NotoriousnBob's First Journaled Hodgepodge

Cool thanks Jay how do you heat I t and what's the end result it would have to be basically blonde hash like bubble hash? Also I've found some tents I don't mind chopping up they are a cheaper brand it'll be two 6.5x6.5 side by side i think i wanted 10x10 one tent but that's a pretty good area still and I may run two different shows or same in both I'm not sure yet I'd like to show some real yield so I'm leaning towards Dwc in at least one who knows though it could all change. I'm hoping to have an area cleaned up and bombed and lights moved in the next cpl days I'll update on that soon.

I would love to help Bob but I don't really know myself as I haven't done it yet...I have to find the instructions again, review them and then I'll probably do in the next week or two...I'll let you know what I did and how it came out

Good weed to you Bob:high-five:
Just started running my small buds and trim in cheap 5 gallon bubble bags and have had some very nice yields. If you want, provided is the link to my journal, although I wrote it up a couple months back not much has changed.

I now use a clean insecticide sprayer filled with very cold water to accumulate the hash into the center of the screens, and after pressing your hash you want to freeze it asap, after an hour or so it should be frozen, pull a patty out one by one and micro plane the hash onto a clean piece of cardboard. The cardboard will help wick the moisture from the hash correctly to allow for a proper dry and cure.

I personally have only ran hash 6-7 times now, but I feel like fresh frozen trim right off the plant makes for the tastiest smoke imaginable.
Although dried and trim buds and shake work just as well, that fresh clean crazy medicated feeling comes from fresh frozen trim ran through bubble bags. Truly a treat for a daily smoker!
thats what i was told as well, all of my trim is crispy dry and it worked ok, but ive been told its best to harvest the plants then freeze the trim 24 hours later and keep it frozen till you want to make some hash,
Thanks Alot for the help with The hash guys nothing beats experience I'll make sure to keep up with what I end up doing and the result I'm gonna use about it 10 oz of what I have so im hoping that's enough for a good result
So I had said I would bring up a few points on making sure you reach the plants potential on yield and dont take this outta context it's my experience through trial and error And I'm trying to help I'm not saying I can tell everyone how to increase yield at all just some most common problems. There are a few main things that are often not ideal or don't end up ideal plant size, container size, lighting coverage and penetration, overcrowding the
grow space. And I'm not getting into climate and feeding and watering etc. And this is not strain specific uts for general alot of the grows I'm seeing in here and I've ever seen, people have a hard time with stretch and finished height even when they don't outgrow The Room They Outgrow the lighting pattern and layout you have to move your lights up to the point that the layout and footprint you originally had is no longer valid and you are not gettin the intensity required,plants will often double their branch length when they stretch to flower and sometimes more. Its also very rare to see a room with too much light I use 600w hid I think 90000 lumens for 3x3 area tops if it's for commercial I'll use 1000w for the same area or up to 4x4. Alot of time the rooms do not have ideal lights as it is and it seems to be more so with growers trying to stretch led panels etc. Further than they should. Also i don't grow with them but I see it alot that they are used poorly. If all flowering parts aren't receiving the right amount of light(as well co2 etc.) It won't be able to photosynthesize properly and thusly won't be bountiful as it should be. As far plant size I have come up with as someone that is concerned with yield that if you want any real amount of finished product i need a plant 2.5' and larger I've tried smaller plant grows and the drop off for me seems to be around there I mean the difference between ounces. Head room is a real limiting factor. This is very hard to explain By typing but I'm trying bear with me. and training and pulling em down to grow more horizontal doesn't make them shorter as far as this is concerned I'm talking about the length of the branches regardless their direction. Also a factor in this is the amount of branching allowed to exist. You don't want a small plant with a lot of branching especially if you are growing it in a smaller container. Growing in this way can be done successfully but you have to grow the plant long enough for it to mature and make sure it has a root zone to support it this could mean a 3-5g pot for an 18" bushy plant. And when all said and done its still gonna have a smaller yield than a larger counterpart. The rootzone has to be able to support the plant regardless and having an under sized rootzone will limit the yield directly. I remember the tree diagram from school days where the tree above ground is about the same size as the root system underground remember that when potting and try to accommodate. once i find a system i like I'll look through a finished plants pot and check it out to make sure I'm not limiting it. Then I know for sure what pot size or use for that plant size and strain etc. Well this is very time consuming and I'm tired. I know this stuff seems obvious but alot of time reading something might help it stick or bring it into prospective. I'll continue with what I'm saying tomorrow and hopefully it won't seem as pointless. I guess i always feel like I can harvest more with fewer taller more established plants than with many small short branch ones as long as the room is there. I'll finish the next few points tomorrow if I'm not wasting my time.
I am on board and hav'in a good time. I have spent hr's going through ur post and have done a few changes ( Op's , ok maybe everything ):thumb:
I know that I will look at the roots after my Wht Widow finishes ( not going to re-veg these. Going to learn the strain and pick a healthy mother).
Then Cloning ....... (thats for a later date , slowing down and getting better@ growing)
NotoriousBOB ,B.I.D,Graytail,Ricorico,Mono and Dennise ,between this crew the wealth of info is MIND BLOWING :thanks:
I'll be watching and learning ! And the most important thing GROWING!
Please continue , U folks are the Dream Team @:420:

