

Welcome to the forum @Enr0n :welcome:

Greetings from Missouri, awaiting final approval of my medical card and thought I would join the community to learn what I can about my medicine.

Also from Missouri :ciao: there's quite a few of us here :theband::party::headbanger:
Welcome aboard!
:welcome: @Enr0n

Here you can find out the:420: Grow Journals. Depending if you like to follow in progress journals or perhaphs read a completed one

For any equipments i would suggust on having a look at the sponsor page
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Hey Enron,

WELCOME to :420:

You'll find we are a friendly bunch of souls here. Always ready to give advice on anything 420 - especially growing.

Any plans to grow, by any chance? If so, you've come to the right place. You wont get any better advice on growing than you can get here. Truly.

Be sure to participate in the forums rather than just lurking around. You will make more friends thst wsy. Because who can be friends with you if you dont let us know who you are?

So again, WELCOME to the forum.


All my best,
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