EastCoastGhost Does Multiple Strains From Cropking - Coco - PS COB

Today make 57 days since the flip and girls are doing good. I got some pics this morning of each one so here they are starting with Kylie the Crown Royale

I believe Kylie will be finished up within the next week or week and a half. I ordered a clip on loupe for my phone so I can get a good look at trics and take pics of them. Hopefully it works good. It’s suppose to arrive Wednesday or Thursday. Next up is Sherry the SSH, she continues to stack and is looking good

She still has at least 2-3 more weeks I’m thinking. Next pic is Jaimie the other SSH

She seems to be happy and I’m hoping she swells a little more. Last but not least is Kim the stretchy Green Crack. She was getting a little burning on the tips so I gave her a little flush this morning with around quarter strength. Other than that she seems to be doing pretty good

She has longer node spacing but it allowed the light to penetrate good and all her bugs are solid. I can’t wait to get the plants harvested so I can start the Blue Dream’matic and Brooklyn Sunrise. I will probably start 6 and if I can’t finish them all I will finish them outside. I’m gonna do one Blue Dream’matic in dwc so I can get a little feel for dwc. Hopefully I won’t have to many problems with it lol. I am also ordering a QB 300 to go with my PS so I will have a lot better coverage on this next run. I’m hoping it shows at harvest also lol. Hope everyone is having a great day and smoke it if you got it lol.✌️
Almost at the finish line my brotha
Yea I’m glad to lol. I’m excited to do the autos and try my hand at dwc. It might be a bad idea to do a auto for my first dwc but I’m gonna go for it and see what happens lol.✌️

It'll be better than soil as long as you air stone, temp control and benny up!
Yea I’m glad to lol. I’m excited to do the autos and try my hand at dwc. It might be a bad idea to do a auto for my first dwc but I’m gonna go for it and see what happens lol.✌️
Man we will c brotha it will go good man u kno all the basics its just in way dif medium lol water jajajajjaja u will rock it bro 100 percent
Will work fine after u upgrade n get more buckets u just get one for muli buckets but should do fine for 1 dwc[/QUOTE
Thanks Jack, I just wanted to make sure. That’s good cause about only other thing I need would be clay balls or Rockwool maybe. What does most people use to start seed in? I know I will have to get some clay balls to hold the plant in the net cup.✌️
I usally do reg plants in single cup for a week or 2 den into rocks in dwc but since its goin to b autos i would go with rockwool or the quick rooters that come in a bag its basically a spounge lol
But i think ur kit comes with led witch is the net cup i think
Yea I think it said 6in net cup. Wonder if you can use the rapid rooters or peat pellets to start seed in and then put it in the net pot and surround it with clay balls or is that a bad idea. I may just get some Rockwool.✌️
Cool, I may go that route since it’s pretty cheap. I’m not sure how much Rockwool costs but I figure I could get a small pack or something pretty reasonable✌️
o yeag dude like 40 cents a piece or 10 15 bucks a 100 pack
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