GG7's Indoor/Outdoor Grows!

I love your journal and the photos are amazing.... I think you should start a new journal for the new season.....It might keep it more simple or easier to follow.... Just be sure to let all of your fans on this journal where to find your new journal.

I'm with them, start a new one in the spring, you will be able to get some new viewers that way. You know us old timers will still be around. Can't wait for the smoke out.
Thanks for the input you guys! :)

That's what I will do then. Once I have posted all the various smoke reports, I will have this moved to the completed journals section and have them add "2011" to the journal title.

I will most likely start a new 2012 grow journal around March when we start making preparations for our Spring outdoor plantings.

I love your journal and the photos are amazing.... I think you should start a new journal for the new season.....It might keep it more simple or easier to follow.... Just be sure to let all of your fans on this journal where to find your new journal.


Thanks a Million Kat! So glad that you were able to stick around and follow this entire process. Hopefully it will prove to be a useful resource for future 420 members and new growers!

Its been an honour meeting you GG7 iv enjoyed all your success and beautifull pictures truly are an epic member, i can hardly wait to see what 2012 brings.

My :love: goes out to you and wish you good health and happy smoking!


Thanks GT! Your kind words and support are most appreciated, as are all the great comments everyone subbed to this journal have posted here along the way!

Before I start officially closing out this journal for the year, I wanted to include one last round of photo updates of the indoor plants as they look today. I also included a shot of my new storage rack in our drying closet that allows me to keep the curing bud jars in a nice climate controlled DARK space, for long term storage. Plenty of shelves and all are open air grate style, which could even be put to use drying recently chopped bud if I run out of hanging room! It fits the drying closet like a glove! Could not have found a more prefect storage rack for that narrow broom closet!

Here are the last batch of photos from this grow session. These are technically the plants of the 2012 season along with any seedlings I decide to raise from those Urkle seeds. I am feeding them BPN nutes exclusively every 10 days and so far I am pleased with the results! :thumb:

Three GDP Clones under bathtub light station



BBK Mother Plant


GDP#7 and Blue Cheese #2 in Closet Grow Space


Blue Cheese #1 (waiting for her to start to reveg)


Finally some dried bud in storage and curing!

I am using 1/2 gallon jars to store all the dried and curing bud. They seem to work really well and of course hold a lot more plant material than the much smaller quart jars.

We found this rack at the local nursery for $20.00 which was a steal and fits in the drying closet perfectly! What you see in the following photo is about 2/3rds of the total harvest from everything. A bunch of Urkle bud is still hang drying in another area.

The unlabled jars at the bottom is Urkle bud at various stages of drying.


My early smoke tests on these recently harvested buds indicate a high degree of potency, but they all need at least another few weeks of curing to mellow out the smoke and make it less harsh in small bongs and pipes. In a large Bong or Vaporizer the harsheness is minimal , but most of what I have sampled so far isn't ready for steady use yet. (just too freshly chopped for my tastes)

I figure another 4-6 weeks of slow curing to optimize the flavor, aroma and also age out that harshness that is typical of freshly dried but uncured bud.

I will also be including a few photos of the nearly finished Kimba memorial that we just added the custom designed memorial brass plaque to yesterday. Still a little more landscaping work to do on the site before taking the final photos. So far, it is looking really nice and a fitting tribute to our Kimba Boy! :)
Congrat's again, GG7, on a great growing season, a fantastic harvest, and an absolutely stellar journal. Very well done, my friend! :bravo:

I definately look forward to seeing your next grow, but hope you'll still be hanging around here, until then! :high-five:
Congrat's again, GG7, on a great growing season, a fantastic harvest, and an absolutely stellar journal. Very well done, my friend! :bravo:

I definately look forward to seeing your next grow, but hope you'll still be hanging around here, until then! :high-five:

Thanks Mr. K!

I do plan to stick around and if all goes according to plan, I will be posting another indoor/outdoor grow journal in the spring.

In the meantime I am using the BPN nutes to feed all the indoor vegging plants through the winter, so that will also figure heavily in the opening sections of the new journal. I will be able to compare the realitive health and growth rates of these plants under BPN nutes as compared to what I normally use during this time of the year.

I'll be back in a week or two to post my various smoke reports, so stay tuned for that towards the end of this month.

Thanks again for your paticipation and continued interest in my growing activities up here! :cheer:

Thanks Mr. K!

I do plan to stick around and if all goes according to plan, I will be posting another indoor/outdoor grow journal in the spring.

