Outdoor Grow With Super Soil & Water Only Summer 2019

Here’s a few pics of the girls after a couple weeks of stretching. Everyone seems to be doing well and the smell is great. Everyone seems to be gearing up nicely to flower. In the greenhouse I’m managing to keep my head above water and by plants from the roof lol over 500 pipe cleaners and counting.....and.....I’ve become quite good at supercropping. It’s my new go to for places I can’t get to to tie down. It’s quite fast and efficient. The canopy is even and spread nicely, so my fingers are crossed for this 10 x15 foot sea of green. The baby autoflowers are holding their own, but the weather has been kicking by butt with multiple days of torrential rains.
California orange
Bakerstreet C31F22FB-A87C-4415-ADEF-199CA3FC7090.jpeg

Green crack on the left, clone arms of California orange and blue Dream on right 1F223F61-443F-46C3-BF78-5A9927B5E0B8.jpeg

Blue Dream 764286EC-6A79-4933-9038-B6BB7D38B335.jpeg

CBD 20:1 D1DCA6E5-49BC-49A5-8FEF-C27D6C9F01F1.jpeg
The greenhouse looking in at the front 1D8C6B59-2729-4B17-A3D3-88E8B8F39833.jpeg

Elixir CBD auto 95CE9C0D-8CB9-4C71-9685-B49F7383871A.png

I’ll add more pics of my other autos as they flower...there’s a couple dark devils coming and a few other goodies

I hope the pictures of the greenhouse didn’t scare anyone too badly lol
Good Lord - you've turned them into Christmas Trees!!! And here I thought I was being fancy with my rubberized plant ties and red string!!!
Are you as nervous as I am about harvesting??? :thedoubletake:
Oh ya....freaking out quietly while trying to stay focused on keeping them under control. I’m working on setting up a space for drying and am starting to think I need more jars lol
Wow kanda! Seize to amaze every update!! You’ve been really busy!! This is your first grow right?? What ever happened to keeping it simple? :laughtwo: Each plant is as impressive as the last if not more! Your a natural at this!

Harvesting, yes like green jeans said... your going to be busy for a while! You’ve done great with thinking ahead and finding a dark place to hang and dry them in with good air circulation. When it’s trim/jaring day, word of advice is all hands on deck, maybe invite some friends and family over, keep them busy while you and the husband cook them supper, drinks to go around, and maybe even a nice lil jar of their own! Lol ;):thumb:
Yes, first time grower I’ve spent a lot of time with the girls, but I believe my success is owed to supersoil. I’ve given only water and time....and some ❤️ Lol
Keep it simple? Oops! Must have missed that tip when looking up soil recipes or seed strains lol
I’ve certainly learned lots on this first go...it wouldn’t have been as easy if it weren’t for this forum and support, that’s for sure!
As we are are fast approaching the end of August I though I’d post a few updates. I’ve been clearing the giant spiders (well, hubby has) and leaving the little guys lol
The plants are all flowering nicely now, however the girls in the ground seem to be a bit behind the ones in the growbags consistently, even the greenhouse. ?? Not sure about this but hey....something to keep in mind for the future
Bakerstreet x2

California Orange

Green Crack on the left and clone arm of blue dream and California orange on right. I didn’t expect them to grow... just broken arms from cat attack


Blue Dream with some LST (tried to contain the height and bent top over and tied down....still pretty big)


CBD 20:1

Out of control greenhouse jungle

When you approach the middle of the greenhouse you are greeted by the overwhelming smell off sweet creamy coffee...at least one of the chocolope plants are working some magic.
I see buds on the California Orange and Bruce Banner turning deep purple so smiling about that. Hoping I can keep it all together till the end. One day at a time...
Say a little prayer for me

The auto flowering ladies are looking great too. Will post a little entry of their own tomorrow.

I’ll make you a video of a walk through the greenhouse (we call it the house of green) that’ll stress you out for sure.

We were broken in to a couple nights ago....came in closed farm gate and stole from vehicles. Police had to come by to make report....had a 15 minute window before he got here...moved all auto flowering plants from behind a fence beside greenhouse and replaced with veggie and flower pots. He was standing about 30 feet from the greenhouse and a quick scan around the back yard would have produced a view of some other rather large plants lol. Freaked. Me. Out.
Now have security alarm on fence and surveillance cameras up...I think I prefer yogi and the beaver lol
I’m really truly amazed by it! Trying to keep the greenhouse girls under wraps has been a problem....just growing way beyond my expectations. I’ve bent them over........way over....I’ve tied them down in 500+ locations, and have now taken to supercopping. I can’t even imagine how many hundreds of spots. Seems the more I challenge the the faster they grow. The plants are winning. No contest.
Where’s Kanda? Look closely between the two at the lowest point you see blue sky. I’m wearing a red plaid shirt and wear glasses.
Gives a bit of reference to the true size of these monsters
A little closer....


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Starting to kick it in to high gear and figure what I’m going to do in the next step...without getting too far ahead of myself.
Watering, checking, tying, and double checking the girls takes me a couple hours per day...so that time will be free for drying and trimming....think I have some busy days ahead. Fingers crossed the weather continues to cooperate.
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