1st Journal - M39 - Northen Light x Skunk - Soil - CFLs


New Member
Hello mates,

First of all, i gotta say it's been really great reading all those very cool journals. Ive been gaining SO MUCH information with you guys, for that i want to say thanks to all of you.

I have to say, i am from Quebec and my main language is French so don't laugh at all the grammar faults that i do, its in my blood :)

I should of start from the beginning, but everything happened so fast.

My girlfriend cousin gave us 6 clones for no reason :cheer: from his casual strain that we call here M39 or Quebec Gold ( apparently its a mix of Northen Light X Skunk, not to sure tho if i am wrong please correct me :) )

So, i told my girlfriend, what do we do with them ? I was even about to throw them in the garbage, then she's like no no don't do that, lets try to grow them for now. Im like, aight why not.

With all that in mind, i went to walmart, bought a wood platform with 4 screws and get everything holding with chains so i can pull them up & down. Then, i bought all the CFL's needed ( will be telling how many in a minute :)), Soils ( i had to buy Miracle Gro crap, but the one with 33% coco in it) with too much Nutes, actually took 5 garbage basket (new ones from work, dont laugh.) i would guess they are at least 3 gals, 10 x 10 polyfilm black & white, fans, well... all the goodies.

What strain is it? M39- QUebec Gold ( Already bought my seeds for next grow, Kalashnikova & Jack Herer)
Is it Indica, Sativa or Hybrid? What percentages? They say Hybrid, more towards Indica.
Is it in Veg or Flower stage? Flower
If in Veg... For how long?
If in Flower stage... For how long? 5 days
Indoor or outdoor? Indoor
Soil or Hydro? Soil
If soil... what is in your mix? Miracle Crap (33% coco)
If soil... What size pot? 3 gals i would say.
Size of light? Running 3 45w (200wCFL) cool white & 4 40w(150wCFL) soft white. (Not to sure if i should keep the mix of lights or just get soft whites ones.)
Is it aircooled? Ghetto style, 1 HoneyW fan right next to a Intake hole that i made, and 1 small fan blowing right on the plants.
Temp of Room/cab? Around 78
RH of Room/cab?
PH of media or res? Trying to keep it between 6.0 & 6.5
Any Pests ? Few flies there & there
How often are you watering? Every 3 day, or needed.
Type and strength of ferts used? None yet, might get simple A&B soon from a buddy.


Like i said, it was really random to get those clones, i think they were already done rooting when i got them, I vegged them for 20 days on 24hrs light and got them on 12-12 last Saturday September 21 2013.

This is the only picture i have for now, they are from last Friday September 20th. I will take more shots tonight and post them right.

As you can see, that first one on your left is... well i call her my retarded plant, she grows 1 or 3 leafs Fan's leaves lol... and they are all the same strain... i think :)

If you have any tips or anything that could help my grow it would be VERY appreciate.

Thanks & happy budday my friends !
Stay safe !
re: 1st Journal, M39 (Northen Light x Skunk ) Soil & CFL'S

Also, please note that i have MG soil but flushed it once before transplanting & yesterday since i was getting a few leaves tips burns ( Flushing i mean letting 20-30% water run off, not sure if it's enought tho please let me know if i should poor more water next time for a good flush)
re: 1st Journal, M39 (Northen Light x Skunk ) Soil & CFL'S

My opinion regarding the mg would be if its always been there and they look pretty healthy, dont worry too much. Its seedlings and young ones that usually freak out from it.

sub'd btw.
re: 1st Journal, M39 (Northen Light x Skunk ) Soil & CFL'S

Saw your post on Canna's journal, thougth I would pop in. I hope that is cool.

If the miracle grow soil has a slow release, controlled release fertilizer flushing won't do a thing. Those types of soils are meant to have the fertilizer last about 3 months usually. The mix of CFL's is a good thing. When cutting off burnt leaves, you probably don't want to do that quite yet. When they get a little bigger, defoling the lower leaves which are not getting light is likely a good idea however. Having the damage on the leaves will eventually help you gauge any potential problems (or just post pics on here so people can help).

Welcome to :420:
re: 1st Journal, M39 (Northen Light x Skunk ) Soil & CFL'S

Well just got home to see my babies :)

here is a few pics for you guys, they just started flowering on 09-21-13

Here the room itself


Lots of foil :( if you have any better ideas for reflectors let me know !


Ghetto intake & fans

Temps is good, i am a bit worried for this winter since its in the basement.

Bob watching over my plant :)

Me and my girlfriend named them, dont laugh :)

This is Roxy Haze, or Retarded plant, she grows 1 & 3 leafs sets... pretty wierd but the new growth is getting 5 leafs sets.

MLevernz, she has been topped 5 days before flowering, i should of done it before. And she is the only one i topped for practice, the other plants will not get touched (maybe trim the low part later on :) )

Baby Beauty

And finally my nicest one, RJ-11

I had 6 plants at the beginning, gave one to my buddy & 1 died after the first transplant :(


This is it ! Let me know your tough's !!!

Stay safe people !
re: 1st Journal, M39 (Northen Light x Skunk ) Soil & CFL'S

Saw your post on Canna's journal, thougth I would pop in. I hope that is cool.

If the miracle grow soil has a slow release, controlled release fertilizer flushing won't do a thing. Those types of soils are meant to have the fertilizer last about 3 months usually. The mix of CFL's is a good thing. When cutting off burnt leaves, you probably don't want to do that quite yet. When they get a little bigger, defoling the lower leaves which are not getting light is likely a good idea however. Having the damage on the leaves will eventually help you gauge any potential problems (or just post pics on here so people can help).

Welcome to :420:

Thanks buddy ill keep that in mind !!! Your plants looks great btw :) look at my died & rising again !!!! She is turning a bit purple because of the freezing... Will harvest real soon tho !!!

Stay safe mate !
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