OldMed Man's Air Pots and a Perpetual Grow

I agree ss!

OMM maybe if you have a current grow going you'll get some visitors once in a while :)

How's the Matterhorn coming along? Anything new today? :peace:

Hey Blue! :Rasta:

If you build it. They will come, doesn't really work! It's what you build that counts. :smokin: Or something like that.:smokin:

If everything doesn't get here....I'll fill Matterhorn with CFLs and away we go! :thumb:

Went to Waikiki today..I had forgotten how beautiful it is!

Jo ate enough Baby Back Ribs for an army today! Nothing but smiles. :) Burp!
The rest she brought home. An other Burp! :popcorn:

Bought a new chair for myself on the way home. Soft it is! Maybe I wont have to have my 3 cushions any more. :adore::adore:

Didn't get a thing done, but it was a good day! :Rasta:

Go to go...Lucy where are you? :hookah:
OK ALL.....I have a challenge for you!​

Have you ever had a bad day that, when thinking back on it, it was pretty funny ? :)

I'll give you an example.

Way back when my sons were 9 and 6 years old. We lived in the Bay area and loved baseball. The As were fighting for the playoffs and back then the right field bleacher seats were only a buck fifty. We went to allot of games. Right field was where Reggie Jackson played and hit allot of his home runs that landed there too. Perfect!

About the 4th or 5th inning Reggie came up with a man on. Wham, he hit it right to me. Well actually a little high. I jumped and I had it! Then I fell over the back of my seat and lost it. That hurt! The people around us were quite and looking at me to see if I was hurt. That's when my 9 year leaned over me
and said "Ya blew that one Dad!". Everyone around us exploded in laughter!
Even I laughed! So I may have got a bruise, but I sure had fun doing!

I figure while we're waiting for my parts to get here we can have a bit of fun,eh?

Your Turn. :)
Dooood, great lead out.

I was at the BMX track with my step son 2 years ago. I was 37, and he was 11.

I hit a big jump with one of his bikes, his trick bike (with the slick tires) was not meant for the dirt track, but it held up fine until ...
... I landed from the jump a little squirrley, which would have been ok if I had some traction on the tires. As it was, my front tire washed out and I went down hard. My left arm extended hit the ground first and the left side of my chest and arm pit were next.

I popped up pretty fast, but I knew I was going to be hurting later.
My son came up to me and after he was sure I was ok said it was ok if we went home.

In the car on the drive home, he says to me, Man Joe, you are really tough.

And that just about made my year.
Dooood, great lead out.

I was at the BMX track with my step son 2 years ago. I was 37, and he was 11.

I hit a big jump with one of his bikes, his trick bike (with the slick tires) was not meant for the dirt track, but it held up fine until ...
... I landed from the jump a little squirrley, which would have been ok if I had some traction on the tires. As it was, my front tire washed out and I went down hard. My left arm extended hit the ground first and the left side of my chest and arm pit were next.

I popped up pretty fast, but I knew I was going to be hurting later.
My son came up to me and after he was sure I was ok said it was ok if we went home.

In the car on the drive home, he says to me, Man Joe, you are really tough.

And that just about made my year.

Hi ChicagoJoe :)
That was great Buddy. Bet you smiled for long time after that! We will go to hell and back for those words! :adore::adore:
That's the stuff that we remember! Even if it was a bad day! :Rasta:
The day I proposed to my wife, everything that could have gone wrong, did go wrong. She didn't know I was going to propose that night, and thought we were just going out for a nice dinner. I was nervous as hell! I had the ring in my pocket, nice clothes on and she dressed nice too (we were going to a great restaurant, naturally).

Since she had no idea what I had in store, she wasn't stressed or hurried, and I started to get concerned we were going to be late for our table, and I certainly wanted it to be a perfect night.

Just before we were going to leave, she went to put away some coffee that was left out and fumbled it all over her and me. My stress level was already about as high as it could get, and I couldn't believe what just happened. All I saw was a perfect night that was starting off anything but perfect. Argh!

