1000W Cool Tube Grow - 10 Plant Super Bud


:yahoo:Great macc I am the on the waiting list for the same one
Is it safe to use lemon? Nk adverse effects?
Lemon Juice is better than PH down Macca. As Jaga said, it's 100% organic. I still have a nearly full container Of down I haven't touched in over 8 months since wising up to lemon juice from Light Addict.
I never had to PH up Macca. My tap is around 7.5 to .8ish & when I add nutes it goes down to anywhere from 7 to 6.5 which is the desired PH. I still have a bottle of PH up that I only used twice; the first 2 times I PH adjusted & used too much down and had to raise it.

But with the new Organic Soil Mix I've cooked via PJ, PHing is soon to be a thing of the past. So far all the plants we've buried in it love straight tap. No nutes, no adjusting, no nothing, just water!
I'm not sure but take a LOOK
Just did buddy :) looks good stuff. Id like to do something like that myself at some point in the future. If you werent using super soil what line of nutriants would you recomend for soil? I dont feed in veg as my soils got enough in it for s 4-5 week veg so its just the flowering veg im wanting info on. I asked on my page the other day but got little replys.
Im interested in peoples opinions of Biobizz. Its organic. And anything else org or not and there expirence with them
Well I'm still using the "GROWOLOGY" line on my older plants & Re-veggies.
Check this out, when you're using soil the nutes are already in the soil. After you water 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 15 times those nutes are out then your plant starts to show some sort of deficiency. You can literally add anything (nutrient wise) ANYTHING to the soil as long as the water is ph balanced. Any nutrient line made for hydro or soil can be used and get the same effects. Just gotta find that magic number that works best with the strain. Mix and match. Start looking into advanced nutrient lines. MAKE YOUR OWN MIXTURE. It's always the most fun ;)
High there macc
Hey sphnx thats very interesting ,,, but you say find out what works for the strain what sort of signs should we be looking at as I have a Def at the moment
I stopped using Nutes some time back I thought I had a good soil its the all mix from Bio Bizz ,, when I did add nutes all Bio Bizz,, the leaves looked like they had rigermortis for a few days an that put me off giving any,, I also heard that LED lights put some thing that makes the plant need a lil extra Calcium & Phosphorous can you guide me on this any more sorry for the hijack macc have a great day my friends :circle-of-love:
If you want to use higher doses of veg nutes, my experience with soil shows that the higher the dose of nutes you want still want the pH around 6.0-5.8. Even though its soil, the ladies still need that acidic base to absorb the nutrients. Give it a try, 1 watering. Do a more than normal feeding and see.
I just had to deal with that sort of problemwith my mother plants. Once I lowered the veg nutes to 5.8 the plants were taking everything I was giving them with NO problems. And that's in soil my friend.
A PH balance of 6.3 to 6.7 is considered optimum for soil based medium. A little over or under is OK as long as it's consistent.

Most of the time. It depends on strain. Trial and error is a whole lot more effective than reading info online. You gotta try different things if you're having issues.
What I had to do back in the day was read all the information I could find, talk to commercial/experienced growers, and throw all the info together and find out what works best for me. Everybody has their own thing. I know people who let their dog piss on the soil, I don't smoke that bud.... EVER lol
Hello jaga. So thats a nk vote for bio bizz from u lol
Kjc thanks for that on gh nutes i guess you must find they work well as you continue to use them. Iv just had a look into that range and they seem very very well priced i may go with that line plus organic is a bonus

Sphinx my friend i dont feed through veg i find that my soil in this case canna terra has enough goodness in it to see my girls through a 30-40 day veg nicely i just add feed from the start of flowering :) i get the impression you like to heavy feed your plants. That scares me lol

Thanks for the ph scale BAR that will come in very handy soon :)

These girls are cominv on really nicely after topping i will upload more piks tomorro
Hello jaga. So thats a nk vote for bio bizz from u lol
Kjc thanks for that on gh nutes i guess you must find they work well as you continue to use them. Iv just had a look into that range and they seem very very well priced i may go with that line plus organic is a bonus

Sphinx my friend i dont feed through veg i find that my soil in this case canna terra has enough goodness in it to see my girls through a 30-40 day veg nicely i just add feed from the start of flowering :) i get the impression you like to heavy feed your plants. That scares me lol

Thanks for the ph scale BAR that will come in very handy soon :)

These girls are cominv on really nicely after topping i will upload more piks tomorro

Sorry brother! Jaga asked a question on the last page. But don't be afraid of feeding the heavy. They heavier the feedings, the stronger those cell walls and pathways are opened up and strengthened. Think of Arnold Schwarzenegger in his prime. The more steroids, the bigger the AAAAHNOOOLD. Same thing with the ladies.
Most of the time. It depends on strain. Trial and error is a whole lot more effective than reading info online. You gotta try different things if you're having issues.

This is the bit that gets you some reps++ my friend
I like this angle of plants an strains being individual and or even personal with there needs :reading420magazine: unfourunatley I am a lil not able to pick up on there needs before its time for the harvest and by then,, well I may have lost a lot of production height buds strength,, and so on ? I water always at 6.6 in soil I was following the charts saying its the best PH for uptake of most nutes ,, However I still ended up with this Calcium Def
Reg thaks for the link to kjc I am going back to check that out Thanx both of you
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