GG7's Indoor/Outdoor Grows!

Never knew White Rhino can turn purple. What seed bank is that from? I would like to try it out for the Winter grow. Keep growing out the strain and if you want in seed form self-pollinate for feminized Purple Rhino seeds.

Good idea! :thumb:
Never knew White Rhino can turn purple. What seed bank is that from? I would like to try it out for the Winter grow. Keep growing out the strain and if you want in seed form self-pollinate for feminized Purple Rhino seeds.

Hi Twelve,

The seed came from "" and we assumed that they were irradaiated during transit due to the high failure rate and deformed seedlings. (they gave me a full refund) As I have mentoned many times previously in this journal, the package of 24 seeds were a total bust except for 6 of them that germinated, three of them were deformed. Out of the remaining three, I ended up with a male and a female White Rhino and a NL. The WR male you saw previously that was cut down and some flowers saved. The NL is still out back and has also turned purple but the buds are much smaller.

I will attempt to reveg what is left of the female Purple Rhino, but the odds of success are low based on previous experience. You really need real sunlight to reveg a plant after harvest with any degree of success, but I will make the attempt.

I test smoked a portion of that purple cola I took the other day. In a word, nothing special. No real promounced flavor profile and a very mild buzz, so other than the color, the quality of the bud itself was unremarkable.

Still... I genenally cure my bud for at least four weeks prior to sampling, so checking all these for quality when they have only been dried and jarred for less than 10 days does cast some doubt on the ultimate quality of the purple and the Urkle that I will be checking next.

Also... The majority of the Urkle bud out back is going to seed. The buds have lost their density and are opening up and looking like late season leftover buds you see on a plant you harveted a few weeks earlier.

The BBK is looking perfect as is the BC so I am going to be harvesting them today and through the week. I might be able to get a few still dense buds off some of the Urkle, but the majority is going in the compost pile. I guess I waited too long to harvest them, but my priorities have been elsewhere these last several weeks.

It was unfortunate that all the shit decided to hit the fan right at the peak harvest time this year. We bailed on the last harvest of tomatoes too. None of us had the energy to deal with them, so I RORO-Tilled the lot yesterday, fuit and all. Should make a good mulch for next year at least.

My goal is to have all the plants off the backhill by Sunday, which will bring this year's harvest to an official close.

Dead loss is a fact of life with a big garden, and when you stop caring about it, it goes to hell in a rather rapid fashion.

Thats the way it goes sometimes. We still have a very impressive harvest, but it was also one of the hardest to get through in the 25 years we have had this garden.
Hey Goose
Sorry about the not so spectacular sample. I am sure you will have others that curl your toes! LOL

Good luck harvesting today. I hope it goes as smooth as silk for you!
Hang in there buddy! :thumb:

Hey Goose
Sorry about the not so spectacular sample. I am sure you will have others that curl your toes! LOL

Good luck harvesting today. I hope it goes as smooth as silk for you!
Hang in there buddy! :thumb:


Oh yeah! I've got plenty of 5 star bud sitting around here after this season, so no worries there, and check this out!...

Those airy, unwinding Urkle buds I was complaining about?...



Had to have been the White Rhino male that managed to do the deed before I moved it and later chopped it! Only the Urkles near that original spot have been fertilized. Hopeing that the Purple Rhino also got pollenated! That would make things a heck of a lot easier!

That make Rhino was from the same batch of seeds that the Purple Rhino female came from, so who knows?! :)
Blue Cheese Harvest "2" Part I
Talk about BANG for the Buck!

I know that most of you have seen this first photo dozens of times by now, but I placed it here for effect and historical significance. This photo was taken in June of 2011 minutes before the big CHOP!

To those who have no idea what I am talking about...

Pictured here is my original Blue Cheese plant grown from a Medicinal Organics Seed back in March of 2011. I grew it to maturity, flowered it, harvested it, and took some photos of the process. I nearly won the July Plant of the Month Contest with her, which was great! What was even greater was the incredible high this stuff produces! MAN! Powerful as all hell, but the most blissful narcotic stone you have ever had!


After the harvest, I placed what little was left of the remaining plant outside with all the other new plants. I figured I would see if it would reveg. I left a few fan leaves on and some short branches. Nothing much in retrospect.

I watered it and watched it and eventually it grew into a nice little Blue Cheese BUSH. I kept trimming it back planning to veg it over this winter. Instead, it began flowering for a SECOND TIME in mid July, so I decided to just let it go for it.

My one single Blue Cheese clone now growing in my closet grow came from this original seed grown plant.

The following are the harvest photos of about one third of the total plant





After the partial harvest

You can see that there is still a lot of bud left on this gal! I plan to continue in a few days after the first round of buds has dried enough to place into jars.


I'll be back with some updates soon! :thanks:
i like ur little shrine for ur cat thats pretty cool : )
i have a cat thats name is kimba lol

Hey! Thanks man!

