Jay's Detailed Soilless Grow


Well-Known Member
Jay's Grow
Welcome, and thanks for stopping by! I am trying my hand at grow #2, and will try to pride myself with the quality and detail of this grow journal.


Grow Tent

- 3' x 3' x 6'

- 400w MH, to HPS for flower
- Cool Tube Design
- 18/6 veg. to 12/12 flower

Soilless Mix
- Jiffy Seed Starting Mix for seedlings
- Veg. will be a soilless mix, TBD

- 3 part liquid, Micro(5-0-1), Grow(2-1-6), Bloom(0-5-4)

- 4x Solo cups for seedlings
- 4x 3 Gallon fabric pots

- 2x Blue Cookies
(Girl Scout Cookies X Blueberry)
90% Indica

- 2x Hindu Kush
100% Indica

- Both claim a "high" THC level, anywhere from 17-27% according to my findings.

Significant Dates:
(To be updated through out grow)

March 30: Planted un-germinated seeds in Jiffy Peat Pellets

April 3: First signs of seedlings poking up

The Grow Room:


Been trying to correct a few issues I had last grow by playing around first this time. Was struggling to get any run off when watering... After playing around, come to realize I had the soil mix packed too tightly! This was likely effecting my roots too..

Also playing around with lowering the water ph with lemon juice (thanks @Canadianclstgrower). It comes out of my tap at around 6.6 most of the time :oops: I find in 1 liter of water, each drop of lemon juice drops the ph about 0.1 .
Been trying to correct a few issues I had last grow by playing around first this time. Was struggling to get any run off when watering... After playing around, come to realize I had the soil mix packed too tightly! This was likely effecting my roots too..

Also playing around with lowering the water ph with lemon juice (thanks @Canadianclstgrower). It comes out of my tap at around 6.6 most of the time :oops: I find in 1 liter of water, each drop of lemon juice drops the ph about 0.1 .
Ther you go the lemon is great completely natural and will not hurt your plants just keep it away from your leafs citric acid can strip the waxy coating (all ph downs have same kind of effect) otherwise it’s great and when it comes to packing down a soiless mix just enough to even out the top us all you need, and as long as you give a heafty watering between feeds run off in early stages is not as important just keep close attention to Ppms going in and ph you only have to test run off on one or two plants to get a good idea of what they need
Distilled water wouldn't hurt.. would be cheap at the start, when they still barely drink!

Quick update. Just noticed tiny roots sticking out of peat pellets. I moved 3 of 4 weeds to solo cups.


Also, the one in back left "Cookie" kept her seed shell on for a lonng time.. I forced the shell off with tweezers. From looks, it needed to be done and wasn't too early.
Distilled water wouldn't hurt.. would be cheap at the start, when they still barely drink!

Quick update. Just noticed tiny roots sticking out of peat pellets. I moved 3 of 4 weeds to solo cups.


Also, the one in back left "Cookie" kept her seed shell on for a lonng time.. I forced the shell off with tweezers. From looks, it needed to be done and wasn't too early.
Looking good and yea that happens sometimes best to do is gently remove let her have light, and yea I buy probably about 6gal a week for the size they are now I won’t hit much more than $15 by the end so it’s not too bad each gal about $1 at Walmart so it’s not like bank breaking and is definitely in my experience the water that works best for me
Couple quick things..

I can't seem to edit my older posts, to update learnings and watering schedule.. Maybe ya can't do that.

Second, when I came home today, the seed taking her sweet time had fallen over. I hope I didn't give her too much light too quick. I set my light closer (was 24" to start) to a height of 16", as I felt my seedlings were stretching. Since then, I have moved it up a couple inches again.

Watered the 3 good looking seedlings with 100mL each today. Not very much, but I'm taking things easy this time! Always letting the soil dry up before even thinking about water :)

Sounds like you got the watering down, anther good trick for seedlings is once or twice a day to mist them the will drink that 10x faster than their roots can atm and it could be the light seedlings will bend down away from a really strong light try backing it off just an inch or two or what I do is use tube bulbs for seedlings and clones those can practically be on top of them without burning, it also could be an RH thing really young seedlings like an Rh of around 75-80 using clone done works great
Sounds like you got the watering down, anther good trick for seedlings is once or twice a day to mist them the will drink that 10x faster than their roots can atm and it could be the light seedlings will bend down away from a really strong light try backing it off just an inch or two or what I do is use tube bulbs for seedlings and clones those can practically be on top of them without burning, it also could be an RH thing really young seedlings like an Rh of around 75-80 using clone done works great
You can also use clear solo cups over them melt a few small holes in the top for air transfer and mist the cup once or twice a day
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