Tunes420 600 w KC-33/Bud Lady

:thanks: newsisnoise got new heating pad and been monitoring temps...and they are nice and steady....If you hadn't asked how warm heating pad was i may not have figured out it was shot for a few more seeds...So great question brother grower hope you are able to solve your heat issue as well....I started growing in may....this is first time temps have drastically changed for me in grow live and learn...I got two major seasons to grow with...and by spring i will have air cooled tube for light in veg to get heat out ....So all in a days work...and will definitely have a grow with brother grower wood going soon now that i got bugs worked out....want to watch same seed stock grow and watch how Wood does it so i can learn.....and for me hands on is what i do best...never was a text book person...always learned things hands as i go i can see how plants should look and grow and will have his as well as comunities advise and help to learn from :smokin:
I still grow a mad Mona Lisa :popcorn:

Gave her a hair cut



60 % cloudy trichomes bottom with seeds needs to get some light



Twin towers

Wood had told me about this product so got some cause i want to have better luck with clones

She has only been 12/12 for just over 6 weeks...but noticed a couple bannas so pulled a week early so it wont seed up and take away from bud....bottom has seeds i am making just hope hermie is not trait in mona lisa....will have to flower up clone i have and see....then will know if i should bother with seeds...Think i may have got her too close to light and was heat stress thing
:D that's what i love so much about this place. everyone helping eachother. tons of love and friendship. i think i might have a solution to my problem. my house is usually about 65-70F. that's what most comfortable to me. but apparently the seeds don't agree. so to the top of the fridge they go and it's about 75-80 there. if that's not good enough for them. i guess i'll have to get a heating pad. haha. i'm trying to be cheap.

those are some nice tight buds. well done brother.
:thanks: newsisnoise of the fridge is great idea and 75-80 is perfect...GL
Heres where i am at....Out with the old...

In with the new....

In dome is steady 80

Same in between two plates steady 80 for hours now

Cups same story ...nice steady 80...god i love when things go smooth :surf:

this cup has 4 seeds that are on bottom so two into clean paper towels in between plates and two go Point up 1/4 inch down of root riot

clones :grinjoint:
that's mighty welcome news. i gotta get me one of them clear domes. :)
mmm rotisery chicken.. yes, that does sound good.
Nice harvest Tunes. Top of the fridge worked great for germing my seeds. I used paper plates with the damp paper towels the put a second plate over the top so the seeds were in the dark. Slipped that into a gallon sized ziplock bag to retain the heat and moisture. 20/20 germed in 48 hrs.
siscokid....Ya had to learn how to grow indoors in the winter my first winter growing....think i got the hag of it now :surf:
Screwnuts33 glad to hear it worked out for you and great % well done :passitleft:
Mmmmick ....she really is something....not near as much resin as Bud Lady
now in a couple weeks i should have another Mona Lisa ready to go...will try not to stress her out and see if 8 weeks will grow me more resin or if i need to ditch strain
:thanks: for keeping it tuned in brother grower cigo :cool: that strain is a heavy best yet :) (bagseed)
Question.....can you tell all the work i put into this plant...simply by pictures?


It's a KC-33...and also a MALE! #$%$#@$ ....OK i feel better now :smokin: Boy did i call that one wrong....I'll be damed if i didn't see a female pre-flower .....this means i got 4 males from 5 seeds....and whats worse ....I don't think i have a female clone of this....cause now i don't know which plant clones came from.....didn't keep track cause i'm a newbie LMAO
I killed the plant. and was so upset i threw 30 bagseeds in two glasses and am going to grow them all.....going to flower 12/12 soon as they are 6 inches ...not cloning any...just replacing plants that could have got me some nice where it is bag seed i will do it in veg room and split hps and mh 12 hours each...girls go to light tight area under counter for 12...just need to feel like i have made up for my loss some how...dam i hate when that happens...had 2 months into that plant...guess i will enter this into the male plant of the month contest.....where is that section? HeHe :peace:
im glad you can make a joke out of it TUNES. i LST and supercrop my plants so i can tell you definitely work em over while they grow, and the color and health of the plants tells me you are doing everything right.

if you could keep the male in flower for another month i think you could win with plant of the month. male plants look awesome as they mature. if you put it in you have my vote lol. +rep, you gotta take the good with the bad.
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