New City Grower 3.0 - Sponsored by Twilight Group Co. - Featuring the Spider9 COB LED

Re: New City Grower 3.0 - Sponsored by Twilight Group Co. - Featuring the Spider9 COB

I've definitely had clogged leaves from neem oil too Reg. It smothers both ways haha, mites and leaves alike. I bet you can rinse away some of the neem oil from the leaves and help them out a bit though, like with a squirt bottle and maybe a paper towel or something. :Namaste: I mostly use neem oil outdoors since its usually safe to bet there will be rain after my spray but sometime before harvest haha. Indoors I mostly use it to line my plant pots and stems as a preventative measure and sometimes on the media if I see lots of gnats. :love:

Good idea SoulGirl, I think I'll start doing that as well.

Hiya BAR. Best posts, information, and discussion on your efforts sir! You and SoulGirl:) raise IMHO an interesting point. Lots to consider.
Best BAR.
Re: New City Grower 3.0 - Sponsored by Twilight Group Co. - Featuring the Spider9 COB

(Unknown Strain) Day 53 / Day 9 under 12/12

She's revealed her first pistils; Let the show begin.


Re: New City Grower 3.0 - Sponsored by Twilight Group Co. - Featuring the Spider9 COB

oooooooh. time for the frosty show to start. what FUN
Re: New City Grower 3.0 - Sponsored by Twilight Group Co. - Featuring the Spider9 COB

To tell the truth I never had this problem when using this home remedy for gnats. I spray it on the foliage, medium, and even buds in bloom.

Broke Azz Gnat Spray:
One quart h2o (I use tap), One cap of Hydrogen Peroxide, & a small drop of liquid Dish detergent > put in a spray bottle.

But since these were leaf hoppers, not gnats and I was out of Hydrogen Peroxide at the time I decided to try the Neem Oil.

I'm going to try this right now! Does it kill the larvae as well?

Cheers guys and B A R.

Re: New City Grower 3.0 - Sponsored by Twilight Group Co. - Featuring the Spider9 COB

Let the grow begin. Keepem Green
Re: New City Grower 3.0 - Sponsored by Twilight Group Co. - Featuring the Spider9 COB

I'm going to try this right now! Does it kill the larvae as well?

Cheers guys and B A R.

Yes Jesstar, here's my full bookmark:

One quart h2o (I use tap), One cap of Hydrogen Peroxide, & a small drop of liquid Dish detergent > put in a spray bottle > Shake well > Spray the leafs & medium generously once a day for 3 days > Gnats & Larva gone.

If you have an over infestation you can use up to 3 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide & spray twice a day.
Re: New City Grower 3.0 - Sponsored by Twilight Group Co. - Featuring the Spider9 COB

Sweet. I'm fitting a fan to my cab now so I'll give them a spray while they're out.

Thanks for the advice, bro. If you have a few minutes to kill, feel free to jump across to my journal and shoot some critique my way. ;)


Re: New City Grower 3.0 - Sponsored by Twilight Group Co. - Featuring the Spider9 COB

Re: New City Grower 3.0 - Sponsored by Twilight Group Co. - Featuring the Spider9 COB

Good day to all. This morning both SPIDER GIRL I & SPIDER GIRL II received a feeding. Both pots were nearly dry so the roots got plenty oxygen.

1 gal.... Tap Water
20ml.... BOTANICARE Cal/Mag plus

(PH adjusted to 6.5)

(Unknown Strain) Day 56 / Day 12 under 12/12




SPIDER GIRL II, Fourth Wave Street Girl (Unknown Strain) Day 103 / Day 9 under 12/12

She hasn't revealed her sex yet but I'm enjoying the thickness of her structure from chopping the plant in half during veg.


And here's a look at a couple other plants under the SPIDER 9. They all look a lot happier since bathing under this new toy.




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