Todd's 2X4 Growing

Day 26

This compost tea
1/4 cup Gaia green worm castings
1teaspoon Gaia green 4-4-4
1 tablespoon blackstrap molasses
1 gallon distilled water

Has been brewing for 20 hours at time of pic has small pump with two airlines

I’m concerned with the lack of froth developed with it so far I’m thinking it’s a lack of air I might get another one of the pumps


Inside the tent I’ve seen less gnats flying around however if I disturb the soil I can see they are still around I did a light re dusting of the DE kinda saw it killing some gnats in real time I think the DE getting on the leaves is causing some rust like spots that or soil contact

With the plants we are still waiting on them little auxiliary branches to shoot up I can see they are just barely starting this is the 4th day of LST

I may use topping on this plant aswell as the LST might wait for the auxiliary branches to become abit more dominant

Did a slight spray on leaves which probably neutralized some of the DE but eh planned on watering today anyway can see the auxiliary branches starting to shoot up

This one isn’t doing as well as the sheeesh I feel but is still responding fair to the training it’s not sure if I want to incorporate topping with this one

I’ve got the Oreoz bent over you can see the auxiliaries at the bottom wanting to come up

Day 29
This day makes 1week since we started LST
Yesterday day 28 I top dressed the plants
With between 2-3tablespoons Gaia green 4-4-4 per plant and 1tablespoon worm castings

Watered them in with ph water

I also got a 3rd hygrometer this one I got out the store and it isn’t thermpro brand after leaving this in tubberware with a bottle cap of salt and water I got 74 percent after 24 hours which is only 1 percent off from the 75percent RH target for the test so this is probably the most accurate I’ve got it hanging above what will be the canopy might finally be around the low to mid 60s for tent RH

Ive been adjusting the landscape staples im using to train kind of looping the NFS and Ice cold around the pots

We’re hoping it they branch out enough in the next 20 days to flip to flower

This one I still believe is growing out the best the auxiliary branches still have work to do hopefully they are taking shape by next week I don’t think it should take more than 2weeks of this LST to see results if things are going well

Ice cold
Not doing bad here don’t think it’s as happy as the NFS

I took one fan leaf off this girl the light color around the edge of leaves is getting worse hopefully whatever it is was addressed in the top dressing I feel like as all the DE I added is watered in and broken down should give lots of calcium as it’s ground up bones and shells I’ll probably add some magnesium to the next watering and hopefully this clears up

The 2nd batch I popped have reached day 9 or 10

Day 32

Not sure what I keep doing wrong with these plants but more stunted growth is all I keep getting

The plants haven’t branched out even a little with about 2 weeks lst I’ve watched hundreds of hours of people bending plants just like i did and the branches are growing out by now

Overwatered almost 3 weeks ago don’t think that has happened since been giving about half a liter water into 1gal pots

RH IS 55-65 maybe a few higher and lower spikes

Perhaps its temps which can be 81-83 lights on fan off
Or 73-75 lights on fan On

I imagine it might drop into high 60s with fan on lights off that could be a problem

Ph I didn’t really PH the teas after brewing all the plain waterings were around 6-6.6 I might water to runoff next just to check the medium

4-4-4 top dressing like 3-4 days ago didn’t see much signs of nute deficiency other than light edges on the oreoz I know the DE and soil have made some of the leaves look bad

Pretty much nothing going on

PRETTY much nothing



The seedlings seem to be doing alright
They are on day 13 two sets of true leaves working on the third

I think I’m gonna scratch the salt and gypsum and just use cal mag

They were all praying but I checked how the roots were doing agitated the plants some assume they will be back normal tomorrow the root growth didn’t look great for day 13 so I’ll probably keep them in these small containers throughout week 3 aswell see if they fill these out more


Ice cold2
This one got a bitch stretchy

Oreoz 2

Day 33
I decided to re pot the plants today
Those in 1 gallon just went into new one gallon pots and the seedlings are in quart size containers they are just in happy frog soil didn’t anything other than myco and perlite plus the h202 spray

I think there may have been some root rot or something the medium smelled like rotten potatoes I sprayed pretty much everything with a water hydrogen peroxide mix including the roots and new medium got the stems and leaves too

These are the sheeesh roots

This is the ice cold

Didn’t get pics of Oreoz or seedlings roots

I cleaned and bleached the tent and rearrange my fans for better airflow

Plan on letting these dry way out and hopefully the gnats are gone

Also hoping now that pretty much everything is dialed in that in 2weeks after they adjust to transplant we have good growth and maybe after 56 days we can flip flower we are on 33 today​
Day 42

When I transplanted I let the plants dry back too far causing many fan leaves to die however most of them were already damaged earlier.

The dry back didn’t have that big of an effect all the leaves that died were getting picked off eventually anyway.

9 days since transplant and 5 days of LST these seem to be growing good more like how they should.

When i transplanted I took the stakes off therefore interrupting the LST process for 4 days.

