Would like to hear from old timers like myself - the 70s

Nice. Spam on here now.
Boone's Farm lol. Haven't thought of that puke-maker in a long time. Blah. Better than Maddog 20/20 though.

I don't know, I kind of liked Mad Dog 20/20. A friend of mine and I went to see John Prine in concert in NYC, we drank some on the way into the "city". When we parked the car in the parking garage, my friend got out of the car and dropped the bottle of Mad Dog on the concrete floor. Needless to say, we were in the same condition as John Prine was on stage. He had a habit of playing "impaired". lol
When I was a 25ish lad, I was an OR Tech. We going back 40 years now, and at the time I smoked tobacco. I smoked Marlboro in the red box. It was SO long ago that people were allowed to smoke tobacco indoors. I twisted up a joint and put it in my box for a smoke on the way home after work.
That afternoon I was sitting in the cafeteria with a cup of coffee and smoking a cigarette. In front of me was my box of smokes and a Bic lighter. My boss, the nurse in charge of OR, walked in and sat down opposite me with a cup of coffee. We did some chit chat and she said, "Hey, mind if I smoke one of yours?" Before I could say anything she picked up the box, opened it and without looking, took a smoke out and flipped it in her mouth. One smooth move. She didn't even look inside the box. My heart skipped at least two beats as I looked at her and .... saw that ... it was a Marlboro.

~ Auggie ~
Holy crap, I thought I was the only old fart here. Brand new grower going to be retiring soon and tired of paying $450/oz for weed. I'm all over the forum asking questions trying to learn as much as possible. What I can't understand is they say todays week is so much more potent than weed in the 70's. I remember getting just as stoned of Red Columbian as all this new shit, AK47, Kush, etc.
In the late 60's we were smoking nothing but Mexican... sore throats, coughing, but we got high. $15 got us an ounce and we were happy with it and a bottle of Boone's Farm wine. Most folks liked the Boone's Farm Apple, but I preferred the Boone's Farm Wild Mountain (grape or blackberry... not sure. Then we started hearing about the good stuff the guys were smoking in Viet Nam... they were talking about "sense" and "Thai sticks." I had always thought that weed was supposed to be full of seeds. I wasn't so sure about this new stuff that didn't have any seeds, but turned out it was "far out, man." LOL.
Hey all, I am an old fart, new grower. I saw somewhere there is a community of us old guys here on the site. If so, can someone post me a link where I can find you, us?

Mornin Kodiak, ya eh we're all here my brotha, come join us . Not sure how to post a link(i'm an old fart with limited pc experience)but you can find alot of us in the High Brix threads following Doc Bud's threads and the"gang". just do a search with Doc Bud or Duggan, or Graytail, or Smokey so many others. Alot of us share your experiences from back in the 70's. What a cool time we lived in back then.....lots to say! cheers Kodiak, make sure to come over to our place here on the Mag and see what we're all about. Cheers eh and have an awesome day!
In the late 60's we were smoking nothing but Mexican... sore throats, coughing, but we got high. $15 got us an ounce and we were happy with it and a bottle of Boone's Farm wine.

Yea, I was more of a Ripple kind of guy (or Thunderbird). Sometimes I'd get a small bottle of OJ with it and make Mermosa ChamPimple's.
Yum. LoL. Me and my girlfriend went to see "Easy Rider" three times at the drive in - and I never saw it. We ended up in the back seat every time, smoking and drinking ChamPimple's and ... um, not watching the movie.
I started growing about the late sixty's because the US government was spraying paraquat on the pot farms in Mexico. That's why it was so "harsh". I just couldn't smoke Mex Bagweed with all the chemicals in it. I grew enough in a closet to keep me and my friends in some pretty decent smoke.

~ Auggie ~
Ok, so it was 1975ish, I was a 20 yr old kid. A buddy of mine's dad had a real nice boat docked at the Berkeley Marina. It was a 30 foot SkipJack with all the electronics. He was a commercial fisherman by trade, and would allow his kid to take the boat out for pleasure. We used to really party on that boat. We'd bring our girlfriends; and if the fishing wasn't good, we'd find something else to rock the boat.

There was six of us on the boat (three guys, with gf's) and we'd been fishing all day for Cod out by the Farallon Islands. The fishing was good, we had the holds almost full of Ling and China Cod. We had way more cod than we could eat or store, so we were thinking about stopping at Pier 23 in San Francisco and selling some of the cod using daddy's license. Because of the tides and winds and they way they work the Potato Patch under the Golden Gate, and because we might stop and sell some fish, we decided to get in early, so we started in at about 3pm. It's about two hours to get to port from the islands. It was summer, so it was going to be light till 9pm.

All day, while fishing we noticed a twin engine prop plane flying around. Zig and zag and go away, then come back. We didn't pay too much attention to it, we fished. About half way back, Tom (the skipper) picked up something on the radar. There's always debris out there and you sure don't want to hit something the size of a telephone pole at full speed ... so he slowed as we went by it. I was on the side that the debris was on and I looked at it ... something made me take notice. I yelled to the helm to slow and turn.

