Urban Achievers Inner City Seeds of Promise

I'm not sure if I have mentioned this before, but one of the aspects of your grow I enjoy is the quality of your pictures and the labeling done on them. Your plants are developing well, they look very healthy, even colored throughout. I had a few gnats of some kind a few weeks ago maybe because I was getting lax about getting all my runoff out of my drip pans after feedings. Now I dont close my tent until 20 min after feedings and all the water get sucked out of the pans- I think that makes a difference in a closed tent like I got going on.
Hey UA since I entered flowering I've had many of my lower leaves below the canopy just yellow, brown and just die off - even after I defoliated the lower 1/3 around day 21. To me, seems normal to have this happen under the canopy, due to much reduced light. In my case more leaves than usual due to fan burn on some leaves below the canopy, but I've got 3 fans going because of the CO2.

About doing extra feedings...I've noticed since I've started flowering that I'm lacking in phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) at this stage in my flowering cycle (day 25) so I'll be boosting those nute levels on future feeds...essentially adding to their diet what I should have been giving them according to the FF diet plan. I've been underfeeding those nutrients relative to the requirements of a flowering plant it seems. Someone here on 420 once wrote something to the effect of "You can correct an underfeeding situation in 3 days but an overfeeding can take a month or so to recover from"
I'm not sure if I have mentioned this before, but one of the aspects of your grow I enjoy is the quality of your pictures and the labeling done on them. Your plants are developing well, they look very healthy, even colored throughout. I had a few gnats of some kind a few weeks ago maybe because I was getting lax about getting all my runoff out of my drip pans after feedings. Now I dont close my tent until 20 min after feedings and all the water get sucked out of the pans- I think that makes a difference in a closed tent like I got going on.

Ahhh thanks USA, I actually have spent more time taking photos than I have taking care of the plants lol, which is still not a lot of time. I have tried the lazy mans approach to this whole thing.

Less workin' and more tokin'

I spent a lot of time and effort sourcing all my soil components and amendments. I don't have to worry about feeding any nutrients as the soil is pre-loaded with it all. In fact the 5 gallon pots I am using will be re-used a few times before being changed out. The only thing I will do is give a top dressing each time I transplant.

I didn't want to spend money on nutrients, keep notes on feeding schedules, or any of the other associated work. Even the compost teas I use are simple and cheap...and at this point not even necessary.

In the end we all get the same thing. Satisfaction of growing our own cannabis.
Spent some time staring at the plants this morning before lights out and snapped a few pictures for the journal. Been challenging with the space and light to get the shots I want but it is what it is.

Before we get to that I want to close a loose thread that I started early on in the journal. Giving photography tips and tricks was something I had planned on doing throughout this journal. After much thought I decided that it is not my place to do that. Lots of reasons for that decision but it boils down to me not wanting to be "that" guy. I dont need attention to feel good about what I do. This is a space for celebrating and growing cannabis. Plenty of sites out there for improving photography if anyone wants to. I am no expert and want to just focus on me. Selfish bastard I am lol. That said I will help or give my opinion when asked.







Lazy man grows some killer buds!! Wow Urb! Your achievers are doing just that... I certianly have adjusted my methods also. Most times less is more for the plants.
Yeah I wish I could take credit for it, after the soil and genetics take their share of the credit, I am left with crumbs lol

It has been pretty easy to just sit back and water every once in a while. Letting the plant self prune. If I would have just left the plants alone earlier I would be pretty much done this round lol

Edit: At this stage of the grow I had planned on using my 70-200mm L Series lens. As I would get those flowers at the back of the tent without having to get in the tent. Love that lens. Its been dropped a few times in its life and I think I chipped one if the internal gears. The focus is fkd. As in does not focus at all lol. So I gotta send that off to get fixed.
Thanks guys much appreciated. Getting nervous and excited about the grow. This is the furthest I have ever taken a cannabis plant.

I sent off a quick inquiry to the bug lady here in BC about some predatory mites, explaining my situation, and the guy said it's probably not spider mites as they are fast moving and more indicative of a predator. Also they didn't come out until I watered.

However, I am still going to order some Hype-O predatory mites for $17 to kill the fungus gnats. I will put some of the Hype-O in my soil storage as well to hopefully do some work. I can get a general preventative mite for $25 if I want to be super sure. Seems like a cheap insurance policy.

I will be heading home in a bit and my lights will be on when I get home. I will see if I can find one and take a picture of them.

Spinosad - its organic and a bacteria that feeds on insects outer shell. Will kill just about every bad pest you're gonna get. If you want some soil insects to kill other bad soil insects, take a look at Scanmask - Benificial Nematodes... I put a whole pack in my compost bin!

Here's a good website that has a lot of info on organic and natural pest control: planetnatural.com
Spinosad - its organic and a bacteria that feeds on insects outer shell. Will kill just about every bad pest you're gonna get. If you want some soil insects to kill other bad soil insects, take a look at Scanmask - Benificial Nematodes... I put a whole pack in my compost bin!

Here's a good website that has a lot of info on organic and natural pest control: planetnatural.com

Yeah thanks man, I am just quick to panic, I have actually done nothing since seeing the tiny spiders and everything hasnt disentegrated so I will keep on doing nothing. Probably for the best lol. Unless I see some actual damage to leaves or pest activity I will leave things be. Although I am taking an extra minute or two to look for pests now.

Thanks for the info, as we move beyond the first run of soil I am certain I will need it, the soil is alive snd kickin. I found some kind of dead larvae on the sticky pad a few weeks ago. Guess he wasnt a fan of cannabis...oh well its not for everyone
Great shots! I love the stair stepping leaves! I cant tell you how many times ive gone into the garage, forgotten why and find myself staring and planning the future...

BTW: you can get great used stuff from canon usa.

Thanks Agemon! Ahhh yeah Canon USA is better when you live in the US lol, but I have a local place I can drop my lens off I think, just hoping it wont be stupid expensive.
Yeah thanks man, I am just quick to panic, I have actually done nothing since seeing the tiny spiders and everything hasnt disentegrated so I will keep on doing nothing. Probably for the best lol. Unless I see some actual damage to leaves or pest activity I will leave things be. Although I am taking an extra minute or two to look for pests now.

Thanks for the info, as we move beyond the first run of soil I am certain I will need it, the soil is alive snd kickin. I found some kind of dead larvae on the sticky pad a few weeks ago. Guess he wasnt a fan of cannabis...oh well its not for everyone

Just keep an eye out for small white dots on your leaves. I recommend everyone take a look at any leaves you defoliate under a microscope. That little bit of preventative maintenance can save you A LOT of effort and time. DO NOT let mites get a foot hold if you can prevent it.
My day shift mornings are super early, leaving me with few precious minutes to see the plants each day. Yesterday was a watering with plain water.

Today I snapped a few pictures of the front of tent residents. I will process them after work. Until then here is a tent shot.

Have a great day folks.

Well its pretty cool to watch these plants form buds before my eyes. I snapped a few photos with my grow light on (purple) and my veg light on (white) to see if I could work any magic in removing the purple light. Its an intensely bright light and very purple. You can still see faint traces of it. Pretty successful but it comes at a cost to the finished products fine detail (noise). I dont like purple pics, its a life decision,and with no kids in the house...biggest one I made in a while.




I'm seeing some really nice sativa dominant expression happening!
Beautiful, Urban!
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