Things are getting tight in the tent. The girls are growing over top of each other. I'm hoping the new vent I ran will allow some fresh air flow under the canopy.
No real updates on the 2'x4' tent. I'm just trying to figure out how to take a decent pic with my phone and a cheap loupe, harder than it looks to get great trichome shots. The Wedding Crasher is throwing out some purple trichomes which is cool.

I figure I haven't really done an update on the mother tent I a little bit and there's been a few changes so I'll catch everyone up to speed.

Tent size- Vivosun 20" x 14" x 21"
Light- Vivosun100watt Aerolight SE
Controller- GrowHub E25
Ventilation- tied into the 2' x4' tent, also using the integrated fan in the Aerolight blowing onto the tops of the plants, set to natural wind.
Strains- 420 FastBuds Tropicana Cookie Fast Flowering, 420 FastBuds Purple Lemonade, Royal Queen Seeds Green Crack Punch
Pots- 9"x6"x3.5" bonsai plastic pots
This tent is going to serve as a mini mother tent/veg area where I can always have strains ready for a semi perpetual grow.

Tent shot, the super brown clone was an attempt to save the Wedding Crasher I'm currently growing


Royal Queen Seeds Green Crack Punch


420 FastBuds Tangerine Cookies FF


This is a mystery seed for now, my Triangle Kush seeds and Jack 47 auto seeds fell out of their unzipped baggies and mixed so it's a mystery what this might be.

Thanks for stopping by!
Updates with some close up bud pics

Blueberry- 68 days old, 28 days of 12/12

Wedding Crasher- 68 days old, 28 days of 12/12

Purple Haze- 61 days old, 28 days of flower

Looks like it's guna be a pretty purple harvest, lots of dark colors showing up.
I am exhausted and hungover and was gone partying all weekend. My temp and humidity probe stopped reading twice this weekend which makes the inline fan fallback to speed 1 so I'm not sure what kinda of temp and humidity it got to in the tent. The probe is reading now but I may have to reach out to Vivosun to try to get a replacement if it happens again.

Here's the pic from the security cam. The girls look happy.

The graph showed where the probe stopped reading. I have the inline fan set to constant so it will no longer matter if the probe cuts out again.
Nice setup plants looking nice and healthy! I have a similar setup with the temp/humidity/vpd which is new to me should be a great tool. Forgive me if I missed are you going by pffd or just running full blast lol
This run I have just been following Vivosun's suggested intensity and distances from canopy for veg and flower. I really didn't want to get all caught up chasing numbers but use the numbers to kinda backup what I was feeling and seeing in the tent and with the plants. It's nice to be able to open the tent and see healthy plants slightly praying and then check the charts and see you've been running in optimal ranges. @NickHardy uses the phrase "Skin&Eyes™" to learn to read what your plants need, not just what the numbers say and it's great advice.

Thanks for stopping by and feel free to ask me anything lol I was exactly where you are about 70 days ago.
The girls have slowed the vertical growth and are now starting to thicken up. After this weekend I have noticed some stacking starting and trichomes coming in thick. I took to many plant photos so each girl is going to get their own post.

Purple Haze - 31 days of 12/12, 32.5"
This girl is the slowest flowering of the 3 and just finished her stretch. She has almost no smell even after rubbing a stem or leaf. I do however think she may surprise me in the end. Very sativa heavy looking leaves makes me think she's going to take well over the 70 day estimated flower.



Blueberry - 31 days of 12/12, 26.5" tall
This has been the leader in the clubhouse for the majority of flower. I am impressed with this girl because she was a white label/bulk seed and I didn't think she'd be a awesome as she is. Her smell is intoxicating, like blueberry candy, almost too over the top to where it stings your nostrils. Also the trichomes are thick and show no signs of slowing production. The buds are starting to stack and look like they may pack on some weight. Hopefully the pink stays through flower because it's a really unique touch.


Wedding Crasher - 31 days of 12/12, 26" tall
This girl has some serious oils on her. Just touching a stem or leaf results in your hands smelling for a solid 20min. She's getting a smell similar to a bag of fruit snack gummies. This one will probably end up with the most trichomes of the three. The buds are very compact and are taking on some nice purple highlights.





Nicely put!

See @Azimuth I’m not the only one! 😂
Haha @Azimuth and @NickHardy you two are like my secret Sensei's without even knowing it. One is the mystery master who no one's ever witnessed but whispers knowledge and leads you on the way to big harvests by the ancient art of the SIP and organics 🥷. The other is mastering the chaos of towering plants with what he was given at birth, modern technology, and witty banter 🤣. I'll let you two figure out which is which.
I'm really unsure what to make of this leaf issue there are only 2 leaves on the whole plant showing this issue. Both are near the top of the plant. I'm thinking a Cal/mag deficiency because they are in flower but I'm really rusty at identifying issues. Any ideas?
Kinda looks like CalMag
Like what they said. Cal Mag. Its like the gas for the plants. Everything else is just window dressing. Especially in Coco but also in soil. Makes sense around rhis point in your grow. They’ve caned all the Ca in the soil and are saying “Mooooar!”

Easy fix and no harm done but get it in quick.

Ok full disclosure I left for a work trip Tues morning so the plants have not been fed CalMag. I was supposed to be home yesterday but didn't complete the job until today. They will be fed as soon as I get home tomorrow.

Also if you put a camera in your grow make sure you don't point it straight out at the lights. The purple haze are towering in the background lol.

My @VIVOSUN GrowHub is acting up and I sent customer service an email and they got right back to me, however I need to get some more info for them when I get home to get the ball rolling on a solution.

I made it back home and the girls were ready for a feeding. Everybody got a half dose, 4tbsp, of the Gaia Green Bloom (I completely forgot I was almost out of the Bloom), a 5ml of Bush Doctor CalMag, and Recharge. Everything is top watered today and I'll top off the reservoir with fresh water tomorrow. The mother tent was all watered and really is just growing along. I'll be splitting up my posts because I'm having trouble uploading the pics on my phone for some reason. So bare with me with all the posts.

Here's the mini mother tent.
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