Smokemups 3rd LST Grow - Lucy - Unknown Bag Seed

Re: Smokemups 3rd LST Grow - Lucy - Unknown Bag Seed - Blue Planet Nutrients

you should be flushing it now imo. Get it flushed asap so you can pull it within 1-2 weeks.
Re: Smokemups 3rd LST Grow - Lucy - Unknown Bag Seed - Blue Planet Nutrients

What, my friend?? I know you mustnt mean Lucy!! She s not flowering! But yeah Ill let him know. He s only been feeding lightly but when I speak to him Ill let him know..
It should be ready soon so flushing prob a good idea, but yeah he only uses his own org fert he makes from compost and manure soaking in water in a big drum.. PROBABLY A TOXIC SESS POOL - BUT HE SWEARS ITS GREAT!!
Cheers for the reminder mate;) Later mater, Smokemup
Re: Smokemups 3rd LST Grow - Lucy - Unknown Bag Seed - Blue Planet Nutrients

Thank you Mr. Outdoors!! Havent you got a journal??
Re: Smokemups 3rd LST Grow - Lucy - Unknown Bag Seed - Blue Planet Nutrients

Well although most good microbes are aerobic and most bad are anerobic, there are actually a fair bit of bad aerobic microbes and good anerobic.

Its actually possible to make really killer anerobic tea. But you gotta do a lot of things right or else you get bad stuff and even stuff that can kill you or your plants.

My neighbor has a bunch of rotting fish guts and fish poop in a giant container. Its anerobic but the dude uses it on his garden and it works well.

I did some research on teas awhile back and there was entire sections devoted to anerobic tea making :D. Me personally ill stick to aerobic, but hey if it works. Don't fix it.

P.S Dont leave me Smokey!
Re: Smokemups 3rd LST Grow - Lucy - Unknown Bag Seed - Blue Planet Nutrients

Lol.. Dont worry Jimmy - I aint going no where for now;)
But yeah - thanks for your info on the anerobic shit, I am not totally sure what he has in there - long as it all ammonia it shouldnt be too bad. He s been feeding his other pot plants with it too and theyre ok, but thats not to say it good for ol ganja!
I am having a bit of a worry at the moment, watching Lucy s growth over the past few days, she hasnt been as perky as she had been. Maybe I may have to just cut back to water for a couple feeds or something? I fed her some other food I have today and a little Seasol Powerfeed, as I noticed a couple of lighter green spots on a few lower leaves, but its prob norm.. Not that she is showing any burn or anything, but she hasnt been as perky and it may be due to the temp its about 20*C at times and usually when its up nearer to 30*C they seem a little happier to me. So Ive positioned the light directly over head now - even tho this is not ideal for my grow it will stay in the centre mainly from now until I flower her soon. She is not far off being 3ft total height now - so in a week or so Id reckon Ill be looking at maybe flipping her.
At least I know with the 600w HPS she ll be gettin more lumens and some extra warmth!! I may start with my 400w as its a new globe I bought which was said to be one of the best HPS globes and his customers have been buying them and have reported good things so the whole kit I got is new and much more efficient than my old ballast and globe..
Im thinking now more along the lines of - IF I GOT 16.5oz DRY FROM MY LAST 4.5x4.5ft PLANT>> AS LONG AS IM AROUND THE SAME HEIGHT, ILL POSSIBLY HARVEST CLOSE TO THE SAME. So I dont need a 7ft monster, but as long as I can get good healthy growth from her at around 5ft tall - I should hopefully be looking at just over a pound again. I hope to achieve slightly more - but just over 16.5 oz isnt too bad!?
So over the next week Ill be monitoring her and hope that I can get her back to being a little more perky looking, Ive trimmed a branch which wouldve been great for a clone! Nice branch.. But yeah, it was not going to do well it grew big but on the insides of the plant and was squashing into a branch above. There s been some lower leaves starting to yellow and die off which is good and normal, So I think I betta buy a new PH pen too as think mines screwed! But yeah, fingers crossed she s ok and will be fine!!
Thanks for stopping by and take care guys:) Smokemup
Re: Smokemups 3rd LST Grow - Lucy - Unknown Bag Seed - Blue Planet Nutrients

good morning all. its been a while since ive popped in here, smoke lucy is looking the good !!
just wanted to say HAPPY 420 to all my brothers in here!
Re: Smokemups 3rd LST Grow - Lucy - Unknown Bag Seed - Blue Planet Nutrients

