Funny you say that about qb's.. I was missing my 3590, told mate I sold them too as much, hint to get them back.. now last few weeks before harvest, they showing what they do.. almost like a finishing off light.. trichome seems later but heavier..
So are you saying maybe the 3000s are a little better in that respect? That’s actually what I ordered but for some reason the girl switched it to 3500s then talked me into them. I figured the difference would be very minor.
So are you saying maybe the 3000s are a little better in that respect? That’s actually what I ordered but for some reason the girl switched it to 3500s then talked me into them. I figured the difference would be very minor.

IDK if it's relatable or not, but my COBs on all 3 fixtures are 3000k and I'm not super impressed. I mean there's likely many other factors including the fact that I can't drive them hard, but IMO overall, the LEDs so far in my grow in both veg and bloom, the plants are less vigorous across the board. I still enjoy using less power overall and irregardless of the validity of global warming, LEDs are none the less the greener solution when compared to HID as the LED is way more efficient and longer lasting. In the end, I'm still happy I switched even though my yields decreased.
As I need heat for my grow, HIDs are more efficient for me in that respect, since they produce both heat and light, and good bud.
As for global warming/climate change, I sure wish it was a myth. Many of our plant species are starting to get hit with plagues and die out now after year after year of increasingly drier and hotter temps, and this is nothing compared to what the people north of me are going through. This year we have three new never before seen insect plagues wiping out various plants including many of our important wild berry crops. It’s stressful as shit seeing so many species dying around us and driving past swathes of dead salal and trees. Apparently many of the plant species can take a few hot summers, but if they don’t get a break they cash in, and this is the year for many of them I guess. A lot of the smaller islands around here are almost completely dead now- just standing grey trees and red/brown dead bushes.
well shite my friend,, i sure as heck know i contributed my fair share , then some, to all this chaos,,

i sure as heck am sorry for any damage that is starting to show,,

not even joshing weaseley

so me and the missus recently became a one vehicle family,, know why??

cuz there is too many freakin cars,, period,, and it's cheaper, and we dunna need two so much and blah blah

i try to help,, honest, , but i use a shit load of water for my outdoor garden,, negative,, but i feed the bees,, positive,, oh my,,,

we all have a penance to pay. like it or not

it weighs on me sometimeso_O:volcano-smiley:
Climate change is real, ice age? Just the cause and control is the debate.. there'll be new life to take up the space of what couldn't survive.. it's funny how we all panicky, like a new thing, even though world's oceans are scattered with lost civilisations...
Yeah I’m definitely seeing the end of my way of life, and the lives of many of the species around me. Luckily the end of my actual life will save me from seeing the worst of it, lol :rofl: I’m glad to have a mate who feels the same way and wants to be out living in the wild while there still is any. I feel a little bad for my kid, but looking at history I figure life on earth has always looked a little apocalyptic one way or another, unless you managed to get lucky and find yourself in some little peaceful bubble for a time. Chasing bubbles is what I do.
I can't answer about the 3500, these are 3000 and just noticing what they seem to be doing best.. if I was at all excited or motivated about this, I'd look at switching lighting during flower or with your setup, move plants under different lighting depending on their stage..
g'mornin weaseley,, happy sunday to yas up and over there,,

hey,, i bot some ph meter calibration stuff and readjusted my meter

(the meter was reading high by .5,, so i was consistently watering with a ph of 5.2 or 5.3. i am thinking i am going to see some affects from watering with that low a ph,,and i do see the affects,, ha)

and was giving all a fresh flush of proper ph'd h2o and i was workin on my freshly put to flower MACK (ma thai/thai stk) and lookey what i see,,

the same plant with this funky polywhatever leaf,,


and this shows up,,


to ruin the party,,

first male outa all them seeds i was gifted,, darn

back to the drawing board,, gonna miss that leaf

cheers friend,,
I just flower them till the pods are almost about to open, and then re-locate them to wherever- under a fluorescent light or even a CFL on a timer. They don’t smell much and I can use a spare room for a couple weeks. Not so finicky as a girl, so a lot less complications to worry about and they finish faster.
Outdoor lighting this time of year would probably work fine too. I’ve also chopped the branches off once they were started flowering mode and then put them in a vase of water. That yielded enough pollen to work with.
Maybe flower it out and get some pollen from it? It’s handy stuff, if it’s a true male.

hmmm, perhaps i might,, for kicks,,

would have to go outside tho,, no way i would risk it indoors,, but outside could be doable,, tho i have no idea what the light change might do now,, another possible interesting issue,, hmmmm

beats killin it,, specially since it has el finko leaf on er, er,, on im.

cheers friend,, never even considered that berfore yer post,,
I just flower them till the pods are almost about to open, and then re-locate them to wherever- under a fluorescent light or even a CFL on a timer. They don’t smell much and I can use a spare room for a couple weeks. Not so finicky as a girl, so a lot less complications to worry about and they finish faster.
Outdoor lighting this time of year would probably work fine too. I’ve also chopped the branches off once they were started flowering mode and then put them in a vase of water. That yielded enough pollen to work with.

all great ideas,, lots to ponder,,

i gotta go find my coyote built one armed guitar chair and sit down and ponder there a bit,,

and :volcano-smiley:
I don’t find them all that deadly. As long the male is not in the same room or an adjoining room then it doesn’t cause me issues. In my case I usually put it in a loft jamming/trimming/guest space which is in a separate building. No wind or fan on it and no reason for the pollen to travel much so it mostly falls straight downwards. Once it lands somewhere it tends to stay put at least in my experience. I don’t take any other precautions besides separating them. I hear some people talking about how it can cling to your clothes and you should spray everything down and change your clothes and such, but I’ve never seen any issues like that.
If the male is large I usually thin it down to a couple branches figuring it will give me more than I need anyway.
i dunna think containment is an option,, keep the thing in flower up till the pods start to be lookin ready,, then get it the heck outa there,, to outside,, and see what happens

i am close to that now perhaps,, a bit more inside, on the floor now tho, damn thing

oh weas,, when you said 'if it is a true male' , did you mean that it is possible it is just hermying and not an actual 'true' male,,

or is there some other kind of 'true' male i dunna know nothin about?

Yeah, well I saw the pics of the flowers, but I’m half blind and don’t have the plant in front of me, so you’re the one to judge whether it’s fully a male or not. I figured that’s what you were saying but I was just making sure.
There are always one or two pods that open first- just watch for them to start to look a bit yellow around the gills before they open. If you screw up- a few seeds here and there won’t hurt you.
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