I am really worried that there will be no room for water near the end of a grow in the bottom of bucket.

I have never heard of Freezeland.
It would be the same as hempy, when the roots have filled up the reservoir space. It may need more attention and fed a bit more often at the end of the grow.

I am hoping to keep the soil wet just like a normal soil grow from the top. Thinking it will be very little amounts of water with the Drench, KNF and Tea inputs. These will be in high concentration which has me concerned. I plan to put straight water in bottom to be bubbled. May do a LAB mix in bottom to keep the bad pathogen's away, hope.
I am hoping to keep the soil wet just like a normal soil grow from the top. Thinking it will be very little amounts of water with the Drench, KNF and Tea inputs. These will be in high concentration which has me concerned. I plan to put straight water in bottom to be bubbled. May do a LAB mix in bottom to keep the bad pathogen's away, hope.
maybe regular water changes would work with an occasional clean up?
Others use it for edibles as PW said. I am going to try something..... I am going to get a pint jar and half fill it with vodka and let it all soak in there for ????? then plan to take it out and evaporate the alcohol down. I feel the heat from vaping it should have decarbed it.
If I just keep adding AVB and some vodka as needed, I can keep siphoning off the top. I may have just invented POOC (Perpetual Oil Of Cannabis).
I bet I know what Chris is like tonight. The same as I was the night I got that SOLO and started figuring it out. I hope he can remember so he can tell me, I can't.... LOL
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