their mistake in processing it last time around. I will wait to post the bonus seeds as sometimes they have to replace them with other genetics and that is totally acceptable.

This is what I ordered
Barneys Farm: Pineapple Express Auto (3)
Seedsman: Skunk #1 Auto (3)
Seedsman: Lemon Auto (3)
V Elementum: Mix Auto (10)

I was hesitant to order the V Elementum Mix because the genetics are random. I couldn't argue at the price for 10 seeds and when I start to experiment with other growing mediums I don't want to lose a plant that I'm excited about. So those seeds will be my testers, and best case scenario is I end up with some nice buds out of it. This should bring my total number of seeds to 70.That gives me enough seeds for almost 20 grow cycles, and enough variety that I can keep doing something new and fun.
Day 72 Update
Watered the girls last night, gave them all a good feed except for the White Widow. I just gave her a small amount of water because I had about a litre left. While she continues to brown up top, the White Widow has better colour throughout today. She looks happier than she did yesterday, but it will still be a few days before I know if the change in pots helped. Every day I keep waking up expecting to see cloudy trichomes on the Amnesia, and every day I'm left waiting. Today I noticed about half are now cloudy. So that made my morning. She has only been above ground for 63 days because it took her 9 days to germinate. I was thinking about chopping her once about half of the trichomes started to become cloudy. The reasoning behind that the Pineapple Kush should supply enough of a sedative like effect, and I picked this strain to be a more uplifting plant. I'll have to weigh the pros and cons of chopping her today for a few hours. I really wasn't expecting to see that many cloudy trichomes today. It went from 10% to 50% literally overnight.

- Clear Trichomes give a more uplifting high
- Bought this strain for the uplifting qualities
- Makes space in my tent
- Gives me something to do

- Could add more weight
- Hasn't reached peak THC Levels

Pineapple Kush
White Widow
Amnesia Auto
I will be giving her the chop here in about 15 minutes. I inspected every bud on her and she is between 50% and 80% cloudy at this point. I have the time today to chop her and trim her. Otherwise I'll be waiting until next Monday and I am not sure that would be a prudent decision. I'll post pictures from the Amnesia Harvest later today.
Harvest Report: Amnesia Auto
The last of my seeds to sprout was the first to be chopped. I could have let her go a bit longer, but finding a couple of hours to trim bud wasn't on my schedule until next week. So impatience got the best of me, but such is life. I'm excited about the results, and relatively pleased with the final wet weight. My goal with my entire grow (5 plants) was to get 3oz. This I felt was achievable and realistic given my history of not having a green thumb. Well, I can now say I've grown something successfully.

I germinated this seed 72 days ago, and she didn't sprout until day 9. This is what she looked like when she broke ground.

She was smaller than my other plants through vegetation

once she hit puberty though, she quickly became my favourite

Fast forward to today, and her run of growth has come to an end. I got some good trim off of her, lots of little popcorn nugs that I just chopped up instead of pruning. I put the trim in the freezer, as I will be adding the trim from all 5 plants to the bag and then making bubble hash.
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The nugs that went into drying had to be weighed. A total wet weight of 158g
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Finally I had to hang the girls in my drying box and put her into my tent. Sorry about the blurple in the last picture.
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Now I wait 3 days to see how well this stuff dries out. I'll update with a drying report and a smoke report on Friday hopefully. What a fun ride it has been, it has been nice to start a new hobby. I still have 4 weeks left on my schedule for my other plants. So I will keep on posting in this journal until they are done.
Day 73 Update
The harvest took a while to complete yesterday, but overall it went smoothly. Now I have some room in my tent. Nothing to do today with the girls except to snap a picture. I have the Amnesia Auto drying in a box in the closet right now. Last night I vaped the scissor hash and it was an enjoyable experience. While I was clearly high, I was very alert. It was an enjoyable experience and I'm looking forward to sampling her buds. No backdrop for photos today, I was in a bit of a rush this morning.

