Pacific Northwest Outdoor Grow 2017

Very nice setup, been doing greenhouse myself as well past 7 years with similar setup. Very nice looking ladies subbed in for this :thumb:

Thank you for the compliment,
This is my 2nd year with this style of greenhouse and this years model is a far better set up then last years. I am trying to get this system fine tuned within the next 5 years because the wife and I plan on retiring and buying property out of town and I want to have a light deep greenhouse set up when we move that is affordable yet practical.
Last years model did not have an exhaust fan because I was desperately trying to keep my indoor summer grow going. With no A/C for the tent, I was using the house central A/C to cool the room and vented all the air from the tent outside, it just was not able to keep temps down to a reasonable range, hence the reason I am only growing outdoors at the moment. Come Sept. I will move back indoors.
Hey OldGrower! WOW. Great job on the set up- it's perfect for a backyard DIY greenhouse. Those girls are going to get big in there; especially with that solid soil mix you made them.

:yummy: :nicethread:

Thanks OF
the beauty of this set up is it is dirt cheap to get a nice sized greenhouse. If I had more room I could extend it out another 12 feet. Costco has 10 x 20 foot car-ports for $299. You can not find a metal greenhouse frame for that cheap. Super easy to assemble and tear down. I did it by myself in around an hour and a half. For less the $600 I got a nice greenhouse and a car-port to boot.
My brother liked the idea so much he went out and bought 2 for himself.
Wow, you have an awesome set up, love it! I'm subbed in for sure.

Thanks Chaita this is the 2nd years version, I got 5 more seasons to get everything dialed in before the wife and I buy a piece of property outside of town. Ideally I would not have the plastic up yet, not until the middle to end of August but since I live in town, I prefer to keep it out of sight from prying eyes. A buddy of mine last summer had 1/2 of his garden stolen during harvest which was a major bummer. He had called me up to come over so I could give him a few tips on trimming and when I got there he said lets head out and grab a few colas to for you to show me how to do this right, we went out to his garden and it was gone, they ripped the whole plants right out of the ground.Guess what pissed me off about the whole deal was the thieves had to a bunch of LAZY F$#kers because it is legal to grow, had they wanted some, they could have just grown their own.
Hey OG glad to see you doing another outdoor run. I'm excited to see it happen! Missed ya!

And I missed you, though I still think of you every time I sit at my desk, that is where I keep it.:love::cheesygrinsmiley: I have been just swamped with work and work and more work. The dummies where I work gave me a service van so now I am working like I did 20 years ago. Not sure if this old man will be able to keep up this pace another 5 years. I finally got my friends grow built and wired. They are finishing up their 1st grow in it this weekend I believe. Been a few weeks since I was last out there. They kept pushing Pineapple Express on me, but I told them I already had to many plants as it was. I am pretty sure my brother ended up with a few of them since they had like an extra 30 or 40 of them.

Hope all is well in your neck of the woods. No need to ask how YOUR grow is doing, I know the master gardener who is in charge of your garden and he is top notch.
Thanks Chaita this is the 2nd years version, I got 5 more seasons to get everything dialed in before the wife and I buy a piece of property outside of town. Ideally I would not have the plastic up yet, not until the middle to end of August but since I live in town, I prefer to keep it out of sight from prying eyes. A buddy of mine last summer had 1/2 of his garden stolen during harvest which was a major bummer. He had called me up to come over so I could give him a few tips on trimming and when I got there he said lets head out and grab a few colas to for you to show me how to do this right, we went out to his garden and it was gone, they ripped the whole plants right out of the ground.Guess what pissed me off about the whole deal was the thieves had to a bunch of LAZY F$#kers because it is legal to grow, had they wanted some, they could have just grown their own.
Wow, my heart goes out to your friend! People are assholes sometimes!