Amazingly for me, I kept cool and collected (I'm usually pretty high strung when I'm stressed, and I'm a total perfectionist). I went into action mode and managed to keep cool while we went to plan B clothing wise. Then there was the matter of the coffee spilled all over the nearly white carpeting as well. While I was trying to soak that up, I got more coffee all over myself due to hurrying, and nearly lost my cool (but didn't thank goodness).

We ended up getting a much later start to our dinner reservations than planned, but I managed to sneak away and call the restaurant and plead for them to hold our table.

In the end all worked out, and I later proposed as planned. She still talks in amazement over how cool and collected I was given the surprise I had in store and all the mayhem that led up to it.

Looking back, it made the whole evening a bit more memorable and makes a great story to look back on. :)
I knew I had heard that name before...just couldn't remember it :smokin: that was a fun ride.

Now, let's see...stories, lets see...ah, OK!

One time in band camp I let this girl play with my flute and...lol...NOOO! But for reals, I have a story too.

I once took a Greyhound bus from CAlifornia to Florida.

1. There is probably no worse way to travel... I was stuck next to a bible thumping alcoholic that snored so bad that the bus driver was about to kick him off...For JESUS CHRIST's F!@#$$#! DUDE....

2. Don't sit in the back next to the shiter! F#Q@$%

3. There is a check point in Vegas, I was targeted by a creep with a grin.. he thought he had me for something.. I had just smoked my last joint outside with a couple of hobos. So don't think cause you are traveling on a bus they won't search you.

4. The scenery was something that will always be with me. I wish I could plug a USB chord to my noggin and burn a DVD of it. I had a personal tape player and headphones, with some Smashing Pumpkins, Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness
YouTube - Smashing Pumpkins - Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness

This album played through like it was in sync with my feelings and the scenes that I was witnessing at the moment. Looking back at the weird people and the cute girl that I also met, that was a pretty cool experience.
The day I proposed to my wife, everything that could have gone wrong, did go wrong. She didn't know I was going to propose that night, and thought we were just going out for a nice dinner. I was nervous as hell! I had the ring in my pocket, nice clothes on and she dressed nice too (we were going to a great restaurant, naturally).

Since she had no idea what I had in store, she wasn't stressed or hurried, and I started to get concerned we were going to be late for our table, and I certainly wanted it to be a perfect night.

Just before we were going to leave, she went to put away some coffee that was left out and fumbled it all over her and me. My stress level was already about as high as it could get, and I couldn't believe what just happened. All I saw was a perfect night that was starting off anything but perfect. Argh!

Amazingly for me, I kept cool and collected (I'm usually pretty high strung when I'm stressed, and I'm a total perfectionist). I went into action mode and managed to keep cool while we went to plan B clothing wise. Then there was the matter of the coffee spilled all over the nearly white carpeting as well. While I was trying to soak that up, I got more coffee all over myself due to hurrying, and nearly lost my cool (but didn't thank goodness).

We ended up getting a much later start to our dinner reservations than planned, but I managed to sneak away and call the restaurant and plead for them to hold our table.

In the end all worked out, and I later proposed as planned. She still talks in amazement over how cool and collected I was given the surprise I had in store and all the mayhem that led up to it.

Looking back, it made the whole evening a bit more memorable and makes a great story to look back on. :)

I love it xlr8! :)

What a great story! If it can happen, it did! I'm with the wife......How did you maintain? I am not one to keep a secret anyway...I couldn't have done that! Good on you my friend! :high-five:
I knew I had heard that name before...just couldn't remember it :smokin: that was a fun ride.

Now, let's see...stories, lets see...ah, OK!

One time in band camp I let this girl play with my flute and...lol...NOOO! But for reals, I have a story too.

I once took a Greyhound bus from CAlifornia to Florida.

1. There is probably no worse way to travel... I was stuck next to a bible thumping alcoholic that snored so bad that the bus driver was about to kick him off...For JESUS CHRIST's F!@#$$#! DUDE....

2. Don't sit in the back next to the shiter! F#Q@$%

3. There is a check point in Vegas, I was targeted by a creep with a grin.. he thought he had me for something.. I had just smoked my last joint outside with a couple of hobos. So don't think cause you are traveling on a bus they won't search you.

