Cola Monster's Perpetual Rock 'n' Roll Grow Journal

A quick still shot of my greenhouse gals after doing a bit of transplanting today & one of my new pair of Method Seven Sunglasses which actually work and saves my eyes the undue stress from the bright lights both indoors & out.:clap: Enjoy and have a great day folks!:high-five:



Oh, heh, Hey! *cough* Don't mind me! Am I cutting a hole in the green house? Um, yep....but lets just call this hole, a "secret entrance". Yeah like, say you lost a key or something, what r u gonna do? Just come right back here and use this "secret entrance". I'll be the only one knowing about said "secret entrance". I will vow to not ever use this information in public, ever. But, just so you know, come harvest time, I might end up in here running around going bat-shit crazy. But, thats cool, yeah?:goof:
Oh, heh, Hey! *cough* Don't mind me! Am I cutting a hole in the green house? Um, yep....but lets just call this hole, a "secret entrance". Yeah like, say you lost a key or something, what r u gonna do? Just come right back here and use this "secret entrance". I'll be the only one knowing about said "secret entrance". I will vow to not ever use this information in public, ever. But, just so you know, come harvest time, I might end up in here running around going bat-shit crazy. But, thats cool, yeah?:goof:

Cut a hole in my secure greenhouse? Not likely and you sir as with anybody would lucky as can be to get within 100 feet of my little ladies without every bell & whistle on the property going off in which if finding where my hidden sound alarms and infrared sensors as well as my video cameras are located can feel free to take all the bud you're able to carry.:rofl::rofl::rofl:
Subbed I to see the action. That is one seriously rockin set up you have! I like the music video updates and the picture updates too. If only one day I could have 1/10th of the garden you have.

Rock on!

Welcome weenmeoff!:welcome:
Nice to have ya aboard mate and thanks for all the kind feedback, it's much appreciated.:thanks: Enjoy the show!:theband::allgood:
A quick still shot of my greenhouse gals after doing a bit of transplanting today & one of my new pair of Method Seven Sunglasses which actually work and saves my eyes the undue stress from the bright lights both indoors & out.:clap: Enjoy and have a great day folks!:high-five:




You are not joking when u say secure 4x4s and is that chain link lol on the frame outside the plastic freakin awesome bro and I'm right there with you I rigged a motion sensor so instead of a light a doorbell chimes in my house lol I had cameras but after one year watching people walk out with my girls after the fact was to much I don't wanna see that's why I don't tell ANYONE EVER what I'm doing and where

Outdoor organics. Ohioboy With Fast Buds - Let's See How Fast Exactly
Good evening mates!:high-five:
Just thought I'd give you all a quick preview tour of this years outdoor garden which may or may not make it until harvest & is a whole different subject I'm dealing with in private. Family, GRRRRRRRR!!!!:blalol:

Enjoy the background tunes by Dr. Hook and have a good night folks!:blunt: ~Peace~:ganjamon:


Did I mention I love prop 215 for all you Californians

Outdoor organics. Ohioboy With Fast Buds - Let's See How Fast Exactly
Well I finally made it here my pens fully charged ready to go oils at full strength and gooey I'm strapped in and have caught up on what I've missed thus far it's a shame that an attack on my girls is what gets me outta my journal your a master Gardner for sure brother thank you for your ppj

Outdoor organics. Ohioboy With Fast Buds - Let's See How Fast Exactly

Welcome ohioboy!:welcome:
Hope you enjoy the show & I'll check out your journal A.S.A.P., cool? I have to go water my gals first and take care of some family business than I'll get on it to see if I can help in anyway. ~Peace~:ganjamon:
Good afternoon mates!:high-five:
Just posting my beginning of the month walk thru of greenhouse #2 with all the girls transplanted into their new but temporary homes. I'm waiting another week or two before putting them in the ground otherwise they'll hit the roof come harvest time and be a bear to deal with. Been there, done that!:laugh:

Have a green day all and enjoy the old school rock 'n' roll by Emerson, Lake, and Palmer!:theband::allgood:

Evening all!:high-five:
Thought I'd brighten up the pages of my journal by adding some shots of the gals as they begin day 41 of flowering. Enjoy and have a good night mates!:blunt:











Your grows are a beautiful display of healthy plants. Textbook quality pictures for sure. Mega Reps to you!!!

Thanks G.G., it's much appreciated!:passitleft:

:popcorn::surf:Trying to catch up on some journals today! :cheesygrinsmiley:
CM! You have to love all the frost:yahoo: I am a month or so away from my indoor girls finishing :slide: Looking forward to seeing your finished product, but smoking it would be better :cheesygrinsmiley:

Hey Hoz!
I'm about 20-25 days away from harvest myself and just hope my girls don't stress out and then hermie on me from the serious heat wave we're experiencing. It was a smoker yesterday with more hot weather on the way they say & I myself am dreading since anything over 80 degrees has me seeking shade or running for the air conditioning.:phew:

Hope all is well with you and have a good night sir!:high-five:
What's up folks!:high-five:
Here's this weeks video update of the indoor girls as they begin day 42 of flowering. Enjoy the boom, boom, boom by John Lee Hooker who was one of my favorite blues artists & have a good night. ~Peace~:ganjamon:

Two words. HEAT DAMAGE! GRRRRR!:phew::phew::phew::phew:



Wow....:thedoubletake: I have been out to check my girls several times today, I guess I have been lucky so far :cheesygrinsmiley:
I am sorry it got one of your babies!!! But Never :surrender: EVER :cheesygrinsmiley:

There is always a silver lining to every problem it seems as that one particular girl just showed signs of being male and immediately got the chop so all in all no harm done. All the other girls are doing fine in which I'll just keep my fingers and toes crossed hoping that it stays this way.:Namaste:

Hope all is cool down your way and have a good evening Hoz!:volcano-smiley:
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