Alex's - SCROG - 620 Watt CFL's - Actual Wattage - Super Lemon Haze

Could anyone help me plz? Iv done my signiture as my link to my journal but I don't want it to apear as it is www. Etc etc

I want it to read.


I used to no how to do this but I canot for the life of me remember

Here's a pik of the aditional lighting I'm adding 8 in total there 20watt 2700k cfls bought from a supermarket for £1.95 each
Not labled as grow lights but believe me there the same

A couple piks of the girls now starting with the smaller one then the bigger one
My humidity meter is the cheapest of the cheap lol don't no how accurate it is. After watering it shows 55%-60% and will work down to 40% by next watering. They have bushyd out a bit and they stink of mj now these stink as much now as my first grow (blue cheese) stunk at 6 weeks of flower the whole house stinks haha home made carbon filter comingvnext week
Just abit more informative babble whilst medicated :)
Done a bit basic math after a read up on my lights and turns out when I flip I'll have 22800 lumens shining onto my 2 girl scrog
Made up of 7000 lumen 125 watt cfls x2 and 1100 lumen 20 watt cfls x8 all 2700k spec

When iv mesured the grow space at 2.5ft x1.5ft and came up with 3.75sq ft so broken down it works out at

6080 lumens per square foot
My understanding is 10'000 lumens per sq ft is optimel so I'll be coming up short.
Iv got 2 125 watt 6400k cfls also but iv made my reflector around the set up listed above and doubt I could keep on top of heat with any ore light in there. Do people think 6080 lumen per ft will be good enough to yield good bud???

lumens are a scale of how bright something is and do not add like you think they do. a light with 1150 lumens will never get any brighter even if 10 are used.
lumens are a scale of how bright something is and do not add like you think they do. a light with 1150 lumens will never get any brighter even if 10 are used.

Hmm this is totaly confusing :s so that's saying for example 10 x 1000 luen bulbs doesn't give u 10'000 lumens? I'm sure iv heard people getting an accumulative amount of lumens by adding there lights up. I'm surely wrong as I'm sure ud not say it otherwise. I was thinking lumens were a scale of let's say usable light as aposed to brightness. . In ur honest opinion then do I have a good amount of light to yield some totaly dope dope? Lol as id said there's 2x125watt 2700k cfls and 8x20watt 2700k cfls (actual NOT equivalant)... I don't need a huge yield just good quality bud
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