No probs sikness;) All good..
Well I think I was on the money with the temp thing, I had a small heater going over some of the light and the dark cycle, she is happy as a pig in shit today! Leaves are all reachin for the sky as they should be!!
Thats a happy plant - when her fans are raised, she is pretty happy IMO - So the temps are upto 28*C now and its looking like some of her branches have gained in size now and are looking like great bud candidates, with nodes every 1 - 1.5cm or so, and many of them. Ill get some pics of them soon.
And now she s perky - the top canopy is looking nearly even - Just in time for flower.. Maybe 1 week away, she aint far from 3ft in total height, so thats nearing good enuf to me. If these branches keep up this growth Ill have over 10 cola's, which is just about right, well, its enough I guess!!
They all have good branching from them, some again will suffer from light blockage due to larger branches but as long as they give me some nugs its better than none;) I was thinking maybe the extra N - I gave her may have helped perk her up?
Cheers for stopping by, and hope to have some good pics for you soon. Take care - Chat soon, Smokemup:thumb:
Re: Smokemups 3rd LST Grow - Lucy - Unknown Bag Seed - Blue Planet Nutrients

your buddy's girl has some nice looking flowers! looks damn close to my Sleestack X Skunk... Liking the conversation on the teas..good information Jimmy.
Re: Smokemups 3rd LST Grow - Lucy - Unknown Bag Seed - Blue Planet Nutrients

Why thank you!!
Merry BUD day to you too mate:) Thanks for stopping by.. And cheers Springa!
Ive noticed on Cindy that she seems to have the beggings of a Potass defic I think?? So, Im water feeding atm and will feed her with my basic nutes to try resolve this,as I am finding trouble working out the percentages on the BPN s nutes in VB?
So Ill feed her with what I normally do for a week or so and see how she is looking, She is so close to flipping now:) I LOVE IT!! when I get my reflector back Im slappin her under the ol HPS.. Stop.. Flower time.. Woah woah woah woah woah woah.. Flower time.. MC GANJA
Re: Smokemups 3rd LST Grow - Lucy - Unknown Bag Seed - Blue Planet Nutrients

Im getting more pics of her soon so we will see how much if at all, she s bulked up since using BPN and under my 600w HPS.. Im takin a branch.. Thats for light tax:)
Re: Smokemups 3rd LST Grow - Lucy - Unknown Bag Seed - Blue Planet Nutrients

I will be contacting him after this harvest to let him know how things turn out..
Lucy is growing great and is ready to be flipped now, tho I BLOODY CANT COS MY MATES GOT MY REFLECTOR+ HOUSING..
So maybe a few days or so and Ill hopefully have it back, within a week, She ll be nearing 3.5ft. Thats as big as Ill Veg her, as now her other branches have gained size since I tethered the original large branches so she has around 12 or so good branches..
This defic symptoms are stressing me abit - there s only some appearing on random leaves, but it is spreading a little, So Im inclined to water feed for a few days and feed her up later on see how she responds?
I will send a message to Corey tho asking about the ratios of the Vita blue etc; so I have a better understanding of what the hell Im doing!!
Cant wait to show you guys her pics now, she is looking like a potential winner:):)
And still purple stems everywhere and stalks, So its intriguing none the less, if flowered soon Id guess I could be looking at a pound dry again. It will depend on the next week or so, So I have a better idea of the size of the branches will be that are coming thru..
Cheers for dropping in and will have a pic update soon, with the patches on some leaves, it maybe Potass or even Cal/mag, but hard to tell??
Later peeps, Smokemup
Re: Smokemups 3rd LST Grow - Lucy - Unknown Bag Seed - Blue Planet Nutrients


Hello guys, how are you all??
Good I hope.. Lucy is growing well, and is nearly all even canopy as she s sent up some side branches as mains now since I tethered the original large branches, so its looking promising if these all continue to grow.
The original main branch that snapped is starting to catch up now to the rest of the taller branches, so thats great and it has alot of space to grow all them branches up and out!
Im not liking this deficiency or whatever it is? Im gunna water feed for now just to try establish a good soil content but I need a PH pen I think mines stuffed?
Hope I can get it sorted soon, as I dont want any issues during flower. She is now not far from the height I want her at to flower, another half ft or so and she s ready to roll!!!
Im unsure about the growth capacity of this strain, but mostly Ill end up with around 2-2.5ft or so of stretch, not much more than this from a Vegged 3.5ft plant..
I just hope that with Lucy she will be a strong plant with lots of buds filling i all the nodes she has:) The new Apicals have numerous nodes all un evenly along the branches, so instead of even level leaves beside each other, they are spaces one here, one above and so on..
Her original main cola has responded the same way since her new growth, and it has the most free area to grow out and up so we ll see how it goes when she hit s flower..
Ok, well here s a couple snaps:::

And Jimmy. I gave her a little Epsoms in her feed today actually , not much so might give her a quick spray again later, thats what I was thinkin too mate:)
She is ready to flip now - I gotta get my HPS back!! Lucy is hopefully gunna do well:) Thanks for stopping by and for the idea MIWA! Ive stopped the BPN for now, and am back to the organic nutes I fed Kiksum and Cindy.. when she s in flower Ill use the BPN bloom booster and such..
Take care guys, cheers for your suport.. Catch ya, Smokemup
Re: Smokemups 3rd LST Grow - Lucy - Unknown Bag Seed - Blue Planet Nutrients


