Juanelepe - Blue Mystic Auto - Soil - CFL - Indoor - First Grow - Her Name Is Lola

Re: Juanelepe - Blue Mystic Auto - Soil - CFL - Indoor - First Grow - Her Name Is Lol

Thanks Kriaze. I'll keep and eye on those pistils.

My (wild uneducated) guess is First couple of weeks of August. Heat is becoming a serious problem now. We expect 39ºC here today (104ºF) and top leaves are starting to curl. I need to find a way to hang the fan at canopy level. I'll keep you guys posted.

In the meantime I'm using 4 frozen water bottles to keep it under control and seems to be working.
Re: Juanelepe - Blue Mystic Auto - Soil - CFL - Indoor - First Grow - Her Name Is Lol

Hey there,

I am on my first CFL grow as well. I'm still at the seedling stage - super happy to see how nice a CFL grow can work out. Your flowers are coming in nicely!

You are doing great. I'm eager to follow along and see what Lola produces!


Nice electric setup! Bulbs look good. But in my experience you'll need to use those CFLs at different heights once they grow so that light reaches every part of the plant. Anything further than 15 cms (6 inches I think) won't get enough light. When the plants get bigger you'll need to use some bulbs on the sides of the plant without neglecting the cola.
Re: Juanelepe - Blue Mystic Auto - Soil - CFL - Indoor - First Grow - Her Name Is Lol

I finally moved the fan up to canopy level. Since my closet is a clothes IKEA closet it has a central bar on top where the hangers should be. I already used that to set the outtake and the carbon filter. However I managed to use a shoe lace tied to itself (creating a circle) and clamp the fan to it.

Now the problem is that the ice bottles I use to lower the temperature used to be next to the fan so that the cooled air circulated and now they just sit at pot level but what I want to achieve is good air circulation for the cola and the top part of the plant where all the buds are concentrating. So in the end I have a cooler zone for the bud but I need more water bottles to bring down the temperature.
Re: Juanelepe - Blue Mystic Auto - Soil - CFL - Indoor - First Grow - Her Name Is Lol

By the way on the process of rearranging the fan's position I touched some of the top leaves by accident, the ones covered in sugar. The only thing I can say is wowww. What a nice scent. My hand and fingers were covered in resin with just a faint touch and the smell stayed for almost one hour.

If it tastes close to what it smells like, it's going to be delicious.
Re: Juanelepe - Blue Mystic Auto - Soil - CFL - Indoor - First Grow - Her Name Is Lol

Well. We finally have some orange hairs growing on the buds. It's day 56 since it sprouted.

Re: Juanelepe - Blue Mystic Auto - Soil - CFL - Indoor - First Grow - Her Name Is Lol

I've decided to tuck the fan leaves in order to avoid light blocking to the lower nuggets

Re: Juanelepe - Blue Mystic Auto - Soil - CFL - Indoor - First Grow - Her Name Is Lol

Also some yellowing started on the lower leaves so I give it about 15 - 20 more days until harvest. What do you guys think?

Re: Juanelepe - Blue Mystic Auto - Soil - CFL - Indoor - First Grow - Her Name Is Lol

Hope all is well in your world.

Is this grow still alive?

We would love to be updated with some pictures and info.

How about posting a 420 Strain Review?

If you need any help with posting photos, please read our Photo Gallery Tutorial.

I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

Sending you lots of love and positive energy.

Re: Juanelepe - Blue Mystic Auto - Soil - CFL - Indoor - First Grow - Her Name Is Lol

It's finished, indeed. I've been on vacation and just came back. I'll try to post a bunch of pics of the last stages and harvest as soon as possible.

Sorry I was MIA

Hope all is well in your world.

Is this grow still alive?

We would love to be updated with some pictures and info.

How about posting a 420 Strain Review?

If you need any help with posting photos, please read our Photo Gallery Tutorial.

I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

Sending you lots of love and positive energy.

Re: Juanelepe - Blue Mystic Auto - Soil - CFL - Indoor - First Grow - Her Name Is Lol

So I'm back from my holidays. We already harvested Lola. Low yield as was expected from the early problems, but first successful grow for me.

This is how Lola looked the day we cut her down. On this pics you can see we had already cut all main fan leaves so only the leaves coming out of the buds and nuggets remain


Re: Juanelepe - Blue Mystic Auto - Soil - CFL - Indoor - First Grow - Her Name Is Lol

We started by cutting the stems one by one before proceeding to trimming



Re: Juanelepe - Blue Mystic Auto - Soil - CFL - Indoor - First Grow - Her Name Is Lol

1 hour of trimming after this was the result. It was two people trimming so total time of 2 hour of trimming.


And here a detail of the clean buds

Re: Juanelepe - Blue Mystic Auto - Soil - CFL - Indoor - First Grow - Her Name Is Lol

I was pretty curious on what the root system was like so I unearthed it and took a good look. No signs of root rot or problems. It was a big complex system. Amazing what a little seed can turn into in just 80 days with a little love and care

Re: Juanelepe - Blue Mystic Auto - Soil - CFL - Indoor - First Grow - Her Name Is Lol

I forgot to mention that I did a 2 week flush with only pHd plain water to 6,5. That way the plant has the time to eliminate all nutes residues and the weed is less harsh. Bare in mind that flushing only affects the harshness and not the taste. Only curing alters and improves flavor.

Since I live in a hot area with low humidity in Summer, 3 days were enough for the drying process. I hung the stems upside down using pins and shirt hangers. I was really careful not to allow the buds to touch each other to avoid mold problems. Look at the size of that cola!


Re: Juanelepe - Blue Mystic Auto - Soil - CFL - Indoor - First Grow - Her Name Is Lol

Since we used latex gloves and two pairs of scissors al the resin and the polen stuck was doubled by two. We managed to get a compact little ball of hash from the process. It was formidably sticky and stinky. We, of course, proceeded to smoke it right away molding it into a slim bar and rolling it with some natural tobacco.

Needless to say it was a really potent high. We spent the first ten minutes laughing incontrolably. A smooth cerebral high followed with a lot of pressure in the eyes and temples. After one hour the high turned into a state of sleepy relaxation.


Re: Juanelepe - Blue Mystic Auto - Soil - CFL - Indoor - First Grow - Her Name Is Lol

Three days of drying the buds where sticky but dry on the outside but moist on the inside. Perfect conditions to start the curing process. I bought 1 quart mason jars from a local store.

Before I put the buds in the jar I boiled it to avoid any contamination risks. At least two weeks now in the jar with daily opening of the jar for half an hour to allow excess of humidity escape the jar.



Re: Juanelepe - Blue Mystic Auto - Soil - CFL - Indoor - First Grow - Her Name Is Lol

Final outcome:

First grow with a 25 grammes yield. I'd say it's a pretty good result considering this was my first plant, the seedling problems, mag deficiency and extreme heat.

Thanks to all of the people that have helped me and followed this journal.

I'd like to finish with the "Crown Jewel" of the buds:


Next grow will be 2 AK48 Nirvana autos. Last learning grow with autos before I change to photos.
Re: Juanelepe - Blue Mystic Auto - Soil - CFL - Indoor - First Grow - Her Name Is Lol

Congrats on the harvest Juanelepe, it must feel great knowing everything that went into your smoke, and what didn't of course. Total control of your medicines, love it :peace:
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