First Time Hydro!

Thanx for the encouragement charliemopps. :grinjoint:

I'm sure that Tammy is a female, just worried about her because
I took it as a flowering clone from a plant that had gone Hermi.
I'm hoping this clone doesn't go hermi also, but I'm fairly sure the
mother went hermi because of heat stress and such. Let's hope I'm right .
I took the clone even tho it had gone Hermi because my buddy DaMagoMan
suggested I do so just to see what happens.

The Test Victim was grown from seed so I have no idea what sex
it is yet. It's just growing so beautifully, I'm really wanting it to be a girl. :smokin:
We'll see soon :smokin:

As always, any help or suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Peace :roorrip:
Man...i can't really remember if I took the clone before or after.
Guess we'll see.
As far as the Phosphorus or Potassium deficiency... yea, I saw that also,
but it's on the lower and oldest of leaves... I THINK I've caught it.
Funny too...because both plants have same nutes, ph, etc. and yet, the TEST Victim has shown nothing like that...kinda strange.
I'm using the same nutes quoted to help solve the problem in Moose's Cannabis plant and pest problem solver - Pictorial
and trying to keep the ph around 5.5 and 5.8 atm .

Oh well...I'll keep an eye on 'em both.
It's hard to tell where old and new growth is , the way I got her LST'd all to hell.
Looking back thru the journal and remembering now...I took the clone after it went hermi :|

Am I screwed there ?
Guess I'll let it grow for a while to see.
Don't wanna screw up the test victim in case it IS a female.

As always, any help or suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Peace :roorrip:
DaMagoMan , StonerGrower.. thanx for the quick responses.
Well... the whole thing for me is to get some buds and Tammy
is so spread out , it'd be tough to control the balls if it does go hermie.
I guess , for now it depends on if the Test Victim is a female.
IF the Test Victim is female, I'll pull Tammy and not take the chance.
If the Test Victim is a male... I'll kill it and try to control Tammy enough to
get some bud and work on germinating new seeds to go for another female.

Man... it sucks ! LOL

I have everything working so well now as far as temps and the cabinet...
the last piece of the puzzle now is getting a good female that I can clone stock from to keep a continual grow going.

I'm gonna go cry and brood a bit now... :thedoubletake:

As always, any help or suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Peace :roorrip:
Whilst I was crying and brooding, I decided to go poking around with the ol'
magnifying glass.

Guess who decided to show she has at least a little girl in her ?

Tammy - First Flower @ 5 days 12/12


We'll wait and see if the Test Victim is a girl still, before making any more decisions.

As always, any help or suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Peace :roorrip:
You guys are killin' me !


Peace :roorrip:
Oh...the clones are doing ok I think... but they are from Tammy :|

As SOON as I see the Test Victim is a girl (IF it's a girl) , I will clone it.
I will send Tammy and her clones to the great compost heap in the sky
and try to germ and grow one of the last 3 Nirvana Fem. Snow White seeds
that I have stashed away.

To tell the truth, I'm not really concerned as to WHAT strain I have, I just
really would like to have a good female Indica to propagate.

I have 3 more chances of getting a Snow White and that'd be awesome,
but after that I'll have to go with bagseed until I can figure out how to feel safe getting seeds from a bank.

Archaic Marijuana laws suck. :|

Peace :roorrip:
The only 100% way to not get caught ordering seeds is to use a money order...not use your name, and not have the seeds shipped to your house. However Ive ordered using a money order and credit card...Im still here =]

And you got to hope and pray they make it through customs.
Not only will they surprise you and slap you in the face, you got to worry about the nasty yellow residue they leave behind =]

Oh man, that's never good. Better watch out!
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