Welcome guys to my journal, I had a bit of time on my hands so I thought Id take few more snaps of her and of a leaf with the startings of this problem.
Her purple color is still noticeable and is prevelant all over, I really want to flip her soon so hope to in next couple days, Starting with my 400w HPS. I like the way she is forming and I hope I can resolve her minor probs, I sprayed her with some Epsoms salts before after her feed, maybe this may help her?
Taking it day by day so far, She is alive so thats always a good thing ay:) Well, heres some photo s of my girl Lucy, doing good IMO for 9 weeks..

Nearly filling 4.5ft wide
The small dark spots on leaves are why Im woried
Girl got branches! Bad pic tho soz:(
Left side/where break-main stem is..
Right side all branches @ 3ft..

So theres a few photos of my Lucy Purple Power Plant:) Whatever she is, Ill call her that!! I am so keen to flower her, but its gunna be few days until I get my HPS hood back, which I dont mind really as long as she s not much bigger than 3 - 3.5ft its ok, I should have enough room for her to push up these branches and turn them into Apicals,which Im sure theyre doing as theyre still gaining width and height so Im fairly sure these will grow some nice buds.
All in all so far she s managed to produce close to what I wanted given her damaged left side, but it has space and is growing ok. I hope the Epsoms salt water mix I sprayed aint gunna hurt her - I mixed about a teaspoon into 1 litre, I just noticed on a couple leaves before that thre where patches where the water/salt had dried - Will that be ok? Or should I spray her leaves with plain water again just to dissapate it??
THANKS GUYS, TAKE IT EASY!! Cheers, Smokemup:thanks::thumb:
Re: Smokemups 3rd LST Grow - Lucy - Unknown Bag Seed - Blue Planet Nutrients

All I can say is... I NEED MY HPS BACK!!!!!
Lucy is starting to explode with growth atm, I dont want her gaining much more height before I flower as she s just under the 3.5ft marker now and I had a good look at her today while tethering more branches and I realised - IM IN TROUBLE...
By the time I set the rest of her out, I am going to be running out of room fast, she is really a big plant!! Its almost like in the last week she has gone boom, Im now having to plot where Im tethering her and the branches need a couple tethers each due to the strength in them, theyre not that solid yet but very sturdy..
Im so keen to see if she will give me some kind of purple in her buds, either way - a successful harvest is the main goal anyway - Purp is a bonus!! Also, it would be my first in a long while and Id be pretty stoked to show you guys some purp nugs as they have a unique ness about them that draws you in and its like - Is this really weed?? And then you toke and like.. Yes.. Yes it is;)
So anyway thats about it for now, Im still trying to avoid the spread of the spotting, not sure if it is increasing yet but hoping to avoid it none the less..
Thanks for taking the time to stop in and hope you are having a great grow too!! Take care guys, Later, Smokemup:thumb:
Re: Smokemups 3rd LST Grow - Lucy - Unknown Bag Seed - Blue Planet Nutrients

Nice stuff. You have a super green thumb.

I think in your last journal you said what you use for soil. Something about bark? Did you say how much of the soil was bark and what type of bark?

I know a local grower here that uses bark, and he gets footballs like you.

I also saw this youtube garden guy, talking about these Kale plants, and how they grew in bark. It made for the largest kale I've ever seen. He said something about bark really explodes growth.
Re: Smokemups 3rd LST Grow - Lucy - Unknown Bag Seed - Blue Planet Nutrients

Hey LEDR:)
Thanks for stopping in and for your kind words! In regards to my soil, I usually use a 100% organic Humus soil, which is great IMO. Ill usually make say about 60% of that, 20% Pea straw mulch - Not bark - and around 20% of another good grade potting mix thats light to help with aeration. The combo of Pea straw mulch and good soil allows the soil to breathe and roots to spread and grow un restricted as much as possible. If you can get HUMUS soil, thats a great start - has active n,p,k as it breaks down and microbes etc..
This grow I have not used Pea straw as I didnt have any on hand at the time - I also used a different pot mix which is maybe the reason why my girls showing Cal/mag or Potass Defic. symptoms. Her PH is 6.8 so that should be ok..
Ill just have to play it out over the next week, and will mainly just be feeding water to her with a little of seaweed extract maybe?? Cheers again and hope this helps you some.. Take it easy, Smokemup.
Re: Smokemups 3rd LST Grow - Lucy - Unknown Bag Seed - Blue Planet Nutrients

Its making me sad that Lucy's left side is smaller then right.

Symmetry gets me all hot n bothered when it comes to weed plants :)
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