Watermelon Zkittles Auto, Part Of Ongoing 1st Crop


Well-Known Member
She's on like day 31 of flower, don't know how long left. Legit 10mins ago gave her a mega defoliation, she's on AN nutrients, gulping 2.5l of water a day in a 3gallon pot. I'm hoping though that there's a max of 6week left. Should think so with being an auto. Under a Mars ts1000 100w in a Mars hydro 2x2 with my diablo xl on 20-4 light cycle


She's on like day 31 of flower, don't know how long left.
Nice looking Zkittlez!
I just finished up 3 of them. They went from 74 to 98 days. Great quality, strong smoke. :ganjamon:
Ahh nice that isn't too long, was that watermelon zkittles or another zkittles?
It was a Barney's Farm watermelon zkittlez auto. Also grown at the same time were Runtz and Strawberry Cheesecake autos. It was a good grow. I like Barney's :peace:
It was a Barney's Farm watermelon zkittlez auto. Also grown at the same time were Runtz and Strawberry Cheesecake autos. It was a good grow. I like Barney's :peace:
Another 2 good strains to smoke. Checked my calender, apparently in total, am on day40 so way off with age, so hoping there roughly another 40days left or summet then
Diablo xl auto (like day 11 of flower) what deficiency is this? Growing live organic, just added a load of worm castings today and couple days ago some kelp(seaweed).




Figured it out, nitrogen deficiency, I've added 1cup of worm castings to the top soil, gunna add more on next water, can never add too much worm castings
Hey mate :ciao: I think she may have needed a lighter feed than the dawg , looks like burnt tips dark green leaves and brown spots which I think could be overfeeding. I would give a good couple of just waterings before harvest. Just my 2 pence mate much love :green_heart:
Maaaaaassssivve thank you, every other day for 3waters I'll stick a liter and a half in, I'd say more but there smalls pots. But I'm guessing she'll munch through the nutrients that are locked in her then and look Alot healthier. Phew lol
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