In the meantime I am using the BPN nutes to feed all the indoor vegging plants through the winter, so that will also figure heavily in the opening sections of the new journal. I will be able to compare the relative health and growth rates of these plants under BPN nutes as compared to what I normally use during this time of the year.

I'll be back in a week or two to post my various smoke reports, so stay tuned for that towards the end of this month.

Thanks again for your participation and continued interest in my growing activities up here! :cheer:


Hey there Goose!

So glad to hear you will be around from time to time :thumb:
Can't wait to see Kimba's finished memorial!

How are the Sierra's treating you guys up there? When does it start to get real cold for you?

It is always nice to see you post here

:peace: brotha!
Very nice. Like the rack and it's even more pretty with the fat ol' jars of bud on it! Hope to see you around still, and look forward to your outdoor grow next spring. :)
Hey there Goose!

So glad to hear you will be around from time to time :thumb:
Can't wait to see Kimba's finished memorial!

How are the Sierra's treating you guys up there? When does it start to get real cold for you?

It is always nice to see you post here

:peace: brotha!

Hey MS!

The weather has actually been really nice during the day for the last several weeks now. Our overnight lows are now dipping into the high 20s with frost and freezing conditions which is normal for us this time of the year.

There was supposed to be a big storm system headed our way this weekend, but the latest sat images and forecast models are now downgrading it significantly for us in terms of precipitation.

So Cal is still in the crosshairs of this pacific storm though, so anyone living down there and still growing anything outdoors would be wise to prepare for some stormy conditions and a good potential for some HEAVY rain!

In terms of Kimba's memorial, my plan is to make those images the closing post before I send the move request to the 420 staff to put this thread into the completed journals section. We are still adding some ground cover and other stuff around the site, so we are not ready for final photos of the site right now anyway.

Very nice. Like the rack and it's even more pretty with the fat ol' jars of bud on it! Hope to see you around still, and look forward to your outdoor grow next spring. :)

Thanks XL! :)

Yep! That rack was a great find! It was just sitting outside at the back end of the local nursery with some empty pots on it. I asked how much the rack was, and the guy $20.00 so I grabbed it! As you can see, it fits into the narrow width of that small closet like a glove and is just short enough to clear the shelves directly above it in the closet!

Sometimes you get lucky with stuff like that. I am sure that a new version of that same rack would probably go for more like $75.00 or possibly more if we could have even found something that exact size. It folds up too! It was the PERFECT find for this application! :thumb:

Stay tuned for the smoke reports by the end of this month! :Namaste::thanks:
[/quote] A few days ago, I was training a tiger in Korea... And when the training for the day was done, we put it in a over-sized baby stroller and took it back to the village. I woke up kinda just thinking... What the hell?...[/QUOTE]

LOL, dreams like that would leave me thinking the same thing. Just sayin:thumb:
The Guys at Turbo Klone Step Up in Spades! :bravo:

First thing this morning I got a phone call from Darin over at Everything Green Hydroponics, LLC which is the parent company of the Turbo Klone line of cloning machines. He was of course calling in response to my angry email sent yesterday after my T48 pump died.

He was very sorry for the failure of the pump and to make things right, they are not just sending me a new replacement pump, they are sending me TWO pumps so that I will have a backup just in case this problem ever happens to me again! :rocker: While Darin told me that the 450 gph Mag Drive pump they use for the T48 is usually very reliable and can normally be expected to last many years, they still have a 2-3% failure rate which usually manifests early in the pumps working life. Unfortunately, I and my Blueberry cuttings happened to fall into that statistic. :rip:

In addition to the two replacement pumps, because I asked, they are also going to send me a new set of collars to replace the ones that were used in the failed clone session. However, Darin informed me that unlike other clone machine collars used by other brands of cloning machines, the Turbo Klone collars are NOT made of Neopreen foam and instead are made of a different material that does not absorb chemicals as readily or premit roots to grow into them etc. They can be used more than one time, which is a real cost savings if you do a lot of cloning!

So... Although I was very disappointed that I lost my Blueberry clones as a result of this pump failure, I could not be more pleased with how professionally Darin and Everything Green Hydroponics handled my problem and even threw in an extra pump and a new set of collars to help compensate me for my lost time and my lost cuttings. :circle-of-love:

The new pumps should be here tomorrow via UPS. I'm VERY glad I chose to buy my cloner from these guys instead of another brand, because now I know that if I have a problem they stand behind their products 100% and will do whatever it takes to resolve your issue quickl and make you happy! :)

You can't ask for any more than that from a company, and as such I highly recommend the Turbo Klone product to anyone who may be in the market for a cloning machine! :)

My only caveat to that would be to TEST RUN your cloner for 72 hours using plain tap water and no plant material just to make sure you have a viable pump that won't give up the ghost on you in the middle of your cloning session!