Pineapple Kush
White Widow
Amnesia Auto Drying Update
After 36 hours of drying she has dropped just over 100g of water weight. The buds are still a bit sticky and have between 24 and 36 hours left of drying before I put her into cure. Really kind of shocking how much those buds shrink, though she didn't have really dense buds to being with. Still hoping that the scale reads over 30g when all is said and done.


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Day 74 Update
Another day with not much to do. I miss having the Amnesia Auto in the tent as she had a strong smell. The rest of the girls right now are just starting to develop an odor. The Pineapple Kush is developing some nice looking buds up top. The White Widow was stunted for sure. There is new growth now though, so I think she has turned the corner. The Critical right now looks like she has the most bud sites on her, the Euphoria is a close 2nd.

Pineapple Kush
White Widow
Day 74 Update
Another day with not much to do. I miss having the Amnesia Auto in the tent as she had a strong smell. The rest of the girls right now are just starting to develop an odor. The Pineapple Kush is developing some nice looking buds up top. The White Widow was stunted for sure. There is new growth now though, so I think she has turned the corner. The Critical right now looks like she has the most bud sites on her, the Euphoria is a close 2nd.

Pineapple Kush
White Widow
Haha. I miss my girls too man! Got a seed planted in the tent but that’s pretty freaking boring! Lol. Great job on all the girls so far!
Day 76 Update
Sorry for a lack of update yesterday, there wasn't much to report and I only checked in on them once in the afternoon after the day period had started. I have some time this morning prior to going out as a family so I thought I would update. The White Widow continues to look sick, she had completely dried out as of this morning and got fed with fresh PH'd water and CAMG+. I hope that helps bring her around. The Critical and Pineapple Kush are starting to smell a bit more so I switched everyone to the KoolBloom powder. Hopefully that helps with bulking up at this point. The Amnesia Auto had completely dried so she has been moved into a jar to cure. I'll update more about her down below.

Pineapple Kush
White Widow
Amnesia Auto
The final tally is in at 30g. Just over an ounce from an Auto that was harvested early. I'm very happy with this result.

What has shocked me here is many people report that their pot smells like hay after being harvested. This strain does not smell like hay. I was expecting a lighter smell after drying, but she still smells to high heaven. After putting her in a jar overnight and opening it this morning, the smell is almost like smelling baked cookies. It is very sweet, and sugary in nature. Though there is another odor there that I can't put my finger on.

Smoke Report
I put some of her into my Utillian 420 last night. Had a small amount to myself, and I can safely say that it got me high, Very high actually. I was surprisingly energetic and euphoric. I felt the need to smile, and giggle even though I was laying in bed trying to read a book. I couldn't really focus on the book, so I eventually put that down and worked on writing. Put down some general ideas on things I'd like to collect data on for a potential paper. It was rather enjoyable. Then I fell asleep and woke up surprisingly refreshed. Overall, I'm very pleased with her. Though I will need to try her out with some people that smoke this stuff daily to get a real idea of the quality of the plant.
Day 77 Update
11 weeks ago I germinated these seeds. I oddly scheduled this grow to last 3 more weeks, and it looks like that might be the case. The White Widow continues to struggle, but is adding bud size now. The Pineapple Kush doesn't look all that impressive, but her bud sites are growing thicker than the rest. The Euphoria hasn't filled in as much as I thought she would this week, but I just switched them to the powdered KoolBloom. The Critical continues to look good, but is starting to run into spacing issues so I might have to pull some branches out later this week.

Pineapple Kush
White Widow
Day 78 Update
Another day done, nothing much to report. I'll be feeding them again tonight as they are very light. The White Widow appears to be recovering a bit. Buds on the Pineapple Kush are very dense. The Euphoria plant has a couple really odd looking buds. We will see how they develop over the next 3 weeks.

Pineapple Kush
White Widow
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