I always liked the name Kimba from the old 60s Anime` cartoon series "Kimba the White Lion" that I watched as a kid. Our Kimba was more like a miniature version of a real Lion cub in terms of his markings and coloring, but that name certainly fit him to a tee!

We have a bronze memorial plaque being made for us as we speak and hope to have it delivered and installed at the memorial site by November the 4th. That day marks the 2 year anniversary of the cold dark moonless night that Kimba seemed to have appeared out of the ether and changed our lives in more ways than we can count.

That whole aspect never ceases to amaze me of the odds of all that coming together like that.

P.S. Keep your Kimba safe! Losing one is about the worst kind of hurt the universe has to offer. :Namaste:
Hey goose!
Looking good as always :thumb:
I hate "liking" a more sincere post like yours as it seems like a peppy good spirt thing, but it was because it was so heartfelt.

I think I may try the reveg thing on one of my Conf Cheese plants after harvest in mid november. seems like something fun to try and hell I have the space to do it.
Any tips would be huge and thanks again my friend and I am trully sorry for all your pain.

Hey goose!
Looking good as always :thumb:
I hate "liking" a more sincere post like yours as it seems like a peppy good spirt thing, but it was because it was so heartfelt.

I think I may try the reveg thing on one of my Conf Cheese plants after harvest in mid november. seems like something fun to try and hell I have the space to do it.
Any tips would be huge and thanks again my friend and I am trully sorry for all your pain.


No problem MS! I know why you "Liked" that post. ;)

I completed my harvest of the Blue Cheese plant yesterday and took some photos that I will be posting in an official update shortly. I managed to trim the plant down to a nice size that resembles a hedge, and put it under the light station previously occupied by the BBK mother plant.

The new growth from GDP 2 was unfortunately short lived. :( I think the root ball was too damaged from the freezing temps during the week it was in there totally chopped to nothing. when that new growth emerged, it lacked the healthy root system needed to grow, so it all died back over the last week.

It did open up a spot to put the harvested BC plant, so its all good at this point!

I'll be happy to give you any tips on revegging a harvested plant. I think the biggest and most important point is to not chop the thing to the ground! You need to treat it more like a shrub and prune it like you would an indoor or outdoor plant you plan to keep around for awhile.

This will mean that you won't be able to get a 100% bud harvest, but in the long run, it is worth leaving enough minor buds and green growth on the plant to allow it to continue living with minimum shock.

As soon as I made my last chops yesterday, I gave the plant a good feeding of Kelp Extract and Fish Emulsion. I repeated the feeding about 5 hours later, and then brought the plant in at dusk and put it in the closet grow room.

You'll see the results in my forthcoming update. :)

Next on the agenda is the Purple Rhino, some of the Mini Urkles that still have dense buds and the last few remaining BBK. I am only limited by my drying closet space. I have to wait until the BC bud comes out and into jars so I will have the room for another batch of whatever needs to hang dry next.

I'm definitely going to be growing a much smaller crop next year! ;) The amount still left outside to bring in is literally overwhelming!

Stay tuned! :thumb:
Blue Cheese Harvest "2" Part II
All Viable Buds Trimmed for Drying • Plant Pruned for ReVeg

Here are the photos from the second and final harvest session of my orignal Blue Cheese plant.


All of this stuff needed to go into another closet since the primary one is packed with hanging bud already!



Here is a cola from the first half of the BC harvest drying nicely in the broom closet. Should be able to jar this first batch up by Sunday! :)


Here is the BC plant pruned and ready to go inside





And here is the BC plant in her new home for overwinter and hopefully a third season!
I still plan to trim off all the yellowing leaves and clean her up a bit over the next day or so.


MS was asking for tips on revegging a harvested plant...

I think the key to seriously revegging a harvested plant is to treat the harvest more like a pruning than a CHOP. Although this one survived the usual radical chop approach the first time, it took the summer sun and three months to get her back to a respectable plant. Under artificial light, I have no doubt that the plant would have died.

I think it is worth losing a portion of your harvest to save a plant you really like! :thumb:

Next up will be the Purple Rhino followed by BBK #3 and some of the Mini Urkles! Most of those will be posted here this weekend so stay tuned! :cheer::cheer::thanks:
ha thats crazy thats why my mom named the cat that cuz that was her favorite show as a kid and 2 of her Siamese cats have been named simba. But thats really cool man take some pics and put um up, but yup i keep him as safe as possible
Good luck with the reveging the White Rhino purple pheno. I heard most of the purple strains is average in potency, though it sure looks pretty. If you have the interest in breeding potency can be added to the plant from cross breeding with a high THC strain while keeping the purple trait. It's worth it for the future when things are back on track and dispensaries reopen up, you can offer them your exclusive Purple Goose strain.
Good luck with the reveging the White Rhino purple pheno. I heard most of the purple strains is average in potency, though it sure looks pretty. If you have the interest in breeding potency can be added to the plant from cross breeding with a high THC strain while keeping the purple trait. It's worth it for the future when things are back on track and dispensaries reopen up, you can offer them your exclusive Purple Goose strain.

