Lions Head Mixed Grow Outdoor Sesh, Cape Town 2019

From your link

"this strain has effectively been lost."
"join the long line of growers searching the country for some real Rooibaard seeds"

You and @Lerugged possibly have found the lost seeds of a forgotten landrace strain "Red Beard" and now you can produce seeds that are so important to keep sheltered from extinction.

Honestly, grow out some seeds, give some away to trustworthy people who will spread the strain again through the world and really keep some frozen tucked away for the comming years.
His got a point! Ship some to me too please :laughtwo: I'm only 9 hours away
His got a point! Ship some to me too please :laughtwo: I'm only 9 hours away
hahaha, the 9 hours got me so confused... for a minute I mixed you up with the Canadians and I was thinking to myself... no man, you are 6 hours away.... then I clicked lol :passitleft:
My cuttings didn't make it through the day in the soil, so I clipped them some more, re-gelled them and put them in water. Outdoors my seedlings are growing healthily and MamaTK is maturing her seeds nicely.
I have set some C99 bagseed to pop too. Ultimately some of these plants may turn out to be male, so I don't want to run short lol.
My cuttings didn't make it through the day in the soil, so I clipped them some more, re-gelled them and put them in water. Outdoors my seedlings are growing healthily and MamaTK is maturing her seeds nicely.
I have set some C99 bagseed to pop too. Ultimately some of these plants may turn out to be male, so I don't want to run short lol.
I think you need a humidity dome
My cuttings didn't make it through the day in the soil, so I clipped them some more, re-gelled them and put them in water. Outdoors my seedlings are growing healthily and MamaTK is maturing her seeds nicely.
I have set some C99 bagseed to pop too. Ultimately some of these plants may turn out to be male, so I don't want to run short lol.
Have you tried the jiffy pellets like I use in the pic I posted? Most nurseries sell them. I just boil water and let them soak. Remove when hydrated and allow to cool a little so you can handle them. I like to put the cuts in when they are still warm. I think it helps with rooting. Then you have to have a dome or they won't likely root well. Just my 2 c. The leaves are what absorbs the moisture from the air inside the dome as they don't have roots yet. I usually have roots showing within 8 days so,etimes sooner sometimes a little longer.
Usually have close to 100% success with this method. Fingers crossed you get some to take. You can do it like you are doing it, it works just longer and less successful for me. Others might have better success.
Have you tried the jiffy pellets like I use in the pic I posted? Most nurseries sell them. I just boil water and let them soak. Remove when hydrated and allow to cool a little so you can handle them. I like to put the cuts in when they are still warm. I think it helps with rooting. Then you have to have a dome or they won't likely root well. Just my 2 c. The leaves are what absorbs the moisture from the air inside the dome as they don't have roots yet. I usually have roots showing within 8 days so,etimes sooner sometimes a little longer.
Usually have close to 100% success with this method. Fingers crossed you get some to take. You can do it like you are doing it, it works just longer and less successful for me. Others might have better success.
I am going to get jiffy pellets next time I go to Epping. I think I agree that it is a safer bet but this time I am doing it in a bit of a hurry. I really aim to keep my costs to a minimum and see how far I get. It's like an economic experiment really. I want to prove that weed can deliver without much fuss. My motivation for this is that I want people to stop being poor and reliant. I just wish it were simpler to buy license to participate in the so-called "legal" economy... thank you LR and sorry for the whiney politics... I can't seem to help myself lol
fuck dude, no.... lol wtf is that?
Look at the pic I posted of my cuts . There is a cover on the top that's full of fine water droplets. Thats a humidity dome. Mine is a cupcake holder thing from mambos. The jiffy are like 10 bucks for 10. Pretty cheap.
Look at the pic I posted of my cuts . There is a cover on the top that's full of fine water droplets. Thats a humidity dome. Mine is a cupcake holder thing from mambos. The jiffy are like 10 bucks for 10. Pretty cheap.
"cup cake holder"? I totes buy into the endsdayssz paradigm :circle-of-love:
Please enlighten me on what you think it was
no idea lol... dude no man... I lost the link.... but Johnie Lee H is setting my pace
Heey guys... sorry about all the cus words last night... I was on some giggle weed! How does this re-purposed slow cooker work as a make shift humidity dome?
There's a backstory to this cooker situation... I have lost a few appliances this year due to forgetfully placing them on top of the washing machine for storage. Needless to say, bits of microwave and slow cooker were on the floor.
Heey guys... sorry about all the cus words last night... I was on some giggle weed! How does this re-purposed slow cooker work as a make shift humidity dome?
There's a backstory to this cooker situation... I have lost a few appliances this year due to forgetfully placing them on top of the washing machine for storage. Needless to say, bits of microwave and slow cooker were on the floor.
What the f&#& I sell wash machines and could just imagine a customer complaint like that hahahaha. If it can breathe it can work in my opinion. You can also just use a cake cover or see through plastic!
What the f&#& I sell wash machines and could just imagine a customer complaint like that hahahaha. If it can breathe it can work in my opinion. You can also just use a cake cover or see through plastic!
lol, yes I do take full responsibility for the lapse of judgement hahaha
That could work. Don't let the leaves touch the top or side and keep spraying fine mist onto the lid to keep the humidity at close to 100%. If you don't see little droplets on the lid spray. Also open it a few times a day. After a week or two you should be able to leave it off. Good luck.

She's just so pretty is Mama TK. It's a daily alchemical mystery unfolding before my eyes #novice #apprentice
The cuttings I took from her are still alive and looking strong in the make shift humidity dome. If I ever do this in volume I guess it is better to invest in the basic equipment essentials first.
By the way, I sampled a nug of my homegrown skunk yesterday and I am extremely pleased with the results from an endocannabinoid perspective. Aesthetically they are not wonderful. They are small and airy from my interrupted winter window weed grow. I remembered reading about milky white trichomes vs milky amber trichomes and harvested at milky white. I tried some of the Silver Haze much earlier in the cure because I ran out of smokable, and it was also very nice but it is maturing and smelling so fragrant now. I look forward to trying it again.
I began noticing that the growth on my teeny Chronic Ryder plant from winter was looking peculiar for about a week or two now. She has gone from fairly advanced bloom back into veg. The weather is not yet stable with some really cold days and then super hot days. Should I feed her for veg for a while? I am not quite sure what to do.
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