First Time Hydro!

your air cooling seems to be working amazingly lol theyre so bushy! looove it man good job
charliemopps , fillabong420 ... Thanx for stopping in guys. I'm really
excited about this whole hydro thing and so far it's been fun as well.
Thanx for the kind words and encouragement.

After all afternoon under the HPS the temps are now at 80 degrees.
I believe I have beat the temp problems. :yummy:

I am a bit perplexed tho...

The clones are 7 days old since cutting and they're looking good
but they are also getting an odd purple stem color. The roots have
not yet poked their greedy little necks outta the plugs I have them in,
yet, I feel they are healthy. Have a look and tell me please if you think
that they are in trouble.

Clones @ 7 days

As always, any help or suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Peace :roorrip:
dude! my clones are doing that same thing, they have been in their plugs for, well- this is day 5. almost thought I saw roots last night, but was prolly stoned.
hoping soon!
good luck to you man
OK... you guys can go ahead and call me a dumb ass now.
Tammy and The Test Victim are doing well , don't worry.
BUT .... Whilst checking PH last night , I misted the clones ,
the phone rang , I closed the cabinet and forgot that I had not
covered the clones with the dome. I woke this morning and
when thru my morning ph check and then opened the clone area
curtain and saw them , fried to a crisp. Sigh... I'm just too
absent minded sometimes. Not to worry tho.... there are MANY
places on Tammy I can take new clones and I'm gonna do that
as soon as the plugs soak up some water. Man... I have such a
hard time with clones. I'll post pics when I take the new ones.

Peace :roorrip:
Alright, here we go.
Try #2 on the Tammy clones..pray for the poor
little buggers.


Peace :roorrip:
StonerGrower , thanx for the reply and help.
I have them under / in a dome and that photo was taken just after I
first misted them. That's why they look so wet atm.
I'll have to find another dome to place them in separate containers.
I DO open them and mist several times daily... is that too much ?
The few successful attempts I have made at cloning were done in that
same bowl and dome (a CD rack cover ).

I'll try to get stuff together to separate them but I'm curious as to why to separate them ? is a pic of them in their new home for now.


As always, any help or suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Peace :roorrip:
^ I don't think you need to water so much. They need to be damp, but not soaked if ya know what I mean. I love the home made bubbler, and it looks like your plant does, too! They're looking good!
Any roots yet?

No sir, But I just took those clones yesterday.

As posted earlier, I crispy fried the first clones I took. :|

Still watching them and misting less as per your instructions. :smokin:

On a plus note, the temps are hanging at 79 - 80 degrees
and the Test Victim and Tammy are the healthiest looking 2
plants I have grown to date. I checked the ph this morning and
they really look happy. That tends to tell me that the heat was
one of my main issues last grow. I'm feeling MUCH better about it all.
Now ( besides the clones ) it's a waiting game.

Today is day 3 of 12/12

As always, any help or suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Peace :roorrip:
Just a quick pic of how they look today. There are a couple of little brown spots,
I think it's where I splashed a bit of nute solution on them when changing the rez.
Nothing to worry about I believe. I'm just glad they
are looking healthy. (at least to my eyes)

3 days 12/12

As always, any help or suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Peace :roorrip:
Thanx Mago :passitleft:

Welp... they're under 12/12 now, so we're trying to flower Bro..
Remember when ya told me to clone the hermi and see what would happen ?
Well, this is it Bubba ! Tammy is that clone and I'm trying to get clones from her atm.
The Test Victim is an unknown, but it's just so pretty. I'm REALLY hoping it's a female,
just to see what the buds do. The leaves are so big and broad, I'm thinking this may be
Indica ? I dunno what the real differences are are far as looking as I don't yet have the experience. :|
Any ideas or ganders as to what it may be ? more Indica or Sativa ?
Just curious in opinions...

The Test Victim

As always, any help or suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Peace :roorrip:
ThatBoyDean , thanx for stopping in !
No flowering yet , only been 3 days 12/12.
The Test Victim is from a seed taken from a good bag,
Tammy is a flowering clone from my Snow White grow before this one.
Anxiously waiting... :smokin:

Peace :roorrip:
Thank you ALL for checking and helping me with this grow.
It means a lot to me and I just want you guys to know that.
Now... I have really been trying to NOT upload so many pics
as I don't want to bore you guys with subtle changes, but
I checked the plants this morning to adjust PH and such and
was amazed to see the Test Victim had grown a full 1/2" or so
over night. It's freaky man, and I hardly believe it myself, but
seeing is believing, so I decided to show you. The tips of several
branches just decided to poke out and up from the undergrowth.
Please compare it to the pic I posted yesterday ! I guess this means
it has started it's stretch ? Am I just too stoned and imagining this
or is this normal ? I'm telling ya, I was like "Woah !! " this morning !

Test Victim @ 4 days 12/12


Just so Tammy doesn't feel left out - @ 4 days 12/12


OK...well..sorry if this was an unwarranted and boring post and
the excess pics, but I was just amazed...

As always, any help or suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Peace :roorrip:
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