We pulled up beside it. It looked like a black plastic casket. A little smaller. It was wrapped in twine. I got the gaff and hooked the twine and pulled it close. It took all three of us to get it in the boat. We cut the twine. The plastic was real thick - almost like pond liner. Real heavy black and taped with black duct tape.

We finally got thru the plastic and it was a bale of ... marijuana. And, not just any mj. This was Thai Stick. A pressed cube about the size of a bale of hay ... musta been a hundred lbs.

That plane was smuggling. Dropping bales for a boat to pick up.

We got the fug out of there. Full speed. Kept us in smoke for ages. We called it "Sea Weed". LoL.

We didn't sell any fish; but we called all our friends and told them we're going to have a fish fry. What a party that turned out to be. We all kept our mouths shut about where we got what we got and how much we got -- but there was lots of smoke and food to be had. Somebody brought a pick up full of beer. It was a hell of a party - lasted till the next day if I remember right.

If we'd of been caught by the smugglers - our bodies would have never been found.
If we'd of been caught by the Coast Guard - we'd be getting out of jail about now.

HOW in the hell did I ever live through my long, long adolescence?

~ Auggie ~
Thanks for the thread Conrad. Here in the Mid-Atlantic states we had mostly Red Columbian and if you couldn't get that you had to settle for Mexican. Ti sticks were a real treat and saw them rarely. Hee, hee...I like reading the posts from the guys that weren't even born then.
I bought my first bag of pot in about 1973 in Bowling Green, Ohio we came to terms for $7.00 for a 4 finger bag of Mexican weed. A few years later(can not remember the year) my "guy" had about 200 of these red cellophane wrapped 1LB bars of hash. When I opened the cellophane there was a powder stamp on the center of the slab. An AK 47 surrounded by the words, help free Afghanistan, they were amazing, purchased two of them for I think $60.00 per pound. I took Polaroid photo's of the bricks but the photo's were lost in either a flood or a broken romance.
Love the name, Weekender! Lol. Catchy
those were the days my friend, we thought they would never end..... first scales to sell pot was about 1975, till then it was 1 finger for a nickel, two fingers for a dime, and 4 fingers for an ounce. everything was on the high size - buyers advantage. $90 for a half pound, $180 for a pound. concerts were open seating and you didn't need to bring dope with you, everyone shared. load a pipe up and pass it down and twenty minutes later and it would come back by, 3 or 4 rows sharing. I miss the days of hundreds and hundreds of lighters, constantly lighting cigarettes or pot all around the stadium and everyone lighting them for another finale. it was a sight to behold.
I bought my first bag of pot in about 1973 in Bowling Green, Ohio we came to terms for $7.00 for a 4 finger bag of Mexican weed. A few years later(can not remember the year) my "guy" had about 200 of these red cellophane wrapped 1LB bars of hash. When I opened the cellophane there was a powder stamp on the center of the slab. An AK 47 surrounded by the words, help free Afghanistan, they were amazing, purchased two of them for I think $60.00 per pound. I took Polaroid photo's of the bricks but the photo's were lost in either a flood or a broken romance.

Yes , I remember that hash very well....was still getting it in the 80's too. It had a gold seal on the bar that said "freedom fighters for Afghanistan" There were crossed rifles on the stamp too, same stuff....but in the 80's we were paying a hell of a lot more than we did in the mid 70's. Those were the days...weed was 20 bucks an oz. for Mexican and 50-70 for Col. Red or Gold or Panama Red. Ya , and I remember too...no scales back then , it was all one ,two ,three or four finger bags. A nickel bag was 5 bucks...a dime bag (two fingers) was 10 bucks and a full oz. was 20........those were the days! I miss em! :love:
those were the days my friend, we thought they would never end..... I miss the days of hundreds and hundreds of lighters, constantly lighting cigarettes or pot all around the stadium and everyone lighting them for another finale. it was a sight to behold.

These days, people hold up lighters (or lit up cell phones) for the entertainers on the stage ... you are right - that's not the ORIGINAL reason those lighters were lit. I used to go to Day on the Green shows in Oakland, California. Those were parties my friends. The cops would search everyone on the way in for weapons or alcohol ... didn't care about anything else. I had an Oakland cop pull a baggie out of my pocket, look at about 100 pre rolled joints and hand it back to me. He did take the remnants of that half pint of Jack Daniels tho. Told me to drink it now, or throw it away. LoL. I drank it and passed some to the guy behind me in line. I think we saw AC/DC do "Back in Black" and "For Those About to Rock" (with cannon).
There was cute hippie girls walking around with nothing on but hot pants .... oh gawd. Those shows were SO much fun.
And the "pre game" party in the parking lot before the game started ... yeow.

HOW did I live through those days?
I can't remember ....

~ Auggie ~
$15!! Dang I thought I was old at 60. Cheapest I can remember is $30 for Columbian and $25 for Mexican. Both were seedy as heck. Now, that's on the East Coast. You West Coast guys had the illegals bring it across the border. So is everyone here in the same boat. Tired of paying all that money for an oz so we're growing our own??
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