Grandpa Tokin’s Perpetual

How much would you suggest per 3/4 cup of oil
For me it would be a shit-ton...

You really need to experiment with what works best for you. I tend to go heavy now because I like to sleep. I’m not trying to blow you off, but I just don’t really have an answer.

*Edit: If i were to guess I’d say 5-8 grams for me.
For me it would be a shit-ton...

You really need to experiment with what works best for you. I tend to go heavy now because I like to sleep. I’m not trying to blow you off, but I just don’t really have an answer.

*Edit: If i were to guess I’d say 5-8 grams for me.
That’s cool I thought you might have a certain amount of the GG4. You saw what I put over 10 grams of WW in 100 mL of coconut oil, I have the evoo on hand that I’ll use on the next batch of capsules. I took one about 3:00 love the way they work !
That’s cool I thought you might have a certain amount of the GG4. You saw what I put over 10 grams of WW in 100 mL of coconut oil, I have the evoo on hand that I’ll use on the next batch of capsules. I took one about 3:00 love the way they work !
I agree. I love the way they work!
Hey Gramps

Just a fly by...

Wanted to show you one of your offsprings GG4

She is taking up the entire 4x4 tent, eating over a gallon a day, 22 days since flip today

I completed 200 correct push-ups, in sets of 10, during my 45 minute walk this morning. Now I’m doing dabs. Enjoy!

Just stopped by to say hope all is well on your side of the hill's . Stay safe bud flowers and rosin looking good as all ways :Namaste:
Hey Gramps

Just a fly by...

Wanted to show you one of your offsprings GG4

She is taking up the entire 4x4 tent, eating over a gallon a day, 22 days since flip today
Dude! Outstanding specimen you have going there. She’s yuge...really nice! Very good work my friend.
I thought Grandpa is decarbing for longer these days than just the end of bubbling. Have I got that wrong GT?
No this is one of his first ones , I stumbled across it doing one of my Stoney reads .
I thought Grandpa is decarbing for longer these days than just the end of bubbling. Have I got that wrong GT?
I do decarb a little longer, but not much. About 30 minutes seems to do well with the rosin I’m dealing with.
I’m .2 away from losing 100 lbs. Still hitting my workouts daily and really sticking to a very strict low carb/no sugar diet. It’s working so I’m continuing to drive-on...consistency is the key. I have more fat to get rid of, but it’s considerably less than I used to have.

This morning I did 200 pushups during my 45 minute walk. I start with 20 pushups and then get on the treadmill (at 3.5 mph). Every 5 minutes I get off the treadmill and knockout 20 reps. Then, I get right back on the treadmill and continue walking. It kicks my old ass every time...
Just waving howdy to the the Rock!
More like the Rock’s much older—but much better looking—older brother...well okay, maybe the Rock’s father’s older brother... :cheesygrinsmiley:

Good to see you Meds!

Monday is pushup day. The Earth has once again been realigned so no need to worry about us flying off into space somewhere. Just stay home and be safe please! There are days when I do feel superhuman, and I can do a lot of stuff, but I can’t fight this virus friends.

Just a thought, but if you’re quarantined anyway, it might be a good time to begin a physical activity routine. Start with something easy for 5 minutes and build from there daily. I can help if you need it.

Please be safe! :love:

Speaking of rosin....had a hermie issue in the shop after the 2 day power outage. Looks like alot of seeds showing up. Gonna press the whole crop! Guessing about 8 pounds! See much aggravation in my future
Sorry to hear that brother! You need help?
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