First CFL Grow Using 30 Watt CFLs

I think the wheat grass will make you like the clove oil, its like mowing the grass and then chewing the cuttings lol but it is good for you. dont let me dicourage any help. hope you do get better real soon think the only pain that was worse for me was yanking my shoulder out of socket. so if the grass or the cloves dont start helping try yanking your shoulder outl lol make you forget about your tooth. but seriously do get it checked out as soon as you can. your girls cant live with out you and hell I kinda like hearing from you.:) also you can try to take some hydrogen peroxide and swish it like a mouthwash to help get rid of your infection. hope for the best for you mate!:wood:
thanks for you r concerns people, im in so much pain right now, my face is swollen and all i want to do is sleep, n thats not me, im lucky to get 4 hours sleep a night let alone a whole day, i gota try and take the dog for a walk, i feel so mashed up its untrue, i would go hospital but i hate the place, but im starting to think i need to go, my brain is so mashed up, not sure why its making me so ill, its affecting my site as well now, ivee got a big bowl ready to puke in, im tempted to smash myself round the side of the face with something hard, just to try and make it pop, i dont know what t o do, gota take dog for walk, ill see hows i fell when i get back, cuz this aint nu fun feeling like this, it feels like my brain is fried and cant taket the pain anymore,
i dont think hospital can do anything till it bursts becuse they wont risk blood poisening i just know i cant put up with this no more, taking the dog and see if it wakes me up a bit, this is so bad, i wouldnt wish this on anyone, id rather give birth, plz feel free to come and yank my arms and legs out the sockets to take my mind of my face, im up for anything apart from this pain, my gums swollen, my cheek is swollen, my one eye is shut cuz its swollen, i am the elephant man, im sure of it, i dont think he even looked this bad, at least he could walk around, i feel like a zombie, something really is not right, its not like me to be like this, ill see how things are in the morning, taking dog for a walk now and see if that makes it any better, i might give every1 i walk past some abuse so one of them can give me a quick jab to the face and burst this thing, of course id spit it all over then then id shake their hand and thank them for making me feel normal again, the best part is, my tooth dont even hurt, i look like i swallowed a load of tennins balls, im going to get som funny looks thats for sure, i might get big bag and cut some holes in it so i can see where im going.

a quick update on my plants, their still alive and looking good, i think their over the problem they was having, not had close look though cuz i cant see to well, everything got a cloud round it, im so hot as well, why am i so hot, im burning up, i gota atake dog for qwalk cuz he been in all day, be back when im back, hopefullyy be ill feeling better by then, either that or ill fall asleep somewhere while out wiv the dog,
pain has eased, side of my face still swollen, cant wait till it has burts or swelling gone down then i can go back to the detist and get this tooth ripped out, this is not nice,

i gave my grow some bpn goodness today, pots where feeling light, the 2ltr hempie was nearly dry also, feeling like this i neglected them for a day or 2, so back on track now, been well fed and watered today, all plants looking good, 2ltr dwc hempie is looking real good, got long way to go though, my flat is stinking, i need to get this smell sorted out, a mixture of different buds dont smell to good, a sort of weird sweet smell, but it does smell, my carbon filter is not making any difference, i need to get something that works
i gota get something else the whole block is going to be stinking, ona gel is on my list when i get paid, i need to get it sorted cuz it really stinks now, as soon as i move a pot or shake a stem when watering it just stinks, but it smells like so damn nice weed, gota love the smell, not sure the neighbours will be to impressed,

quick update
special kush, the buds on this are getting really fat now and are starting to join up along the stem, buds not as long as the northern lights x bb but still very short and fat buds. loads of crystals over the leaves and buds,

Northern lights cross big bud femenised, this is covered in buds, some are getting big now and also joining up along the stem, not as fat as the special kush but these are a lot longer, im probably looking at twice as much bud on this compared to the special kush.