Hey Twelve!

I haven't gotten around to making inquiries to dispensaries about my surplus bud yet. Our finances are not the greatest these days due to the recession and what not, so it is somewhat frustrating to be looking out at well over 10 grand wholesale worth of unharvested bud and not being able to get at least something for it all.

My State Exception Card permits me to have 40 plants and 4 pounds of dried bud. I hit the 40 plant mark back in August, but so far I still have some cushion on the dried bud part of my MMJ ID card. I think I have about 3 pounds dried and cured at this point. Enough to last me a lifetime at this point.

As for the Purple Rhino... I will be harvesting that today and posting photos. The plant has a lot of Powdery Mildew on it on the lower portions of main stalk in the portion I intend to leave on, so first I need to finishing removing the few remaining useable buds on there from the top half, taking the stalk down as short as possible, dousing it with milk/water, all while leaving enough biomass on the plant to sustain it through an indoor reveg. I figure I have a 50/50 chance of keeping it alive and healthy through the winter.

As soon as I finished clipping the last buds, I will "prune" it down to a manageable size and then give it a good feed of Kelp Extract and Fish Emulsion before brining it indoors tonight at dusk. Gotta make sure that the PM is totally off the plant, cause the only place I have to put this plant is in with the GDP clones in the bathroom.

Last thing I want is for the PWR to spread PM to everything else in there.

I'll be posted the Purple Rhino and Mini Urkle harvests later this morning, so stay tuned for Weekend Update #1 for this week. :Namaste:

P.S. Once the bulk of the harvesting is done, I will put a couple of those Urkle seeds under my scope at 150x and see if you can determine anything by the look of the seeds. To the naked eye they look black with no signs of any color patterns and such like I often see with your scope based seed shots.

The big question is whether that male Rhino carries the same purple Pheno that this female has. A cross between one of these Urkles and a Purple Rhino might be in interesting creation! Especially if the Urkle's large bud sizes (4-6 inches vin diameter wet) will help make larger buds than what this original Purple Rhino female has produced. The main colas as still decent size with diameters between 1 and 3 inches undried.

Stay tuned for the first is several Weekend Updates coming later today! :cheer::Namaste:
Weekend Update I
Purple Rhino Harvest Part 1

This was the top third of the plant...


Still have more of this plant to harvest tomorrow, so stay tuned for that.


Also this weekend... I will be posting the harvest photos of some Mini Urkles and BBK #3!

ha thats crazy thats why my mom named the cat that cuz that was her favorite show as a kid and 2 of her Siamese cats have been named simba. But thats really cool man take some pics and put um up, but yup i keep him as safe as possible

Cool! When I won the Plant of the Month contest back in September less than two weeks after we lost him, I decided to dedicate the win and that contest to Kimba, with the 420 staff's blessing, which allowed my off-topic portion about KImba to remain including a photo taken just a few days before the end.
wow i bet that rhino was a great surprise turning out purple hows your weather been goose? mine is starting to make me have to work. cover, uncover.... its worth it though.:peace:
wow i bet that rhino was a great surprise turning out purple hows your weather been goose? mine is starting to make me have to work. cover, uncover.... its worth it though.:peace:

Hey Gitter!

Yeah.... It was a total surprise that it would turn such a deep purple like that and only the buds themselves, the leaves as you saw remained green the entire time. Hopefully I will be able to reveg the plant to get some cuttings for clones. I may try doing some MINI versions and see if I can get a compact version with the same purple color.

Weather has been great and long range forecasts indicate continued sunny and dry for at least another week. I hope to have everything in by then. Unusually dry for us for this month. We usually get about 6 inches of rain in October, but so far, that one storm with 2 inches is all we have in the rain gauge so far this month.
GG7's Recipe for 2 Liters of 2x Strength Homemade Clearex

2 Liters of fresh RO water
120 grams of Dextrose (corn sugar)
60 grams of Sucrose (regular white table sugar)
1.5 grams sodium benzoate (preservative)

Add dry ingredients to your container or saucepan* and then add your 2 liters of fresh RO water. shake/stir/heat to dissolve.

* I heated mine in a saucepan on the stovetop to 250 degrees to make sure that everything was dissolved into solution before bottling.

Use 15 ml (1 TBSP) per gallon of water for flushing your potted plants.

Compare the above at about 2 bucks per gallon of the concentrate to the commercial brands at $35 - $50 a gallon! :thumb:

Thank you very much for the recipe! It is grand to have all of the 420 members looking out for each other. I am really glad to be part of the community.


Ganja Who
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