Nivek's Need to Know Nature - First Grow Journal - 2015

I have kinda avoided even calling my plants, she, the girls, etc or anything too personal. it will be hard enough already to cut them down.

Yeah, let one flower for 3 months longer than its supposed to and you'll beg for the day to chop them. Glad to see everything is still looking good in your garden
Ya once they start to yellow up it is time, from there it becomes more and more necrotic you will reach a point where your friend is no more, and it wouldn't have been worth waiting to that point if you are looking for the optimum peak THC.
thanks peyton, best of luck in the game today, for the hawks, not the black hawks. so far things kinda holding to the plan, next phase of the renovation coming up soon,, i must get the bottom level ready soon enough for my D clones.

might have a bit of a crisis this morning, i am not sure yet. my afghani sprout seems a bit wimpy this morning,, kinda hanging down a bit,, leaves look fine, the stalk, maybe a bit thin near the bottom, not sure, i have afghan issues, like a lot of us,, ha,,,, oh, not even funny


that's the little one this morn,, leaves look fine, i think,, see anything?? poor thing,,,

necrotic, thank you canal, another new word for me.

i still have yet to experience the mythical two types of high,, head and body. i am not sure which one i have never had, because i don't know the other. to me it is theory, until it isn't,, which may or may not be with the fruition of the lemon haze plant,, a 'real' marijuana plant,, this plant i am working with and cloning all over i have no clue about,, nothing special far as i can tell yet. but here they come, filling up the canopy, about 10 days into flower now, fun to play and move them and manipulate them, oh, i did not say that, i am not a manipulator, no way


what's a journal without updates?? cheers
the lemon haze is apparently unharmed from it's shedding issue and is still shedding up a storm. any recommendations on when is too early to top it? i think maybe i read by the 5th set of leaves? i was thinking of maybe just tying it down to the rim of the pot, in a circle like, and go from there,, just an idea. might as well have fun with it.


and the delahaze sprout is peachy as well, near as i can tell anyway

and this little fella, cloned on new years day,, a new years baby, how nice,


it was cloned along with two friends, who were wimpy skinny little kids and they have since passed on, sad. but this one, the strongest of the three, never wimpy and skinny, is not..cloned jan 1, today, feb 1,,


needs a bit of colour in it's cheeks, but going strong now. one can see the original leaves all still there. that is the urine spray, i am sure,, keeps leaves alive while roots form.. that clone was topped a couple of days ago as well. it's neat because unlike any of my other clones that i have done, this one is coming out with full leaves, all 9 pieces there, right off the bat,, cool
Your Hazes should give you the good head High, your clones look like they have more Indica in them from what I can tell by the slight overlap in the fans and the width of the leaves, Likely a good hybrid that will give you a body massage and a nice head buzz.
when i look at a marijuana flower, i see two pistols coming out of a pod looking thing. i don't really see a 'flower' though. and i am not really sure if there even is one. but..

while pulling apart a dried bud,, this fell out..


others will know if this is an actual marijuana flower, the full monty, so to speak, naked. i have honestly never seen this before so i am guessing and trying to figure out where it else it possibly could have come from. flower sitting beside the pod thingy

also, my d1 and d2 clones are looking very much like twins, and i guess that's a good thing. need some karma for my afghani sprout,, not really dying but sad. the twins.


let it snow, let it snow,, cheers
an update on my poor little afghani sprout,, the little one is so sad looking,, not unhealthy looking,, just pouty,, i am not sure what's up.. maybe genetic,, nothing can be done,, maybe it's nothing at all,, but the leaves are huge, much bigger than any of my other sprouts, and the poor little stalk can barely hold the leaves up. i would hate for it to just 'snap', so i installed a leaning post for the little one.