G13 poison dwarf, this auto exploded with growth after lst, its still growing but also in flower, may need a bigger pot if it keeps growing,

greenhouse seeds auto bomb, this plant is short and is showing sex, its growing quicker now its shown sex, this plant is the one that stinks the most out of all the other plants.

ak47 x uk cherry cheese 2ltr dwc hempie, this is well in bud, has got buds all over the place, just starting to bulk up now, i have got 4 lower branches that have got very big but i think i might leave them as i got loads of clones all ready, i has had all its fan leaves taken off apart from the top and bottom fan leaves, its been drinking loads of bpn goodness, and the liquid turns clear after 2 days so i try and keep on top of the res, but its growing nice and not showing any signs of stress, for my first 2ltr dwc hempie i think its going ok.

all my clones are still growing, i think 2 have turned out like super cropping but not to sure yet, the 1 has got 2 main stems growing up as if its been topped so hoping it will give me some nice plants, im hoping the ak47 clones live as i like the way this plant grew, looked and grew a lot better than the other plants, so id love to grow one of these in a normal size pot and veg it, just depends on final smoke
I admire your determination in trying to grow your crop in such a restrictive environment where you are always in danger of being busted for doing what folks like myself can do legally. (At least for now). ;)

Just as an FYI: There are a lot of strains out there that don't put out such pungent odor and actually smell more like wild flowers. My Blue Cheese strain is one example of this. Others, as you are learning are not so pleasant, or simply over the top in terms of the smell they put out, especially when it early flower. Any of the SKUNK based strains should definitely be avoided in your situation for obvious reasons! ;)

I'd search around and look for quality strains that have low levels of the stuff that makes pot smell like skunk. They are out there.

Cheers. :)
thanks for the info gg7, ill reps you if i can, the smell im getting is not like a skunky smell, more like moldy socks, a really damp type smell, not like the jack flash i grew years ago which did smell tangy, i also notice that my greenhouse seed auto bomb stinks loads and its just showing sex, but i think that will stink the place out later on so i need to think of incense or ona gel and get something sorted out, i got my carbon filter going but its not up to much running off a 12v computer fan, im not sure who it was that told me how to get the computer power unit working without it been in a comp cuz my fans are running off 9v at the moment, i remember it was something to do with the green wire, not even sure if it was in my journal ill have to try and find it.

but thanks for the advice though GG7,

if anyone else has any good strains that dont stink the place out like bud then give me a few to look for and ill see if i can get some for a future grow, the smell is not as bad as someone smoking a spliff in my flat but it is their and i can tell what it is, im not sure if the neighbours would know what it is as it smells a more damp smell than a weedy smell, i got to get some incense and get them going till i find another source of smell control, money is the problem, im skint, so doing what i can.

if i was growing just to get stoned then i wouldnt take the risk, but the meds im prescribed to help me sleep are no good and really mess me up, some have left me paralyzed from the waste down which isnt good when you got 2 kids, i remember getting up to go toilet and went to stand up and just ended up collapsed on the floor and my legs just didnt work, so thats where i slept, plus its all very addictive and when i run out and not got chance to pick up new tablets that day it makes me withdraw like a right bitch, i just need t get off the meds, these plants help me sleep, i dont need my tablets when i have a smoke, and if that makes me a criminal then so be it, i got to put my health and my kids lifestyle first, and if im not able to look after them because i cant stand up because of the tabs the docs give me then what kind of parent can i be, if one was took ill in the night and i couldnt get out of bed to go and see to them id feel so bad, but when i got a smoke ive cut my meds right down to the point where that now if i have got a smoke i dont need my meds, so thats why im growing, i dont even smoke loads, i used to when i was younger, but now i just have a few joints and thats it, not got into the vaping yet its all new to us over here, i like to have a coupe of joints in the day time and 1 or 2 before i go to bed and that does me, so im not trying to grow loads, just enough to keep me going as long as it does, i cant risk a big grow.

