Incogn1to's First Grow: Dark Devil, Gelato & Cheese Autos In Coco, 2019

Day 74

Hope everyone had an awesome holiday!

The girls are chugging along still. SG is nearing harvest. Probably two weeks, maybe less? She appears to have stopped shooting out new pistils, and many of them have now turned orange. A closer inspection reveals some amber thrics on the sugar leaves, and a few here and there on the calyxes. her water uptake also seems to be slowing down.


Cheese is still putting lots of weight on daily. Unfortunately since I stretched her out so far, she was having a hard time supporting all that weight. Cheese is known to be pretty stretched and have skinny branches, so I should have seen this coming. I had to run out first thing yesterday and grab some stakes to keep a few branches from collapsing under their own weight.





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Thanks @Backlipslide!

I must have been high when I wrote my last post, because that math does not add up. Today is day 77, the start of week 12. I have been preparing to harvest the Sweet Gelato Auto. I started flushing her this past weekend. I took a trip out to Waterloo to see the guys at Indoor Farmer. They had the best price around on a 5x5 gorilla tent. This is the tent I should have bought originally, but didn't because it was $200 more. When I started this grow, I didn't realize the possibility that all the plants wouldn't be done at the same time, and I figured I'd just use my grow tent to do the drying. I know there are other methods, but I am set on hanging the plant to dry. So, new tent, and old ( :hmmmm: existing?) tent for drying. I Should have my 4" fan and carbon filter here on Thursday and she'll get the chop on Saturday.

New tent 5x5x7

My little grow area in our unfinished basement. It's not as big/long as it looks because I'm using the wide angle lens on my phone, maybe 8x15. Also, you can't see it because I'm standing right beside it, but there's a sump pump well there.
So, I've got my drying tent all set up now. Fan and filter, humidity controller and a small fan. When the lights turned off this morning I moved the Gelato in there for 48hrs of rest before I chop and string her up on Saturday. Really not sure if the dark period is necessary, but I've seen it a bunch of places and thought I'd give it a try.

You'll notice that at the back of the tent there's a bunch of branches hung to dry. These came from the Cheese. A few of them were bent in half this morning, collapsed under their own weight. I took the others because they were probably going to succumb to the same fate. I guess I could have tried to anchor them to another branch, but really these are branches I would have got rid of early on in flower.


For anyone that hangs the whole plant to dry, do you trim the fan leaves first? I'm planning on dry trimming but just curious if it helps the drying to remove the fans before chop, or does that make it dry too fast? I'm open to trying either way.
I’ve cut each branch off individually, wet trimmed, and hung all branches individually. I’ve also hung the entire plant, then dry trimmmed everything. I’ve also, (this has to be my favourite) did a good once over on the entire plant, just removing the fan leaves, hung the entire plant, then do a final trim when jarring. It’s known to be better for a slower dry. Leaving the leaves on helps to give you a slower dry, but you have to be careful you don’t do it too slow or else you can run into problems with mould. For further information I have a link in my signature on harvesting, drying, and curing, that your welcome to check out! :thumb:
I’ve cut each branch off individually, wet trimmed, and hung all branches individually. I’ve also hung the entire plant, then dry trimmmed everything. I’ve also, (this has to be my favourite) did a good once over on the entire plant, just removing the fan leaves, hung the entire plant, then do a final trim when jarring. It’s known to be better for a slower dry. Leaving the leaves on helps to give you a slower dry, but you have to be careful you don’t do it too slow or else you can run into problems with mould. For further information I have a link in my signature on harvesting, drying, and curing, that your welcome to check out! :thumb:

Thanks man! Ended up cutting all the fan leaves off and hanging the whole plant upside down. :yummy: Of course as soon as I chopped it and hung it the weather turned mild and it rained like crazy, with nearly 100% humidity outside, the dehumidifier came in handy:nervous-guy:. Temps have dropped back down now and the drying tent is sitting at 70f and 55%.


The branches I took off Cheese and hung to dry, dried out pretty quickly, so I ended up pressing some of the really larfy stuff.


Well, Gelato had been drying out for a total of 5 days @ 70f and 55% RH. On Wednesday night I noticed she was pretty crispy on the outside so I bumped the RH up to 60% but Thursday morning she felt even more crispy, so I took the day off and trimmed her up and put her away for curing. Total dried/trimmed was 171g or 6oz. Probably closer to 5.5oz as I left a bit of stem on the bigger/best colas to help identify them.

They went into 1L jars, about 28g / 1oz each, and I put one of those 5/$20 round plastic hygrometers in a couple jars. Overnight they equalized and unfortunately only reading around 55% RH. To me this, is past where I would have liked to see the humidity, and for the cheese I will try either drying at a higher humidity or jaring earlier. This was only 2 days of darkness before chopping, and 5 days hung upside down in 70°f / 55% RH :hmmmm: I'm going to throw some 62% Boveda packs in there to try and bump the humidity a bit.


Here's some pictures of the Cheese @ day 93, nearing harvest. Still waiting for show a few more amber trichs and she'll get the chop. No flush for this one, she's still eating and drinking well.







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Congrats on the harvest! Those SG buds look delicious. I’m sure they’ll come right with the bovedas.
Well done sorting out the nute issue back there. Looked a bit frustrating.
You did well you got them to the finish line like a boss.
Like the new tent!
Well, been busy with life, work, etc and haven't had a chance to do an update.

Cheese came down on Monday morning. It was really strange, it was almost like the colas had already started to dry out. Not sure if this is normal or not? The top started feeling pretty dry, and I didn't flush or anything. She was sitting about 10% amber on the calyxes. This time I'm not going to let it get as dry as the Gelato. I started @ 50% RH for the first 36 hours, bumped to 55% for another 12 hours, and 60% for 24 hours, and now the tent is sitting @ 65%. I'm keeping a close eye on it, but the air is so dry here, I think around 40% in the house, so I don't foresee any mold :fingerscrossed:

Here she is on Sunday evening




And hung up to dry


I decided to grab some of the Gelato out of the jar and have a bong :bongrip:. Was hoping for a bit cleaner burn, but it's only been curing a week. Also, yes, i know I need to clean it :sorry: I'm mostly hitting rosin out of my rig and banger, so the bong doesn't really get any love these days.

You should buy your self some glass screens! :smokin: :thumb:

Man, I messed around with those things years ago. I would always loose and/or break them and @ at buck or more a piece, decided to just stick with good old metal screens. Maybe they've come down in price in the last 5-10 years? Might pick a couple up if I find myself at a headshop in the near future.
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