Unfortunately it's not legal where I am, but we do have acreage. I've thought about growing outside, but scares me a bit even being out in the middle of nowhere

Good luck with your grow, it looks like know what you are doing
Thanks OF
the beauty of this set up is it is dirt cheap to get a nice sized greenhouse. If I had more room I could extend it out another 12 feet. Costco has 10 x 20 foot car-ports for $299. You can not find a metal greenhouse frame for that cheap. Super easy to assemble and tear down. I did it by myself in around an hour and a half. For less the $600 I got a nice greenhouse and a car-port to boot.
My brother liked the idea so much he went out and bought 2 for himself.

That's awesome! Impressed by your creativity. Thank you for the recommendation - I will definitely consider this option for my first greenhouse when it's time. I can tell you executed (most likely exactly as) your vision after you had the idea. :bravo:

Been a busy weekend though unfortunately not everything got done in the greenhouse hat I was hoping to get done this weekend. Friday evening my wife slipped in the shower and fell. She did not want to go to the emergency room and felt she would be fine in the morning. Wrong, we spent most of Saturday running between the urgent care offices and other doctor offices. Lots of x-rays and an MRI then the final answer, lots of rest, ice her knee and keep her leg elevated as much as possible. Long story short, it kind of screwed up my whole weekend. I did manage to get out and get a few things done while she was down for a nap.

Here is how the girls are looking this week. I took pictures from a few different angles so you could see them from different points of view.
so here we go with the Thick Wickets

Next we have the Champagne under the little SCROG. She is starting to fill in.

Here are the Cinnex

Last but not least we have the Raspberry Kush

The temps in the grow area have been within an reasonable range

I like to keep lots of air movement both exhausting and horizontal air flow

My view walking out my back door, life is pretty good in Oregon

Here is after doing a little clipping on the girls before I did my clean up

Everything has been raked up and deposited into the compost barrels.

Gave them 1 cup of worm casting top dressing before I did there feeding today. Still watering every other day, using roughly 18 to 20 gallons per watering. That also includes the pepper plants and tomato plants I have in the greenhouse with the ladies. This feeding I gave them Flora Gro and Flora Micro both by GH fed over the worm casting top dressing. If I have time this week I may make up some tea for a foliar spray.I think next week I will pick up a box of beneficial insects, (Lady bugs) to let loose in the green house. No signs of any issues yet but no sense waiting till they show up.

The forecast for my area calls for mostly cloudy all week with highs in the mid 60's to mid 70's I plan to close up the greenhouse in the evenings around 9 PM then open them up in the following afternoon around 4PM when I get home from work.

Hope everyone is doing well and your gardens are green and pest free.
Hey there OG! Good to see ya again. Quite the setup ya got going on here now with the greenhouse. Love the ideas you have come up with. Sure looks like this will be an interesting grow to watch over the summer and them ladies are going to get dam big in there I bet with all the space for the roots! Great work and setup, best of luck my friend!
Been a busy weekend though unfortunately not everything got done in the greenhouse hat I was hoping to get done this weekend. Friday evening my wife slipped in the shower and fell. She did not want to go to the emergency room and felt she would be fine in the morning. Wrong, we spent most of Saturday running between the urgent care offices and other doctor offices. Lots of x-rays and an MRI then the final answer, lots of rest, ice her knee and keep her leg elevated as much as possible. Long story short, it kind of screwed up my whole weekend. I did manage to get out and get a few things done while she was down for a nap.

Here is how the girls are looking this week. I took pictures from a few different angles so you could see them from different points of view.
so here we go with the Thick Wickets

Next we have the Champagne under the little SCROG. She is starting to fill in.

Here are the Cinnex

Last but not least we have the Raspberry Kush

The temps in the grow area have been within an reasonable range

I like to keep lots of air movement both exhausting and horizontal air flow

My view walking out my back door, life is pretty good in Oregon

Here is after doing a little clipping on the girls before I did my clean up

Everything has been raked up and deposited into the compost barrels.