Now we just need to wait for the Blueberry mother plants to grow a little more and give us another dozen cuttings! We will keep you posted on when our next cloning project will begin! :cheer:
Hey GG7 I use the mag drive pumps on just about every one of my fish tanks (I have 38) and they are amazing little pumps. Sorry about your loss because of it's failure but for them to send you 2 new ones makes me want to do business with them as well. :thumb:
Thanks Indica!

The cloner has been working great ever since the pump failure and replacement. I doubt I will ever need to turn to the second pump, but its good to know that I have a back up just in case. :)
congrats on a great grow/year! :)
WINTER UPDATE - 02/02/12

Hi everyone!

Its been a long time since we last updated our journal, but winter isn't a terribly interesting time of the year for our grow schedule.

We had some major ups and down the last several months with the health of our over wintering clones. We lost our last Blueberry Kush clone to spider mites and nutrient deficiencies and were forced to take it out. Our GDP and Bluecheese clones were not doing very well during this same period.

All during this time, we had been feeding the plants the Blue Planet Nutrients products that we won in the POTM contest, but the results were very poor and the plants were looking very yellow and sickly the entire time. Two weeks ago, in a desperate attempt to save the crop, we flushed all of them with our home made Clearex solution, and then began a thorough flushing course of pure tap water for four days. After that, we began feeding them FoxFarm Grow Big exclusively. (2 TBS per gallon)

Within a week, the plants began to show a remarkable recovery and are now a back to a healthy green color and are growing rapidly once more!

Don't know why the BPN stuff proved to be so toxic to our plants since we followed the doseage intructions on the bottles to the letter. In the end, we dumped the lot and are back to using FoxFarm Grow Big which had always served us well over the years for overwintering feeding.


Here are some photos we snapped a few minutes ago showing the miraculous recovery:
Some portions of the plants are still showing signs of the previous stresses from all the yellowing and leaf burning.

Left to right: Bluecheese Clone, GDP clones 6 and 7




GDP 6 and 7 Closeups

Some lower leaves are still yellow and may need to be trimmed off



GDP 5 still showing some signs of yellowing and burning


Bluecheese Clone #1



Our plan for the 2012 season is to clone these four plants in early March and then flower these mother plants indoors under 12/12. Because of our huge bounty last year, we will only be growing 8 new plants this season instead of the previous 18 in 2011.

With limited growing areas, we are going to be increasing our hybrid red Jalapino pepper crop this year from the previous 12 plants to 24, so they will be taking up the bulk of my time this season.

I will still maintain our grow journal, but it will be noticable smaller this year as opposed to last year's bumper Cannabis crop.

Hope everyone is doing well, and we will be back in March for another update when we begin cloning these plants in our Turbo Klone T-48!

Cheers. :)
GOOSE!!! And Mam!! Great to have you back brother and sister!!

I wonder why you had trouble with your BPN?? I haven't seen any other problems thus far here, or with mine. I do know that Corey changed up his formula recently. I gave up my FF and have switched exclusively to the BPN.

I know you are a first rate farmer in all you grow my friend, so I will surely like more info!!

I hope all was well during the holidays and these last couple months, I was just thinking of you the other day, when I got out some Red peppers, which will be germinating in the next week or so.

Peace and God bless,

Ohh, your Blueberry Kush did well in the POTY contest, it got my vote brother!!
great to see yah GG7 we have been missing you! welcome back! your weather must be warming up some! its nice were im at. I was thinking of trying to bloom some outdoors this spring and didnt know the margin of time I had to grow in 12/12. I thought to myself
what would that ol goose do? lol. Hate to hear that about the nutes I was actually thinking of going to that because everyone seems to have so much sucess with them.
Thanks guys!

Good to see you again too! :)

Not sure what the deal was with the BP. I treated the plants with a host of the usual remedies when they started to go south back in late November, and taking BP out of the equation was the last resort.

The symptoms were basically identical to what happened to HMG during his BP grow detailed in THIS THREAD.

The night and day difference in the health of the plants after stopping the BP and switching to FoxFarm GB was stunning. I really wasn't expecting such a profound and rapid recovery.

My only logical conclusion from this is that something contained in at least MY supply of BP was slowly killing my plants!

Perhaps this is why they changed their formula?


Hey man!

If you want to determine the Spring "window" for flowering your plants outside at your specific location, check out THIS PAGE

Talk to ya guys soon! :)
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