But , I may need to ask twice ( overloaded on reading ).I really like the plant and the way it grows.
U have my vote !
Cheer's :reading420magazine:
P.s - i luv the hash . Can 't wait to see which process ur going to take ?
PPs - How do u folks take pictures so close of bud's (I want to get my bud , but it always turn's out blurred )
Hi Bob ,
Sorry to bug u here ,but took some pic's and they suck . I need ur thoughts on my Ladies ? :nomo:
What ur secret on knowing when to harvest ( ur journals produce super yields ), any vet suggestions ?
Can I ask ?
Did it take u a long time to understanding these weeds ( so cool all these different strains )?
Do u only grow indoors ( I will need to learn to grow out-doors,as I live off-grid for summer months) ?
hydro vs Soil - does it really speed things up ? Is 1 better than another ?

Please let me know , the good , the bad and of course the ugly. I do not know what I am doing , but will listen and ask questions.

Glad to have u here and Big thanks for ur time ( & ur 420 pal's):thumb:

I usually harvest when trichomes are are 30-50% amber i don't always get to see them all the time so it varies a little. Sometimes though if the plant looks like it passing it's prime I'll chop as well like all the leaves are used up and dead and the leaf in the buds changing as well and all pistils have gone orange or red and all the calyxs are swelled as their gonna be. It took me a lot of plants and harvests to figure this stuff out as well as a lot of time reading and asking questions from the older growers I used to know and ALOT of trial and error. I started out strong and learned fast so if say if you stay up on learning and trying new things that are logical it won't take too long to have the stuff down that you need. I Have Not grown outside in a few years but I had been thinking of putting a crop out this spring and seeing what happens I absolutely love outdoor plants how big and healthy they get and the size of the buds but I've had alot of plants stolen and seized out there and once its been jeopardized I had to walk away so then the whole crops a waste. And as far as soil to hydro is concerned I don't think anything I've ever heard of can beat dwc. Growing in water is alot faster in every aspect and the yields are alot bigger due to bigger and heavier buds and seem more potent. The Only Down Side to me is the cost is higher and I know some that don't like hydro buds taste. They are spoiled assholes in my opinion but I agree the flavor can be different even with good flush etc it's real hard to beat a good soil grows smoke. And your plants look good its hard to tell with out real good pics that's in general not your fault and the light makes it hard but I didn't see any yellowing leafs or pistils getting orange or red and your calyxs don't appear to be swelling even that's why I said before you got aways to I said it'd hard to tell in pics. Hope that helps I got no problem answering questions for you keep up the good work...oh and I'm very jealous i wish i could get off the grid mate people drive me crazy i don't understand how so many people can be so shitty all the time. The thought of being out there alone or with family and living off the land and such Is very appealing.
I fell asleep on the couch when i was thinking about adding to the yield post and such so I'll finish off to bed finally I've been waiting along time for a hard few hrs of sleep in my bed and the ms. Let's me sleep in about one day a year haha i hope It's this morning!
Thanks Bob !:thumb: I'll keep my eye on them. i notices some pigtails have turned orange ( lower branches )? I at least 3 weeks left to go , should I add 1 more shot of nutes ( I was thinking to start water )?

My avtar is our place in the middle of 320 acres , built from the land ( cut the tree's to build ). I had to learn when I could peel to bark off the tree's ( there's a time of year that trees will give up there bark and it peels off like butter ). i stole the land in a estate sale.Total solar and wood heat.
I would spend all my time there if I could ( 2 young girls need to go to school ,maybe home school next year ).

I heard u on the idiots out there! I ran a profitable buz , then I took sick ( like a bone cancer ) 3 yrs ago. The staff that had worked of me 10 yrs , piss away everything !!! They were paid well ( 50k) ,yet decided to do nothing and business declined by 35% each yr.I was responsible for another 100 families that worked under them and they ended up with out a job ( still burns me !). Thank goodness for my family ! I am on a new chapter in my life and have no time for idiots .
I think its so cool to grow these weeds ( i am a chronic smoker ) and will save me dough .
I look forward to ur hash project ( its my favorite smoke) and will be back for more on cloning ( seeds our $$$ , need to clone)

Thanks for the input !n- should I nute them 1 more time ?
So much for sleeping in... have you grown any of your own smoke yet? I ask because most people Couldn't tell you if someone fertilized all the way to harvest or if you stopped two weeks it's up to you esp if it's only for you. I usually stop feeding heavy last two weeks and go by what the plant says. If there's a lot of green leaf left I won't add nutes if it's struggling to provide its own I'll add some and then I'll do a proper flush two waterings out with a cleaner like Floraclean or something. Then again last watering. And then let em starve til chop. But I do kno en you don't want to have them in a really heavy feed then chop right off.
Shit I really envy you if i didn't have kids I'd be out rhere too man. Probably why I've been quite successful as of yet growing because i don't like talking to people for the most part and have never told anyone what I do..people would be dumbfounded if it ever got out.
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