Toucan Do It! Purple Cheesy Og-zie: A Dutch Seed Shop Grow By VG-zie!

Great job keeping those wenches under control

God knows it's hard sometimes, trust me I know

I'm only doing some light training. No quadding or anything like that.
Gotta flip before I run out of room. I already feel like I'm behind on it. They are 44 days old today.
Just need to green them up a tad first and make sure my mag problem has been dealt with.I guess that it will give me more time to train them.

I hear that you are difficult to control as well.
Sorry about the spill and glad parts of you are feeling better at least! Nice training and I'm sure that the changes you're making with the feed will straighten them out.

Maybe this will help out with your day, from over in my thread this morning:
What are you thinking? Lack of sulfur? They were a bit yellow a few weeks ago as well. I'm increasing the MC by .5gr/gal each feeding. Next will be 5.5gr/ gallon.
It looks like the start of an iron def. If it was sulfur it would be on the lower leaves. The newer leaves up top, and please verify, look like they are greener at the tips and a little yellow towards the stems. If so iron can't be fixed by adding supps, it's an uptake thing. You would need to drop your pH slightly around 6.0 and maybe even 5.8.
Should I back off the cal-mag a skosh as I increase the MC or just let it ride? The EC and the PP are pretty light green yet.
It's probably wise once you get to 5.5g to stop or back it off. Your plants are really sensitive to, well fucking everything, so you need to keep an eye closely on them when you drop the calmag.
I pulled the True Og out to take a better pic. This is what she looks like up top @MrSauga .
It was the entirety of the new growth that looked a bit light to me.
Sorry about the spill and glad parts of you are feeling better at least! Nice training and I'm sure that the changes you're making with the feed will straighten them out.

Maybe this will help out with your day, from over in my thread this morning:
What a sweetie. Dogs a numero uno in my book. All but six years of my life have been spent with them. I hope it stays that way. Feel like I can't be without one now.
Thanks VG. If it was light in color on the lower leaves I would say it's a MC issue and increasing will take care of it. It's the top leaves so possibly more to it than that. What are you pH'ing at? Maybe it's the angle of the camera or light but I still see the tips slightly darker on a couple of those leaves.
Thanks VG. If it was light in color on the lower leaves I would say it's a MC issue and increasing will take care of it. It's the top leaves so possibly more to it than that. What are you pH'ing at? Maybe it's the angle of the camera or light but I still see the tips slightly darker on a couple of those leaves.
I'm not pHing. Mix comes in at 6.4.
OK, I know Shed's reasoning and I agree no need to pH. However................... I think you're having pH issues. Maybe because of the type of water you have, I dunno, but the simplest thing to do is pH your mix for the next couple of feedings to 6.0. If nothing changes no need to pH again.
I don’t know anything about working with nutes. But I do know that when a plant is in a growth spurt the new growth is often very pale, and particularly so towards the centre of the leaf. It might just be that they’re getting some ‘grow’ on in the warmer temps :)
Highya again, VG,

Your ladies look much better in the light-corrected pics. I didn't realize that would be a problem - light corrected photo. Much better.

If you do the ph thing, vinegar will lower ph, or lemon juice. I never ph, but I grow outdoors in the ground. Have no experience in containers inside. If it were me, I'd keep on keeping on as is to see if they improve. Cheers
Hey Shed,

I'm curious as to what the slurry test is. Cheers
Hybrid and I were discussing that a few days ago. I'm fresh out of pH down. I can get battery acid or use apple cider vinegar.
I know my water has a high carbonate content.
Emilya's recipe for battery acid dilution if anyone ever wondered.

They do look greener than they did a few days ago. Especially the PP.
Will try the slurry first. Not tonight though. Have plans although I may be too injured to follow through.

My bt bits haven't shown yet. Ordered those last week. No tracking. Killed 7 fungus gnats in there just now. Hunting gnats is fun. Especially if you can emulate Elmer Fudd. Found only one on the trap that's been in there for a month. Will add more DE until my bits get here.**sigh**
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