Catman's Closet - Bag Seed - LED Grow — First Grow - 2014

All caught up, and I loved the 'comedy of errors'! What a great read!! When Sweetleef started he was always knocking plants over, snapping branches. ( Sorry Sweetleef ) I think Hazel will be just fine. +reps, Catman. You're doing a good job!

Well thank you so much MagicMediwana!

I'm not sure about that I'm "doing a good job" bit - Maybe that part is when I'm in the other room keeping my hands off him :rofl:

Maybe I'll just say: Hazel is still alive so it must be true!

Speaking of job...Time to make the doughnuts...
(I don't really make doughnuts, it's from a very old commercial. I'm off to work)

Hope everyone has a fantastic day!

Time to make the doughnuts...
(I don't really make doughnuts, it's from a very old commercial. I'm off to work)

Old? that was just yesterday right? :cheesygrinsmiley:
LOL - Seems like it!

Man, when I think about it I'm shocked I lived this long.

Seriously. I used to shock my kids with stories of "I never had a VCR/DVD/Computer/ growing up." The big one was getting off the couch to change TV channels via a DIAL.


Lol I was born in the 80's and I remember changing the station via a dial. Shit the ORIGINAL Nintendo came out the year I was born! I grew up with the advancement of technology I had some access to it. Mainly friends and in school, I don't come from a wealthy family, then again do any of us on here?
Lol I was born in the 80's and I remember changing the station via a dial. Shit the ORIGINAL Nintendo came out the year I was born! I grew up with the advancement of technology I had some access to it. Mainly friends and in school, I don't come from a wealthy family, then again do any of us on here?

Not too much wealth around here that I'm aware of, financially maybe, but probably a lot of wealth in other ways. I had technolust and gave up a lot to have my toys after the kids were grown for a while. My two older brothers and I were computer programmers, but I stayed on top of technology a lot better than they did. Now my son is a computer savant. No financial wealth for him, but he and his wife are pretty happy.

Posting pictures to prove Hazel is still alive. Growing, not by leaps and bounds, but not dead!!



I got home from work after lights out yesterday and it about killed me not to check in on him. So, against all the "rules" (which is sort of what I do) I went in for a "quick check"

It's good that I did I think, because the soil was completely dry and ALL of his leaves were completely wilted. I'm not used to this regular soil yet obviously. I watered to run-off and this morning he was back to his old self.

Guess I chose emergency watering over complete darkness.

Tuesdays are my only late day at work and I'm glad I only work part time. Retirement is my current puzzle right now - I'm "only" 52 so I don't qualify?

Well hell. I'll get it done. Seed browsing: Sensible seed company, which is not a 420 sponsor.

"MED GOM 1.0 is the result of a long research and development process carried out by Grass-O-Matic and CBD Crew to obtain a high grade medicinal cannabis strain with the advantages of automatic flowering."

Dinafem White Widow - "White Widow autoflowering is the cross of our best male Critical+ Autoflowering with the original White Widow clone. We managed to reflect the bittersweet taste, as well as the lots of resin and the floral appearance of the original White Widow mother in this autoflowering. The only remarkable difference is the higher CBD content, which leads to a more physical buzz than in the regular White Widow strain."

There are others, but I keep going back to these two

Happy growing!

Looking bigger every time Catman12!! :welldone:
Looking bigger every time Catman12!! :welldone:

Ha! Maybe, I only see a difference looking back through the pics. Thanks for the well done brother, need some of that about now!

Hazel still determined to not go 6 feet under! Go for the White Widow if it's leaping out at you. Plus, it'll be awesome posting some snow capped buds for me to salivate over.

Gotta give this old bag seed some staying-power credit! Hazel has helped me a lot - White Widow snow capped buds sounds good to me - would be nice if I were the one growing it wouldn't it?

Yes, that is one of the reasons why I take pictures of my girls every day. I like to document their growth and it has helped me to become familiar with where a plant should be at what age. This way it is easier to notice if something is off. The more familiar you are with how things are when they are right, the more likely you are to pick up the hint when they are not right.
Hazel, whatever gender it turns out to be, is certainly a fighter. Thank you for sharing you growing experience with us Catman12!
Lights And Banks

First of all: It's Not My Fault

I was away visiting my mother and my roommate "helped" by watering the plant. And I was waiting for the soil to be nice and dry, as my next watering, when I returned home, was to be the nutrient-added watering.

I won't go into the "education" I provided my roommate regarding "keep your hands off my plant Bro."

So the soil is soggy.This over watering is not my fault LOL.

Some of the leaves are curling under which, from limited accounts from my searches, is due to either over watering or light stress. (aren't these kind of the opposite??)

Drug Hazel out of the closet to raise the light, which is good because there has been sufficient growth to warrant the measure. Plant's canopy is now about 25" from the light and the light is now as high as I can make it ever be.

Took the opportunity to also center the light in the grow area better and take some pictures of Hazel, even though there couldn't really be too much of a change since last time. One shot is of the laceration from dropping Hazel in the bathtub :\






Making sure the light is centered is readying for auto seed purchase. First pay has occurred. I'll keep Hazel and add 2 Autos and hope for the best. Still haven't decided which 2 to go with.

Now I have spent some time speaking with my Bank today. My Bank is a Big American Bank, and we had to have a talk. A while back I bought my mom a computer on-line from a Big American Retailer and, since my Bank <sarcasm font> cares for me so much </sarcasm font> they denied the charge "in case it was a fraudulent charge" and I had to call and ask please Bank will you release this transaction...?

I don't want this type of crap while trying to acquire seeds from across the ocean.

Bank guys and I discussed my need to have them stop "helping me" and I was able to achieve a 6 month period of non monitoring by their system which is renewable.

I only mention this in case it is useful information others may enjoy.

Dinafem White Widow Auto is a strong contender - Anyone ever heard of Barny's Farm Pineapple Express? (??!!)

Fingers crossed.
I have heard only good things about thee pineapple express. A solid choice it sounds to me. I am just learning myself so I can't tell you for sure. Hazel is still looking healthy, no worse for her fall in the tub. (Bathrooms are one of the most common places of home injuries! :;):) She looks good, c'mon girl-parts!!
Re: Lights And Banks

Dinafem White Widow Auto is a strong contender - Anyone ever heard of Barny's Farm Pineapple Express? (??!!)

No I have not.... looks good in here, I looked at the pics first and was gonna tell you to ease up on water :cheesygrinsmiley: then I read

Good Luck
I have over watered also Catman.

As far as the strains you have selected...

White Widow is one of the more well know strains and is a great med with a good solid yield. Is the basis for most of the strains out there now.

Pineapple Express is a very well know strain also and is great for indoors. You won't be disappointed with this one either. Good flavor and good med.
I have heard only good things about thee pineapple express. A solid choice it sounds to me.

White Widow is one of the more well know strains and is a great med with a good solid yield. Is the basis for most of the strains out there now.

Pineapple Express is a very well know strain also and is great for indoors. You won't be disappointed with this one either. Good flavor and good med.

Done. Thanks!
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