Have been using distilled water and h202 along as sticky traps haven’t really noticed any gnats in tent since day 34-35

I haven’t added anything to the happy frog soil other than extra perlite and myco I should have some ‘botanicare cal mag’ arriving today probably will add that once every week or 2

I would say of the 6 weeks these have beeen growing they were probably stunted 3 of those weeks
And they kinda look how I imagined they would around week 3-4 hopefully things stay stable and growth is normal to harvest from here.
despite this being my 3rd grow I would say it was probably my worst attempt at veg mainly due to the gnats and the initial steps I took to get rid of them there also was my first time bottom watering where I had the soil absorb to much water.

this one seems to be bouncing back pretty good auxiliary branches are growing out

Ice cold

This one is finally growing at a good rate nice to see it not lagging way behind the others

The seedlings are on day 23 however were stunted the 2nd week for the same reasons as older plants so it’s more like 16 days of growth

They are bouncing back well too​
NFS (back) ICE COLD (middle) OREOZ (front)
Day 44
Plants are continuing to stay happy
Had to add more stakes to continue training this is what I thought the process would be like the first time around all we needed was fresh soil

They are still just in happy frog and have had one watering with calmag two days ago probably going to let them go 21 days atleast before adding much nutrients might try one more tea before flower they have been in the new 1gal pots for 11 days as of now

THIS will be the results of 1 week 7 days of LST the first 4 days post transplant we just let them be think this shows me things. Are dialed in now

This one is growing pretty well branching out good it’s very tough doesn’t want to stay down had to use multiple stakes to keep the main top

Before readjusting LST


ICE cold
This one is branching out fair aswell the way it’s growing I saw fit to start training down some of the auxiliary branches that had been growing out with the main top bent I’m monitoring the leaves color still seems a bit iffy

Before readjusting LST


THIS ugly girl having a glow u p

It’s branching out well think it’s got one of the better structure with how I got it set up training

Before readjusting LST


The seedlings in quart containers are still doing well too think I may put one outside when the roots fill the zone these are on day 25 probably lost a week to 10 days of growth due to the whole suffocating the medium thing not as bad as the more developed plants those probably have lost 21 days of growth



Things are greening up nicely!!! Read through journal, reminds me of me 10 years ago and 18 months ago when i got back into growing. I have a problem over loving these dam plants. And have had problems overwatering. Ive found sip buckets, and they've upped my grow game immensely. Went from harvesting 3-5ozs in my 2x4, to averaging 10-12oz per harvest. Like your setup and ill be following. Also i went through the whole compost tea thing, and it wasnt for me. So now i just amend my soil b4 transplanting, with appropriate ratios of veg and bloom 2tbsp/gal of soil. I also add ewc, rice hulls or perilite, and some times alfalfa meal if i have any. Then when i transplant, i just water in with some recharge and liquid kelp.
Look into sip container they'll help you get the fat buds your looking for.
Sorry im a ranter!!! 😂
Things are greening up nicely!!! Read through journal, reminds me of me 10 years ago and 18 months ago when i got back into growing. I have a problem over loving these dam plants. And have had problems overwatering. Ive found sip buckets, and they've upped my grow game immensely. Went from harvesting 3-5ozs in my 2x4, to averaging 10-12oz per harvest. Like your setup and ill be following. Also i went through the whole compost tea thing, and it wasnt for me. So now i just amend my soil b4 transplanting, with appropriate ratios of veg and bloom 2tbsp/gal of soil. I also add ewc, rice hulls or perilite, and some times alfalfa meal if i have any. Then when i transplant, i just water in with some recharge and liquid kelp.
Look into sip container they'll help you get the fat buds your looking for.
Sorry im a ranter!!! 😂
Welcome welcome to the grow rants welcomed aswell im gonna give some thought to the self watering thing might integrate for the next grow
Day 47

Think the plants are still doing well. We will have to see where they are in 4 more days at the 2week mark as far as LST goes I think things might be on track to flip around day 60-67 aiming to be able to set a trellis up.

Have been maintaining temps of 74-82
RH 54-67 trying to aim for 55-60 at this point in the grow

We have seen a couple gnats since last update but I think things are fine in. That area.

This one is by far responding the best to LST so far the branches being trained are getting thick and strong especially on the main cola which I use 2-3 stakes to hold down. However of course as I was thinking to myself “wow this one is doing the best with LST. I don’t think I’ll top this one” I accidentally snapped of the top of the main cola unfortunate asf but no biggie

Ice cold
This one is doing ok with LST would prefer to use topping here I think the new growth is showing less signs of deficiency

This one was seemingly the best responder to LST but the NFS surpassed it

These photos are from day 46 showing 9 days of LST​
The seedlings I say are entering veg today with it being day 28 minus 1 week of stunted growth

These are now all outdoors won’t have space for 6 plants in the tent come flower

These girls seem to be loving the outdoors despite it being hot as hell you can’t beat sunlight when the sun is up they are all praying beautifully

I’ll have to get some pics when sunrise but here they are

you can also see some dying or dead marigolds I got for free trying to bring back aswell as some tomatoes and peppers​

Front ice. Cold, middle oreoz, back NFSHEEESH


Looking great!!! Dam i wish i could grow outdoors. 1 crop a year is all i need.
Man I know looking at some of the huge ass trees I’ve seen people grow I imagine it must be heaven trying to keep these outta sight outta mind for the most part going for maybe 4ft tall bushes can’t beat natural sunlight and rainfall
Here are some daylight pics of the. Outdoor girls
Man are they loving it thought there may be some shock from taking them indoors to out with out a transition period but seem fine

Since today makes 2weeks since I transplanted to these quart containers I was going to transplant these to 1gal but the soil is to moist if it dries out before sunset I’ll go head and transplant today

Ice cold


Here is a Cayenne long slim pepper plant with 3 growing

Plan on using the outdoor and tomatoes +peppers to make some infused sauces

I’ve tried making edibles 3 times once I forgot to decarb and wasted a half ounce another time I did I right for the most part but didn’t strain the flower from butter for cookies and I didn’t let the cookies rest after baking so it tasted like eating weed I got more sick than high from that and I forget what went wrong the 3rd time hopefully 4th time is the charm​
I went ahead and got the outdoors transplanted to 1gal grow bags went flawlessly except I ran out of myco when I got to the oreoz will be ordering more for when I transplant to 5gal for in and outdoors

It’s been overcast most of the day but the girls are still happy

Front ice cold
right rear Oreoz
Top Bottom