Photo's Aussie Organic High Brix Grow - 300 Plants & New Strains Never Seen Before

re: Photo's Aussie Organic High Brix Grow - 300 Plants & New Strains Never Seen Before

Yeah man.. Lands millions of years old with most of it unfarmed ever.. I can travel a little with trailer, man you should see some of the soil I get from around the otways, damn stuffs never seen a human foot..
i can see you know your stuff grizz with our weather it would have been a bigger challenge to grow your beast outdoors than indoors, people should remember why we grow indoors at all ,cause its bloody easier, everyday inside is a pearler ,outdoors all sorts of shit tries to and can happen , bloody weather ,snakes,wombats, you name it.

props on a great plant grizz she didnt just grow like that by herself
re: Photo's Aussie Organic High Brix Grow - 300 Plants & New Strains Never Seen Before

Enough of that, you swell a brothers head or I'm just happy to hear it :rofl: we don't all live on the nsw boarder, some are down the arse end :rofl: damn I wouldn't mind moving back up to port doug for a few months, freaking freezing man :passitleft:
re: Photo's Aussie Organic High Brix Grow - 300 Plants & New Strains Never Seen Before

fuckn oath grizz ita freezing here , feels like im on deadliest catch when i go out the back , LOL imagine a grow on a deadliest catch boat hahahaha thats your outdoor tree hahaha
re: Photo's Aussie Organic High Brix Grow - 300 Plants & New Strains Never Seen Before

yeah mate! take it home and put it in a big compost heap , they burrow deep underground , where i live used to be complete rainforest.

another thing is i get my horse manure from my own horse,which means i feed my horse what i want in my horse shit and the horse does the rest ,also the soil i add to my compost is from this area and taken from beneath my apple and pear trees where 15 plus years of fruit has been falling off the tree hitting the ground and decomposing into the earth beneath , peoples tomatoes are looking high brix around here and they just stick em straight in the soil.
ive grown a couple plants which defy logic to the point of ridicule before .

ive grown a couple of indoor 3+ lbers in the past ,i know this may sound untrue but i grew 1 plant that netted me 11`000 and used it as my house deposit so its more than just me ,its Australia

It may very well be your soil is unique and majic. A perfect high brix soil that come naturally! Such things exist and you're lucky enough to have it, please grow grow and grow some more.
re: Photo's Aussie Organic High Brix Grow - 300 Plants & New Strains Never Seen Before

i tested put my latest foliar batch last night and today was rewarded with a sweetening to the bakery scent and some more "wax" shine to the plants , i dont know why the camera doesnt capture it fully but the doc k incredible bulk has a distinct blue and purple hue to its foliage more blue yet a little purp yet green if that makes sense .
re: Photo's Aussie Organic High Brix Grow - 300 Plants & New Strains Never Seen Before

the doc k incredible bulk
re: Photo's Aussie Organic High Brix Grow - 300 Plants & New Strains Never Seen Before

and good news the little graft i did attaching my medical strain Theos To a 707 truthband is still going well looking super green and standing up ,i only did it because the opportunity arose in the form of a crack in the 707 truth became evident as i seriously struggled immensely to super crop her down, crack appears i stick a graft into it LOL not my usual ocd style but still my ocd style i had to make ot a positive and 707truth was like " hey photos look at my crack dont you want to stick a plant in my crack !"
re: Photo's Aussie Organic High Brix Grow - 300 Plants & New Strains Never Seen Before

Looking good Photos!
re: Photo's Aussie Organic High Brix Grow - 300 Plants & New Strains Never Seen Before

How did it all go?
re: Photo's Aussie Organic High Brix Grow - 300 Plants & New Strains Never Seen Before

How did it all go?

baby boy born on the same date my grandpa died , due date was meant to be july 3 but the whole time i was saying he will be born on the 22nd june ,psychic stoner LOL, grizz all ia good except my neighbour is a bullet muncher on the search for some lead to the head long story but yeah hectic day mate ,just gladmy boy is ok!
re: Photo's Aussie Organic High Brix Grow - 300 Plants & New Strains Never Seen Before

back into the action with my plants inbetween running back and forth from the hospital the show must go on!

the tiny shoot stem split graft project is still looking good ,no wilting ,prime green colour,for those unaware ,i grafted s small shoot of my strain theos onto the 707truthband .
All plants just got a growth spurt foliar spray i brewed up to help them keep on keeping on.

happy with thier progress.
re: Photo's Aussie Organic High Brix Grow - 300 Plants & New Strains Never Seen Before

2 different 707 truthband phenos shout out to herbies for the free seeds.

the small deal bag humidity dome is going great for the graft,smallest tinyest precision graft ive ever done
re: Photo's Aussie Organic High Brix Grow - 300 Plants & New Strains Never Seen Before

heres another larger dr k incredible bulk.
re: Photo's Aussie Organic High Brix Grow - 300 Plants & New Strains Never Seen Before

canopy is expanding ,high brix is killing any pests LOL!
re: Photo's Aussie Organic High Brix Grow - 300 Plants & New Strains Never Seen Before

canopy is expanding ,high brix is killing any pests LOL!
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