Hey @McRib! Sorry I've been MIA, I seriously don't get the randomness of the notifications...

Man I felt so bad seeing the seeds, but love your attitude! Hope the seeds at least are useful in the future!

I agree, concentrates might be best way to salvage some bud from the seeds. Bubble hash it, using the bags I can't see the seeds screwing with end product.

New light looks spectacular man!
Hey mate
Hey @McRib! Sorry I've been MIA, I seriously don't get the randomness of the notifications...

Man I felt so bad seeing the seeds, but love your attitude! Hope the seeds at least are useful in the future!

I agree, concentrates might be best way to salvage some bud from the seeds. Bubble hash it, using the bags I can't see the seeds screwing with end product.

New light looks spectacular man!
Hey mate. Thanks for dropping by. I’m not going to lie I was pretty gutted when I realised they were going to seed. I’ve gotten over it now. I’m just about ready to flip the clones of these plants. I’ll be keeping a very close eye on them this time. First sign of hermaphroditism and they’re getting chopped up for the compost bin.

I’ve got a few other things on the go. I’ve been meaning to start a new thread but I’ve been to lazy.

I’m stoked with the new light. Really looking forward to cranking it up full bore. The clones seem happy under it at about 40% power.
Did you find your light leak and fix it?
Hey mate. I got my missus to zip the tent up with me inside and it was pitch black other than the slightest bit of light near the bottom of the door zipper. I really don’t think that could have caused the herm.

I’m thinking it would be more likely the switch to the HPS while they were transitioning to flower that stressed them. I also probably defoliated a bit too heavily at this stage as well. We live and learn.

Im going to flip in a couple of days. This time I’ll have lights off at night so light leaks shouldn’t be an issue. Fingers crossed anyway
Hey how’s that Dynavap going? I think I’m going to get one.
Hey McRib, They do sound interesting, with no electrics or battery to crap out, and plus they can be heated with an induction heater or butane lighter. I'm rapt that syenite's enjoying his because I now have one on order and I'm looking forward to the experience myself. Your plants are looking healthy, it'll be nice to see them in bud. :yummy:
Hey McRib, They do sound interesting, with no electrics or battery to crap out, and plus they can be heated with an induction heater or butane lighter. I'm rapt that syenite's enjoying his because I now have one on order and I'm looking forward to the experience myself. Your plants are looking healthy, it'll be nice to see them in bud. :yummy:
Hey mate. Should be fun. I got one on order as well. I've been refreshing the tracking 3 times a day. It hasn't moved since Monday.
Hope you nail it this time man! Good luck :cheer: :green_heart:
Thanks mate. Learned heaps last time. Should do better this round
One of the clones grew balls and is now resting peacefully in my compost bin. I fairly sure I caught it before any of them blew their load.
No sign of nuts on the second clone yet. I’ll be keeping close watch on it.

I’ve binned all seeds collected and a couple of seedlings I had started for outdoors.

Hooroo Blue Cheese.
Hi McRb! Catching u a little... glad you’re working things out And taking seeded setback in stride ...
will the seeds I collect from these be prone to hermie?
depends why it happened - but even if from stress it means the plant is prone...

...and that is full hermaphrodite - with proper male flowers, not just Nanners so I’d say it’s maybe pretty unstable if that clone is popping them out!

im sure you’ll get somthung out of the seeded bud - it’s often quite smokable - but oils and hash etc.

:circle-of-love: take it easy down south there - glad to hear you’re a bit out of town. That can make lockdown a whole lot easier!

oh - congrats on the new light! :thumb:
Hey Amy. Thanks for popping in

...and that is full hermaphrodite - with proper male flowers, not just Nanners so I’d say it’s maybe pretty unstable if that clone is popping them out!
That makes a lot of sense to me. I strongly suspect these seeds came to me from a hermed plant... I’ve written them off now. The remaining clone in flower will be the last Blue Cheese seen around these parts.

im sure you’ll get somthung out of the seeded bud - it’s often quite smokable - but oils and hash etc.

It actually smokes up alright. It’s not pretty but it’s really sticky and smells skunky and fruity. It tastes really good in the Dynavap as well. I’ll most probably have a go at dry ice hash when we are able to go more than 5km from home

:circle-of-love: take it easy down south there - glad to hear you’re a bit out of town. That can make lockdown a whole lot easier!
Recent numbers have been encouraging. Looks like we are getting on top of it. I really am lucky to live out of town on a largish property with my family :Namaste:

Did you get on top of the crinkly leaf issue?
Hey Donk. It seems to have grown out of it mostly. I lowered the EC in the buckets and it appears to have stopped all funky growth. She is a week into 12/12 now. Things should start getting interesting with her soon. I’m really excited about her. I’ve only heard good things.

I’ve asked for this journal to be moved to completed journals. Link to my new journal in my signature. Thanks for all your help along the way:Namaste:
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