4. The scenery was something that will always be with me. I wish I could plug a USB chord to my noggin and burn a DVD of it. I had a personal tape player and headphones, with some Smashing Pumpkins, Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness
YouTube - Smashing Pumpkins - Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness

This album played through like it was in sync with my feelings and the scenes that I was witnessing at the moment. Looking back at the weird people and the cute girl that I also met, that was a pretty cool experience.

Hey Sisco! :)

Well, have admit you had guts to do that. From Cali to Florida, that's along way on a bus. More power to you. A search too! The drunk Bible thumper would have drove me crazy.:smokin: Having your tape player and that album was perfect for that trip. And you met a cute girl! It's one of those things in that stay with you forever.:thanks:

I had one of those bus rides too, but it didn't turn out good like yours. I just got out of Air Force Basic Training down in Texas. Bunch of the guys were on the bus with me and we were drinking vodka. I was on my way to little Rock to see my girl. I got very drunk and passed out. Went I woke up all my friends were gone. They had reached their hometowns. Everything else was gone, my money and my bag of clothes. I like your trip way better than mine.:yahoo:
Hey Sisco! :)

Well, have admit you had guts to do that. From Cali to Florida, that's along way on a bus. More power to you. A search too! The drunk Bible thumper would have drove me crazy.:smokin: Having your tape player and that album was perfect for that trip. And you met a cute girl! It's one of those things in that stay with you forever.:thanks:

I had one of those bus rides too, but it didn't turn out good like yours. I just got out of Air Force Basic Training down in Texas. Bunch of the guys were on the bus with me and we were drinking vodka. I was on my way to little Rock to see my girl. I got very drunk and passed out. Went I woke up all my friends were gone. They had reached their hometowns. Everything else was gone, my money and my bag of clothes. I like your trip way better than mine.:yahoo:

Ah yes, the military days. Once got drunk right after Boot Camp (first liberty weekend) and fell asleep in a bus - woke up when I hit the floor of the aisle between the seats. True story!

I would have been more embarrassed had I not been so damned polluted. Had to sneak back on the base sh*t-faced (they frowned upon that), but I had a buddy working watch duty at the front gate who I really owed a favor after that. :) Turned out good on him for doing it, because I really bailed his butt out in a similar but much worse situation with much risk to myself for doing it. Sometimes I wonder how I survived to this point! I'm so much more laid back now and hardly ever drink.
Ah yes, the military days. Once got drunk right after Boot Camp (first liberty weekend) and fell asleep in a bus - woke up when I hit the floor of the aisle between the seats. True story!

I would have been more embarrassed had I not been so damned polluted. Had to sneak back on the base sh*t-faced (they frowned upon that), but I had a buddy working watch duty at the front gate who I really owed a favor after that. :) Turned out good on him for doing it, because I really bailed his butt out in a similar but much worse situation with much risk to myself for doing it. Sometimes I wonder how I survived to this point! I'm so much more laid back now and hardly ever drink.

A brother in arms xlr8! :)

I'm sure glad your friend owed you a favor! :)

I called is some big favors too. It saved my butt, but that's a story for another time. :surf:
Times I think life is like a Greyhound Bus. Man them loooooooong rides. Use to be able to smoke tho. Always had a Greyhound Special in my pocket that help sleep thru till the next stop. Nowadays they do search heavy there. I was alittle freaked bringing herbs along. But you always find the most colorful peoples the country has to offer en route.
I see the talk 'new journal' Should be Pop's. Going a whole new show. Rain or Snow or High Waves won't keep ya out of med's. I give ya all the prop's I can on the setup. It deserves a new chapter and this one sealed. Hey acouple years ya be able to sneak acouple bushes outside. Hense a outdoor again. But bye then you 'might' fall in love with the tent. Keep em Green
Good day OMM,
When ever I saw your signature with the words "Air pots" in it. I always pictured some satellite guided, precession laser cut, space age thing.lol Well I finally googled it. Im really interested in these now. What size pots do you use?
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