Brother's - Afghani x Skunk #1 - Indoor Soil - 600W HPS - 4x4 Tent

Dutty is a sharing kind of guy !

he is our 5 star player ;)

wonderful things floating around in here lately

I just stopped feeding mine brother, fed nothing but water for the last 2 weeks.
if you are using salt nuts, its better if you flush before starting to starve the plant down so it feeds of itself and not extra salt on the roots. even if you stop feeding it before, trust me the extra nutrients left there are enough to satisfy its hunger and you end up chopping without a yellow leave on your garden and therefore smoking the stuff you gave it. Even if it was ok to smoke salt nutrients it just feels wrong to let a plant die while its all green, feel like it hasnt ripened, it needs to die out in the way nature intend.



so this is a little photo update on the NYC-D

i was always a diesel fan, trying this pheno for now, if it works for me then hello new york, if it doesnt different phenotype. You cant really go wrong with a diesel tho either way :smokin:

Day 7 alive


twin girls getting along nicely :)

wont be long before they take off ;)

as always thanks for dropping by, keep medicating :rollit:
Brother, I wonder if NYC Diesel is the same as the Sour Diesel that's so plentiful here in NYC. It seems that every bag seed that was donated to me by a friend is Sour D & usually when you're partaking in someone else's stash 9 out of 10 times that's what it is. It's the "run of the mill" here but it's pretty good smoke.
Oh, and just to kill the old myth that homegrown means "mediocre weed", every Sour D we've harvested is twice as good as what the corner boys sell. Everyone I share with's first line is "Introduce me to your connect Reg."
Brother, I wonder if NYC Diesel is the same as the Sour Diesel that's so plentiful here in NYC. It seems that every bag seed that was donated to me by a friend is Sour D & usually when you're partaking in someone else's stash 9 out of 10 times that's what it is. It's the "run of the mill" here but it's pretty good smoke.
Oh, and just to kill the old myth that homegrown means "mediocre weed", every Sour D we've harvested is twice as good as what the corner boys sell. Everyone I share with's first line is "Introduce me to your connect Reg."

i get what you're saying man, truly i do. Not only sour D is a stable grade A gen, when grown properly can be powerful medicine

thats what i thought, cant go wrong with diesel right ;)

lil ones liked the enviroment :) looking forward to your mature girls' harvest pictures :)) :cheer::thumb:

:thanks: heanter, me too :)

hey bro, take good care with the outdoor season ! best of luck !

how was the weight you pulled out of the last grow? or are they still drying?

still havent pulled anything benny, went into flush 3 days ago

thanks for the good wishes, i too am looking forward to the outdoor garden

Plants are looking super tight brother, great work :circle-of-love:

I also use AN, and don't flush in the tub, like others have posted - I'll water with a leeching solution 14 days out, till 20% runoff, and then just feed water as my flush till they finish. I feel that after the plant is unbound from the salt nutrients, and then given just water, it hastens the process of senescence, so you get some fade and a more natural death. Love me some Diesel. Smells like a truck stop in my house atm :) Looking forward to your chop :cheer:
sour diesel is not the same as nycd and depending on breeder also may or may not be as good as sour diesel
What Heanter said.
I have been absent for a little while and was so excited to come see Brother's huge ass harvest! Hope all is good in your world my friend, can't wait for that update! :cheesygrinsmiley: :cheesygrinsmiley: :cheesygrinsmiley:
sorry for going MIA, im sure everyone understands the summer madness
chop update this week :yummy:

:peace: N :love:
Hope all is well in your world.

Thanks for sharing this grow with us.

Please head over to the 420 Strain Reviews forum and post your smoke report there too.

I’m moving this to Completed Journals now.

Have you started a new grow you would like to share with us?

If so, please feel free to start a new journal here: Journals in Progress

You can use the Report Post feature found at the bottom left of every post and we'll move it for you right away.

Sending you lots of love and positive energy.

hey man nice to see you stop by ;)

yeah they got some fat ones :)

thank you AS :)

lemons is what they smell like, freshly squeezed :yummy:

im not man, flattered that you thought i was tho. Just good old soil base with bunch a lot of salt nutrients, real feeders these girls, have tried to feed twice in the same week and at some point i even increased the dosage above recommended, thats probably why they turned out looking like that :)

went into flush today, traumatic experience, for my back. had to carry fairly heavy plant pots all the way to the bath and then carry 3 times that weight back when it was done flushing and real wet.

i totally get the fabric pots tho, flushing in them is so much easier, the drainage in the plastics when you wanna flush large amount of water through the soil is slow.

always nice to see you stop by man ;)


Day 86 Alive
Day 56 of flower (Day 49 from pistils)

so this will be the flush update, i promised yesterday but got hang up meanwhile so long overdue, with a bonus pic from the outdoor garden coming at you. Just veggies tho, ill get an update tommorow on the special little ones, might open a new thread for them too.



before flush


after flush



im not on docs kit now but soon Dutty, and LED tech, im waiting for some to come out, thats soon too ;)

i hope you all enjoyed this one as much as i did putting it together, the sun is hot in here, getting a real nice tan with all that sunlight hitting me, sunblock in my pocket just like its another Tuesday.

thank you again for dropping by for a hi :rollit:

Jesus, those are some beauties for sure!
This is really nice bud, man :thumb:
:wood: Where are't thou brother from another mother?
guys i'm so sorry for leaving like that, i know this is way overdo but i owe you all a huge apology.

i'll explain a bit for anyone that's still subbed here, the rest i'll just send a personal message.

basicly at the end of my harvest some people had already got wind of what i was doing and before i knew it the law enforcements were on my tail. Not having enough to time to even pack a bag, i threw all my equipment in a storage unit, stashed my medicine in the house and left my hometown for place unknown.

i was on the run for months but finally i'm home, it's still dangerous for me to be here but thankfully noone knows that i returned yet and i intend to keep it that way.

again i'm tremendously sorry for leaving like that and for being MIA for all that time without even a post explaining what really happened, the truth is that i was kind of afraid of what might happen if they track my post back to me.

thanks to every single one of you for the support and love you showed me, without some of you i wouldnt be here today and you know who you are.

everytime i look back my heart breaks. What can i say, words can't describe situations like that, i hope you can all forgive me eventually and i love you all :love:
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