GrizzWalds - Aussie Indoor/Outdoor - Choose Your Own Adventure

Dang, Grizz, my heart goes out to you...I react the same....I just want to throw up with emotion....hard to "unsee" something like that...goes to show that life is fragile, fleeting, and just when you think you have figured it all out, you are thrown a curve ball....we all have an expiration date tattooed on our foreheads that only God knows for sure....very hard to explain the unexplainable....

Peace be with you and I hold you in my thoughts...... :hug:
Thanks Blaze Toddosh, Kushtie and Shawnee.. Tried to get the right sentiment into my response, I've tried four times..I'm not after sympathy, if that makes sense, oh I hope you know what I mean because I want you all here and appreciate you all listening and offering support. It's just hard to talk about this without coming across as though I'm a victim... Knocked me around this morning. I Was on phone to emergency services, stuffed that up, they were wanting me to go and see his condition etc, I just wanted to hang up on them...then running down paddocks to make sure nobody was in the house, that was sickening...Feel for another mate who was standing at the truck, getting the concrete delivery, he wittnessed everything...
I'm sorry for posting like I did, it had only just happened and I was a mess, needing to get it out. I'm good now.. Don't worry about me.. I got outta town today, went and had three disgusting (yummy) fast food meals, got organic potting mix and other bits and pieces for my grizzganics (patent pending) indoor grow and had four pots (beers) at the pub, oh and lost $100 on the horses...
Shawnee, I'm a spiritual, all religion accepting type of person.. Today got me questioning some of that.. I think some are on a journey but today felt like an end not part of something bigger, just pointless.. it's made me feel like my intelligence has put more importance onto our own existence...

Grief has a way of shaking the very foundation of our total belief system....and we all deal and try to make sense of it on an individual basis; in our own way and on our own timetable.....remember to be kind to yourself as you navigate through this; no apologies or explanations needed....just know there is a village out there to support you if/when you need us....just reach out, friend.... :circle-of-love:
Hi Grizz

I heard about some concern for you on another thread. You have friends here. Yes, I pray. I thank Him a bunch for all my abundance and that everyone that needs comfort will receive it.

My thoughts and prayers will be with you. May you be granted serenity even when things seem to be crumbling around you.

Know that you are loved. That one thought will be like a group hug.

Going to bed,I know he doesn't read but just want to thank 420 and all members here... This is a great community to be a part of..I've been a dick to some at times on threads, getting serious or whatever... I'm just glad to be a part of it and accepted by my friends here... Its a big strong shoulder... Camo, thanks man.. Jim, thank you, that was heartfelt to read. Heirloom :passitleft: I stole this before...Your no idiot..
Hey Dennise... As one awakens another sleeps, lol... :passitleft:....have a good day..
Jaga, didn't see you there :passitleft:
Oh Grizz, you must feel like you are in a bad dream. That was definitely a surreal experience for you. Give yourself time to grieve, baby yourself, and realize this is also a great loss for you. It's ok to mourn your loss too. Think about him, how would he want you to deal with this? I am pretty sure he doesn't want you to worry about him, he's on to bigger and better places, but he will always be a part of you in your heart. He's still there for you, just in a different form now.

Hang in there Grizz, your 420 brothers and sisters are sending you positive energy and healing prayers~
I'm struggling.. I feel like I'm doing the wrong thing but I've got nobody to share with. And if I rang couple of friends or mum and dad, they'd be straight here to comfort and with a house full of herb, I can't have them here, at the moment... I just saw a friend die. He was under his concrete tuck and it rolled over him down and empty acre block and into a house, luckily a holiday house, nobody in there, could have been so much worse.. I was working across the road.. I didn't see the actual roll that killed him, just after, but my mind is playing tricks.. This is fu#ked... Nothing's wrong with me but I'm here acting like a victim. My hearts racing, can't stop crying, although I've just noticed I have with typing this... I want to be sick.. I left work and come straight home. Happened first thing in the morning.. Oh man, any pray? Just pray for grizzwalds friends family, that they are safe and guided through this. Thanks...

Jeebus cryminy. Yeah, if I'd been there, I would have reacted the same way. Friends are friends, and when they leave us like that, it's hard not to react like that. The heart knows not family, wife, friend... Love is love- some call it friendship, but the feeling is still there, no matter for whom it is. If they are close, they're close. When that happens the heart only knows loss. Don't feel bad about what you feel. Feel it completely, and without guilt. Let it pass over you, and through you- just don't let it consume you. Feel it, but don't be it. It's not wrong of you to mourn, and don't let anyone tell you any different. You have the right to your own emotions, and if Joe Shmoe doesn't like it, he can fuck off for a while until you feel better.
Couple quickies before work... She's all swelled up now... She's freaking massive.. I got so much work ahead of me... I've admired her but last night was just walking around her, looking, she's a mass a buds, I'm so impressed with this girl. Photos dont do her justice, you just can't see all the buds and size of them... Anyways, forgive me for the crummy shots. Early morning.... Hope all are skunktified (well)



Hey Grizz, great looking plant! I was wondering how far away you can smell her? I want to grow a few plants outside in my private backyard that has a 12 foot tall concrete wall around the perimeter.
Just woke up... Thanks for well wishes... Dean, I'll answer tonight, but you'll be right, just don't grow a cheese or, no I can't say it, ok I will, skunk.. Thanks bigbuds, and thanks for the dehumidifier info....:circle-of-love:
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