Max's First Grow - Soil - LED - Painkiller XL

Here's the new cabinet so far. It's 6' long, 5' high and 2' deep
That's what I need :thumb: Great Job Max


Cheers Vlad. I'm going to varnish it ASAP - probably first thing in the morning so I can keep the windows open to get rid of the fumes.

I figured with it being exposed to humidity I should protect the wood from warping and rot somehow.

The plan is to line the inside with Panda film (black one side, reflective white the other). I originally thought to use thermal bubble wrap - the stuff lined with aluminium, but apparently it has low light reflection and is electrically conductive.
Yeah it's like comparing tin foil to the mylar sheets, white plastic also works real well for a liner. If you have a local hydroponic store I'd recommend to buy the mylar which is 95% reflective while aluminum is about 45-60% at most.
Nice cabinet Max. I think its going to be awesome
Yeah it's like comparing tin foil to the mylar sheets, white plastic also works real well for a liner. If you have a local hydroponic store I'd recommend to buy the mylar which is 95% reflective while aluminum is about 45-60% at most.

Thanks Spart. The most cost effective option from the hydro store is the Panda film - white one side, black the other. I'll be getting some of that soon.
you could just paint ot brilliant white mate. it be cheaper and work just as well.

Humidity is only an issue if you have poor ventilation and extraction. My coco plants in my journal are 8 weeks into flower monday and humity is 75%. Bud rot? nope. airflow and air exchange is the key.

Dammit! I've been a busy chap since I posted last. It's had 2 coats of yacht varnish. The plan is to get some Panda film from the local hydro shop.

Great idea about painting though +reps. I'll get the film and have done with it. Not sure how long paint would last on top of the varnish and ply isn't super smooth. Film will give me a nice finish now I'm sick of using a paintbrush ;-)
I was looking into chloramines and found this , and i think this guy has done his research .
Well worth a reed .
Microbe Organics , or Compost tea .
Oh and nice looking cabinet Max

Microbe Organics

+reps on the info. Reading it now. And thanks, cabinet is double varnished and the doors will go on tomorrow.
just did some catching up on your journal (2 pages) and those girls are looking fantastic! You did say that this part of the grow moves slow, but excitement grows everytime you take a look at them!


Cheers Nismo. Yeah, things have slowed down now and everything is on auto-pilot. I'm making a new enclosure partly to stop me loving the girls to death. The most I've done is add air stones to the water containers - they now get oxygen rich water.
Cabinet Wibble...

As y'all know, I'm setting up a different grow area in my lockable home office so I can use the back bedroom for guests. I've already had one nosy visitor go into the back room thinking son had left something running in there (the fans aren't stealth). I said I was growing chillies (I *am* growing chillies.. as well as my ganja plantation) and wouldn't change my story, but I seriously considered aborting the grow at that point.

So I started looking for cabinet construction how-to's, but it seems almost everyone has thought about building a custom grow cabinet and has stoned ideas around the topic, but very few people have actually got past the thinking stage. Beyond knowing the exact dimensions I had to play with, I've been winging this as I go along.

The biggest thing baking my noodle is light proofing, so I'm going to invite you to brainstorm in the hope somebody somewhere has an answer

1. Inlet light proofing - I toyed with the idea of making socks the same as tents have and found material, cord and toggles. I also looked into 5" flanges. In the end I thought "fuck it" and decided I'll just put a flap of blackout material on each side.

2. Light proofing doors - This one is a bit tricky. In the end I decided to put a lip all around the opening. It'll have to be a big lip because a carpenter I'm not. My best accuracy is going to be 1/4 inch. At the moment I'm thinking of how to keep the doors tightly closed. Bolts have a lot of slack in them so I thought of a bar like you see on castle doors (because as you know, every Englishman has a castle or two). I'm also thinking of a weather strip to get a tighter seal.

Despite not having a joint for over five years, I do fondly recall having some excellent ideas once a spliff freed up my mind. This is where you guys come in... inhale deep my 420 buddies, free your minds and ponder on how best to light seal the damn doors. No idea is silly, this is a brainstorm session.

Puff, puff, think...
Plants are lookin great Max. Keep on the cal/mag bud. Cant wait to see this new office "book case" in completion. Looks like its gonna be a top notch grow space for ya! :thumb:
Plants are lookin great Max. Keep on the cal/mag bud. Cant wait to see this new office "book case" in completion. Looks like its gonna be a top notch grow space for ya! :thumb:

Cheers Stihl. Needs must and all that. I very much like your space ship cabinet and kept looking for ideas.

If all else fails then I'll put a huge flap of blackout material over the entire front, but I'd rather avoid that as I have a habit of checking on the girls regularly. Rolling up a load of material every time will get old very quickly.
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