Green Knight Berry Bomb Hydro CFL - Experiment #1: Supercropped Defoliated ScROG

Right, so we're now at Day 28. She's looking nice and healthy and good white roots.


I'm not 100% sure the fim has worked properly but I'll leave it for the time being see how things develop.

Today she also had her first strip. I've removed every leaf that had a stem long enough to easily pinch off.


She's also showing some pre-flowers:

I've turned the light around because it hasn't got an even footprint so one side of the plant gets less light than the other. Every nute change from now on (every weekend basically) I'll reverse the light.

EC is 1.3, pH 5.8

The mother that I massacred last week is doing well and has lots of new growth. Now the roots etc have had a chance to recover after cutting them back quite drastically I've increased the EC back to 1.3, pH also at 5.8


Next weekend, or possibly some time this week depending how things develop, I'll start super cropping her
im here for the long hall looks great m8 and i have just got thc bomb seeds thaat will be my mothers in time to come soo cant wait to see how a related grow goes while i finish the journal im currently doing great job!!!!
nice room & work im subbed, i'll be growing this strain in the not to distant future:thumb:

Cheers bid, great to have you along mate. She seems a nice strain; can't wait to flower her and I'll be interested to see what she's like when doing her thing, but I'm optimistic. She's certainly resilient in veg, but was quite a slow starter- possibly just the seed I got though
Nice pic of her. The grow area looks tight as well. Can you use a 200 watt or lower MH/HPS with that built in ballast? Its all watts right? shouldn't matter what type of bulb?

Cheers spring; I'd love to have a bigger space to play with, but I'm really pleased with how the cupboard's turned out for the space it is - perfect for one plant and capable of producing more than enough for me to smoke. I'd love to get an hps in there but heat would be a real issue unfortunately because the space is so tight. I'm going to upgrade to a LED in the future, but now need to wait until I've finished this grow and then the next un-defoliated one, otherwise it wouldn't be fair. But it's shit cos that could essentially be 6 months. And I really want a LED.
im here for the long hall looks great m8 and i have just got thc bomb seeds thaat will be my mothers in time to come soo cant wait to see how a related grow goes while i finish the journal im currently doing great job!!!!

Cheers mate. The THC bomb looks nice!
All good! My slang is bad. Sorry... I love your grow space. When I said tight I meant tight as in solid, strong, well built, killa!! Your fixture is great too. I have one similar.

Ha ha, cheers spring, no worries. I'd rather arrogantly interpreted your use of tight to mean what you meant, but then I confused things by using tight in reference to the size of my space to answer about the hps (god that sounds confusing, hope it makes some kind of sense!). Don't worry, I didn't take your post in any way to be a knock on the grow area mate! I would love to have a larger space though!
Ha ha, cheers spring, no worries. I'd rather arrogantly interpreted your use of tight to mean what you meant, but then I confused things by using tight in reference to the size of my space to answer about the hps (god that sounds confusing, hope it makes some kind of sense!). Don't worry, I didn't take your post in any way to be a knock on the grow area mate! I would love to have a larger space though!

And to properly answer your original question (I was a bit soggy when I originally replied I'm sorry spring!) I could get a small hps but even if it was equivalent watt-wise to my 125 cfl it's likely it would still give out more heat I think. My cfl's also self-ballasting so with an hps I'd have to put the ballast in the top of my grow room and I think that would also add heat. Heat's the only major issue I have with the space to be honest, but because the cupboard's in the middle of the house, and also in a cupboard, I can't vent outside and the warm air does recirculate a bit - which is one of the reasons I'd love a larger space. I think with an LED I'll be able to get more light with less heat though, and a better light footprint
So I stripped her on Saturday (4 days) and the remaining leaves have filled out a lot.

Before I stripped her:


Immediately after stripping:

4 days later:

Unfortunately the fim has worked at all. So I've decided to top her; everything's been recorded so in the next grow the clone will be badly fim'ed at Day 21, and then topped between the 5 & 6 node at day 32.


I've also supercropped her to begin the process of spreading her out.


Just looking at the photos closely and don't know if anybody has any thoughts on this, but if you compare the photo before I stripped her with the photo 4 days later, the 1st photo has 4-5 huge fan leaves and the second has 10 or more good sized leaves, but smaller... I can't be bothered to calculate it but I reckon the surface area of leaves 4 days after defoliation is not far off, or possibly greater, than the leaf surface area of the plant before defoliation because a greater number of smaller leaves will always have a bigger SA than a few large leaves.


So my first thought on defoliation (and the argument against it on the basis that plants need their leaves for photsynthesis and removing them is bad) is that whilst it might knock the plant back ever so slightly, the net gain is a much larger leaf surface area and more photosynthesis shortly after defoliation than had it not taken place, with greater light exposure to branch / future bud sites.
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