ive got 2x 3gallon plants in flower
1 x 2tr hempie in flower
2x auto in flower,
so if i can try and keep my numbers like that low in flower and just have 4 or 5 ticking over in veg unless they are cuttings, but my problems is all these different strains, ive got a few seeds in stock that i want to try but not sure what they are or what to expect, i can read the reviews but its not the same as speaking to someone who has grown and smoked the strains, so im unsure what to expect, i have taken clones from these plants, and what im planning on doing is the best smoke out of the 3 different clones ill keep and take clones off it everytime i grow it big enough and then not clone from the others, so that will cut my flower room down by 2 strains, so im going to flower off what i got now. then in clones i have got the following
1 xx special kush
2 x northern lights cross big bud fem, one of these looks like its a super clone as i took the cutting late into flower and its crazy all ready with nodes growing at different places and not opposite each other so im hoping that will be a super clone,
2 x ak47 cross cherry cheese taken from the 2ltr dwc hempie.

so when my plants in flower have finished i can see what i like then grow the clones out and only take clones from the strain i like the best, looks wise its hard to say, the kush has short fat buds and the nl x bb has long solid buds so how it smokes will make my mind up, im glad i got clones from the ak 2ltr hempie cuz i liked how this grew from day 1, but had not many females, so far only 1 fem, i got 2 planted outdoors not shown sex yet, but all the others where male, and ive got 3 seeds left of that strain, but now i have got clones their is no need to sprout the seeds, so if i like the strain i can keep taking clones from the clones, i will plant 2 of my fem seeds for the next grow so i can work through what i got and find what works best for me,

but if anyone has any ideas on plants that have little smell or smell more fruity than skunky then im open to give them a try.

@gg7, ill look for that strain and see what i can do, ill give it a try if it means a less skunky smell, thanks for the advice, reps
No problem! I definitely have been in your position back in the day of illegal pot all over the USA, and the smell was always a major concern when trying to keep your grow a secret.

However... You may want to double check and make sure that the smell you are getting isn't caused from something other than the plant itself. There are many varieties of fungus/mold and other such nasties that put out an odor exactly as you described it! Indoor grows are especially susceptible to molds and fungus blooms since your ET (Evapotranspiration) over the course of a growing day is much lower than they would be outdoors with more environmental factors to help you keep that stuff from getting a foothold at the "bottom" of your pots!

Not saying that the odor isn't the plant itself, but I would carefully inspect the bottoms of the pots (drain holes) for any signs of furry looking stuff or actual fungal growths poking out!

We get a bit of that up here at the very end of the harvest season. A few of my GDP pots had little wood mushrooms growing out of the bottoms of some of the pots after I chopped the plants down. When the ET starts getting weak, even outdoors in the fall, the excess moisture can grow all kinds of funky looking/smelling junk! ;)
I know it mite sound dumb mate but having 2 plants is as bad as 100, it depends on where they think the weed was going. I got busted few years back with 60 plants in late flower. Luckily my solicitor got me off with 2 year suspended sentence(meaning if i got in trouble in them 2 years i would have to do my sentence of 4 years), personal use, no evidence of dealing or links to anyone unsavory. I did how ever have a few things on my record, mainly drug related.

try to keep scales/baggies/money/multiple mobile phones away from anything to do with your grow ie your mums, they will say your a dealer and to a cell you go, if you have 20oz = ''£10,000 Street value'' to the pigs
just outside London, Essex ways. (very remote area).

I still grow obviously, just try to keep a bit more low key. I never worry about getting caught, I don't think weed should be illegal and like many others will fight for my right to enjoy it, grow it, stick it up my bum....whatever i damn well feel like.

I get drunks pissing on my doorstep every weekend and young ''men'' fighting outside at nights, yet because they tax alcohol that's fine... I don't think alcohol should be illegal but it should have harsh penalties for fighting/disorder/violence etc, I've never seen a guy smoke a joint then beat his wife...
hi everyone, not been on the last couple of days, been really ill, so glad the kids are away with my mom, barely back on my feet, it seems these absys have made me mega ill, the swelling gone down loads, put i been praying to the porcelain god every few hours for the last day n half, but im back on track sort of and managed to eat something so hoping its all gone now, feel shitty still and spent all day in bed yesterday but managed to get out today, only just but i did, so all been well ill be back on top of things, got loads of journals to catch up on so give me some time,

i hadnt even checked my plants for 2 days, till this morning, i had a good look for mould and anything like that and no signs, its just a pungent weed smell, im hoping its not as bad as i think, ive turned my fan off now the day time temps have come back down so hoping that will help slightly,