Gave them 1 cup of worm casting top dressing before I did there feeding today. Still watering every other day, using roughly 18 to 20 gallons per watering. That also includes the pepper plants and tomato plants I have in the greenhouse with the ladies. This feeding I gave them Flora Gro and Flora Micro both by GH fed over the worm casting top dressing. If I have time this week I may make up some tea for a foliar spray.I think next week I will pick up a box of beneficial insects, (Lady bugs) to let loose in the green house. No signs of any issues yet but no sense waiting till they show up.

The forecast for my area calls for mostly cloudy all week with highs in the mid 60's to mid 70's I plan to close up the greenhouse in the evenings around 9 PM then open them up in the following afternoon around 4PM when I get home from work.

Hope everyone is doing well and your gardens are green and pest free.
Plants are looking great! Sorry about your wife, knee pain is no joke! Busted up my knee on a dirt bike last week. Hubby brought it home and my dumb ass thought it would be smart to ride for the first time in years

18 to 20 gallons, now that's a lot of water! Bet you love that bill. What kind of water are you using? Is collecting rainwater an option?

Smart idea on the ladybugs! I have some in my tent, and they seem pretty happy there. I've thought about growing outside, but worry about pests. We have a deer run through our property, and I hear they love cannabis... can't blame them either Do you use any other forms of pest control?

Best of luck to your grow, can't wait to see the results on this one
They are looking great. I have no doubt you will be greatly rewarded for your efforts. It's like a full time job with a full greenhouse but worth it. The DIY greenhouse still impresses the shit outta me. Quality outdoor garden that mate
Looking good! Gotta love Oregon!
I am very lucky to live in a state where it is legal and I do not have to worry about being busted growing a plant.

Hey there OG! Good to see ya again. Quite the setup ya got going on here now with the greenhouse. Love the ideas you have come up with. Sure looks like this will be an interesting grow to watch over the summer and them ladies are going to get dam big in there I bet with all the space for the roots! Great work and setup, best of luck my friend!
Lets hope they do not get to big, I figure I still have around 5 more weeks (maybe only 4) of veg before they start flowering so I still have a little time to get out there and do more pruning if I can find the time.

Plants are looking great! Sorry about your wife, knee pain is no joke! Busted up my knee on a dirt bike last week. Hubby brought it home and my dumb ass thought it would be smart to ride for the first time in years

18 to 20 gallons, now that's a lot of water! Bet you love that bill. What kind of water are you using? Is collecting rainwater an option?

Smart idea on the ladybugs! I have some in my tent, and they seem pretty happy there. I've thought about growing outside, but worry about pests. We have a deer run through our property, and I hear they love cannabis... can't blame them either Do you use any other forms of pest control?

Best of luck to your grow, can't wait to see the results on this one
I am spraying Neem oil on the plants plus I also am spraying the whole area inside the greenhouse with Neem as a precautionary attempt to keep the little buggers from entering.I did notice a few leaves with mite damage a few weeks ago, which was the reason for starting the Neem oil spray. Since I started the weekly spray I have seen no new damage on any of the ladies.
I do not have to worry about deer here in my area, though I do have to be sure to keep the gate closed on the fence surrounding my greenhouse to keep the chickens out. I have 4 Buff Harringtons, 3 Rhode Island Reds and 6 Americanias that all love to eat weed. They have gotten ahold of my plants in the past and are very destructive. In fact one plant, one of the Thick Wickets was eaten down to a single stem with about 25% of one leaf left on it when I transplanted them this year. I originally thought it was a goner for sure but she recovered, I will point her out when I post pictures.

I do collect rain water and I also have a filter for using tap water. I am currently using a 100 gallon stock tank and 4 30 gallon trash cans to hold my water in. I mix all my feed in smaller 10 gallon containers that my wife originally bought to make beer and wine.

Your ladies are looking amazing, greenhouse is so nice n clean. :goodjob:

Wish the rest of my yard looked as nice as my greenhouse but that is a work in progress.