i want to see the skin on the stalk split open and super stalk come out, like my super lemon plant,, an update on the skin shedding,, it is carrying on and pretty much done


the stalk basically doubled in girth and split the skin entirely, top to bottom. the stalk is hard and firm now,, through puberty maybe,, onward and upward,, away...
Maybe you'll luck out and the afghani will do that amazing break out. I've never seen that happen before nivek.
yes i have, which got me wondering if that's why the leaf got so big,, i has no visible signs of ill health, other than that little skinny bottom to the stalk,, and as i recall, that can be a sore spot for the little ones. the stalks can just wither and implode,, i have faith, the last two days i have gone to say good morning to my room and expected to see it withered, but, it is fine,, stalk split should happen in a day or two, then mr. beefy stalk comes out,, i know, i've seen it happen,, haha, cheers canal, thanks
good to know canal,, grateful for all information, great and small, i was not sure if i was helping at all, maybe i was just delaying the inevitable, but, happily i can report some progress this morning. the little afghani is self supporting itself, though the leaning post is very near by to offer moral support if nothing else.

sue, i have never seen it before either, the stalk splitting, but my calculations tell me that my little afghani might do similar in about three days. i am watching for the very first sign this time,, on my delahaze sprout as well.

i just about contorted myself into a pretzel trying to take a good photo of the canopy in the flower room,, one of the disadvantages of a small room and two 'levels'. photo to follow soon as soon as i unwind,, cheers

it is wonderful to watch the plants burst with flowers, the canopy is coming along nicely, very fun to manipulate (i guess i am a manipulator) the branches around, filling, expanding the canopy near outside the screen frame already,, healthy and happy. i have the lights raised for the pic


i have been cleaning off the lower branches of leaves and small popcorns i guess they are called, for better air movement and so i can see it all grow better. the plants are so much healthier than my last meager flowering attempt,, healthy and happy, the plants are too, ha.

lovin' the passion on this one mate, i subbed. Hope you don't mind.

i wish you the best with your grow, everything looks spectacular.

you can really work with your hands, and that secret door is just the icing on the cake.

very entertaining journal.
cheers brother,, love to have you along for this adventure, and that is what it is, indeed. i am growing right along with it. thanks so much for the kind words. my hands are indeed my life,, always have been. i take good care of em too, least i try to,, they be old and sore now days, but still work. cheers to that.

my secret door, ha,, not that i have a ton of folks in my studio, but when i do, not one has had even the tiniest inkling what's back there. kinda funny and sexy really,, me and the missusses secret.

the room/lab/studio is where i get to do what ever i want,, never easy in any marriage,, but i need to because i do silly things like this,,


a work in progress, and expanding and gaining height by the week. what will i ever do with this thing. well, get a lot of satisfaction in the building. the fun is the trip, not the destination. well, there should never even be a destination really, just a trip, and a trip it should be,, cheers brother, folks
The supposed two types of high are not that .. you either get high, or you get stoned. (or both) The later is sometimes referred to as body high. Please someone correct me if I am wrong. Stoned is where you will not get up from your seat, sometimes called couch lock.

I love your journal, in for the ride :) I have no clue what that white flower like thing is, it sure as hell is not supposed to be there :p Looks a bit moulded too ?
you know planet, that makes a bit more sense to me, I can get that,, I have never gotten 'stoned' from eating any pot food, maybe i really have never had that stone. I can work with that, thanks. I am growing up a variety of both strains, each close to the pure sativa and indica, so at least, fate willing, I might be able to make that particular comparison myself, cheers for that

and as for that flower thingy, I am sticking by my guns on this one, I so wish I had saved it, thought I had. look at the size, perfect. most, though not all, plants have an actual 'flower', with petals and such. that is what is showing there, with a hollow tube right to the bottom, the size is perfect, it is not rotted, it is dried, perfectly, only thing missing is the pistols, that would have sealed it. I must have smoked them.

and the size is perfect.

do you bud wash?

thanks, planet for the input,, I look forward to chatting, cheers, nivek
no, i have not considered that,, hmmm,, the bud the flower came from was from the only plant i am working on, it is a female and i have been through a bunch of the wimpy buds already and have not seen any signs of a seed. though the poor plant the bud came from certainly saw it's share of stress while flowering, for sure. i am going to do some research on this matter, and see if i can find someone who knows the answer to this question,, is this a marijuana flower.

i actually started another thread on the subject and some folks think i'm on drugs or something. can you believe it???:lot-o-toke:
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