I wont be selling anything im growing, i dont have baggies lying around not even old ones, only numbers in my fone are family and select few friends, and the only scales i got are some cheap spring analogue type for measuring flour when me n the kids make cakes, so if they bust me i cant see they can say im dealing, they can try and im sure they probably will, but with only a limited number of plants and basic set up i should be ok, i have been caught before but that was long time ago when i was growing for the sake of it, but that was well over 12 years ago,

i managed to get a look at my plants today for the first time in 2 days, and i took them out the grow room to check them and pull any leaves that needed pulling and this is what i have found.

special kush,
this is really starting to fill out the buds now, loads of trichs the bud leaves look really fat and their are 1 or 2 orange hairs per bud, trichs still clear

northern lights cross big bud femenised
plenty of orange hairs all over the places, the pistols are now starting to die sort of thing, instead of pointing outwards their starting to curl in towards the buds so thinking ive not got to long to go on this one now.

i dont think ill be getting much off either plant for this first time round but im hoping for better things off my next go round.

2tr dwc hempie, ak47 cross uk cherry cheese

this is starting to form buds now and trics are forming on most of the leaves, even the bigger leaves are starting to get trichs on them so i do want to grow one of these out as a normal plant and not 2ltr hempie,

g13 poisen dwarf auto
this now needs a bigger pot as its getting really big now, possibly going to end up bigger than the 2 main plants.

greenhouse seeds auto bomb
this is still growing but not as quick as the g13, im thinking this one is growing like a normal auto as it showed sex in 2 weeks the other auto took 7 before it started growing.

not sure how long i got left on the nl x bb, but all the white hairs are now turning orange, i cant really tell if its all cloudy yet but i think its got a while to go yet, its dont have loads of trichs on it like the kush has, possibly why it was free seed, maybe something i did not to sure, the buds feel solid and look ok, they are covered in trichs but not as much as the kush and also the trichs on the nl dont go out into the leaves are much mainly focused on the buds and only the small pieces of leaf coming out the buds have trichs on them,

ill check it again in few days with microscope, in the past i harvested when the hairs turned orange, but no im not so sure after what i have read, as now people base it on the colour of the trichs,

just a quick update everyone, ill try and catch up on other journals as i can, got so many so might not have them all done todays
howdy don, if you dont get better then your grow wont realy mean anything. so do what you can to make the don thrive:) the rest of the story will follow. get better soon. love to hear about the plants but I would rather hear that you are better:cheer:
the way i felt the last 2 days, i didnt care about the plants, i would of quiet happily thrown them away just to feel good again, but i think im well on the road to recovery so im getting on back of things, my kids are back in the morning so i need to be as good as i can, they got another week of school cuz my mom took them out of school for the last week of term so my moms back late tonight and i think they will stop at hers, but ill have 2 lively kids to aid the recovery process, and they wont give me much chance to be ill.

thanks for the kind words though, the last 2 days i couldnt move apart from getting off the sofa to run to the toilet, i feel like i lost a load of weight, i managed to eat something today so i think alls good.

in the past we always harvested when all the hairs where dark orange going brown as jimm14 said, that how we always done it, it seems it got a lot more technical now though, but one thing i want to know, how did they work out that you get less couch lock if you harvest when trichs are turning from clear to cloudy and you get more couch lock when you harvest when all the cloudy trichs are starting to die and turn orange, surely the thc level will be the same, so how did who ever it was figure out what was best.
it's chemistry my friend, the THC breaks down over time, releasing different cannabinoid's (CBD CBA,CBE etc) I won't go into details i really down know but the more cloudy/amber the more ''couchlock'' effect cannabinoids, clearer has more ''head high'' cannabinoids. easiest way to understand it without being a scientist. well it's the way I think of it.
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