Rider509 First Grow - Indoor Soil - White Widow Journal - 2017

Just when I thought I had this growing thing down another problem reared its ugly head. Linking it here to keep all my successes and failures in the journal.

[h=1]Deficiency has me stumped[/h]
Day 18 of flower. We have a long way to go but it looks promising.
Just thinking about the conversation from the other day regarding different phenos of the same strain. Your at day 18 of flower and I'm at day 30 and by the picture it looks to me like both are at about the same stage of development despite a 12 day difference in flower time. Could be auto vs photo, dwc vs soil, Canada vs USA or just about anything, but an interesting observation anyway.
Not scrogged now, but I may put the scrog frame back so I have tie points. Some of the buds are blocking light from others. For the most part though, the buds that are above the canopy are on the far ends so no reason to mess with them.
Day 60ish from seed.

So if a little nutrient is good a lot is way better right? Typical noob mistake. I should have stayed with what was working for me but nooooooooo, I had to bump up the nutes just 'cuz. So I have some leaf tip nute burn. No problem. The girls had better just get out there and work their asses off to burn off those extra calories.

Day 60ish from seed.

So if a little nutrient is good a lot is way better right? Typical noob mistake. I should have stayed with what was working for me but nooooooooo, I had to bump up the nutes just 'cuz. So I have some leaf tip nute burn. No problem. The girls had better just get out there and work their asses off to burn off those extra calories.

I did exactly the same thing 5 days ago on my last water change. Mine didn't have brown tips but just locked up and quit drinking all together for 3 days. I had to drain some of my res and top up with ph'd water to bring the ppm's back to earth and all was good again.

Typical noob mistake.

I look at my journal and figure I come off looking like "King Shit" of turd island, but from this side of the computer screen I realize I'm just "Fart" the messenger boy.
Rider....are you sure this is your first time? Looks like you know wtf you're doing to me.

Just lucky, I guess. :)

Jealous of your weather. It's cold as hell here and forecast for more snow. It's too bad the ThunderCat didn't make it. This cold sunshine would have been perfect for her. Damned worms.

The other light green plant that looks similar to this one is right behind in bud growth. The dark green small leaf pheno is still trying to figure out what she wants to be when she grows up.

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Hey Scrogdawg! Thought you might like this. These photos are of the clone I took of the darker green White Widow that looks the same as yours. This clone is completely unmolested and natural. The top leaves are a little droopy because in my experience a thirsty b*tch works harder at putting down roots to survive. This clone is now on day 34 from cutting. Very obviously in pre-flower and it has flower sites EVERYWHERE! Some of the lower branches are showing multiple flower sites per branch. And look how big those fan leaves are. I'm thinking that this pheno may not respond well to all the man-handling of topping, defol, and training. Time will tell how well she produces compared to her momma.

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