You got this growing lark down to a fine art my friend. I wish many many big buds for your future. :passitleft:
Thank you for the kind words my friend. I am setting the bar especially low this year, my goal is 1 1/2 pounds per plant. Once the girls start flowering I intend to de-bud the hell out of them to force just the branches I want to flower. My line of thinking is less smaller buds = less trimming and believe me when I say, "I hate trimming BUDS" So much that on my last indoor grow I did not trim at all, I hung the whole plants to dry, then broke off the buds once it was dry and used the whole grow for nothing but butter and hash. I am sure it was pretty wasteful but on the bright side I did not have to do any trimming for that grow.

They are looking great. I have no doubt you will be greatly rewarded for your efforts. It's like a full time job with a full greenhouse but worth it. The DIY greenhouse still impresses the shit outta me. Quality outdoor garden that mate

Thank you for the compliment
I would really like to set up a light dep green house but currently I do not have the room to do so nor the time to operate it, though my brother has both the room and the time, so perhaps I will build one out at his farm. It is to late to really benefit from it for this year but since it will be about 4 to 5 years before I can get a place out in the country, it might be a fun project to do plus it will allow me to work any bugs out of the set up before I build my own.

Not much has changed in the greenhouse, the girls are still looking pretty good though I still need to prune more on them, perhaps later today I will make another pass through with the clippers.
No signs of any pests this week which is always a good sign. I will be giving them straight water today with a light top dressing of worm castings before I water.

Temps in the greenhouse have been hovering in the high 70's all week which I am especially happy about. I look at the weather forecast and either keep the doors open or closed depending on whats predicted and then either increase or decrease the fan setting to accommodate. So far I have been right on the money. Even when the temps have been sunny and upper 80s this system has been working, but the real challenge will be when the temps jump into the upper 90's and above.

Here are some pictures from this week, like I said, not much going on here.

oh and this is the plant that was eaten down to a single stem with 25% of a single leaf left on it, plus it had a shovel dropped on it when transplanted into the ground that broke of 2 major branches so bad they could not be grafted back on. It was really quiet ugly but as you can see she is doing quiet nicely now.

Hope everyone has a great fathers day and your gardens are green and pest free:love:
Very nice OG, they are coming along nicely. Good thing you have lots of string for some of them, I'm sure the buds will be weighing those branches down to bow at you in the future :) I really like the scrog in the greenhouse though, that baby has filled out nicely. I just recently started my own scrog project, built 4 of them and set them on plants a couple days ago. Hoping that they fill out as nice as yours, they still need some more veg time! What are you plans for the high 90's when they hit your area? That's a pretty large space for an a/c!
Very nice OG, they are coming along nicely. Good thing you have lots of string for some of them, I'm sure the buds will be weighing those branches down to bow at you in the future :) I really like the scrog in the greenhouse though, that baby has filled out nicely. I just recently started my own scrog project, built 4 of them and set them on plants a couple days ago. Hoping that they fill out as nice as yours, they still need some more veg time! What are you plans for the high 90's when they hit your area? That's a pretty large space for an a/c!

You have 4 to 5 more weeks of veg time is my guess, before the final stretch starts. As for the high 90's well I am working on that presently since they say we could hit 100 here this weekend. The inside of my greenhouse hit 100 today which I must confess I am not thrilled about, it forces me to water them more. On a bright note, even though the inside of the greenhouse was 100 degrees the ladies are holding their own, here is a few pictures I took today when the inside was 100 +. Sorry in advance for my darn fingers in the pictures, normally I would go back and reshoot but it is hot as hell in there and I aint going back in till it cools off some.


Time to do some more trimming, the ladies are blocking the light to my bell pepper plants

Well it is my 32nd wedding anniversary and I need to get moving, taking the wifey out to dinner and maybe do a little dancing.
Keep your gardens green and healthy:love:
Well they sure didn't seem to mind 1 day of that hot weather.. I would hate to see a few days of it though. Would suck having to water more often though with that amount of watering to be done. Oh if only we could own monkeys and train them to do things for us :rofl:

Congratulations on 32 years! Hope you 2 have fun!
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