I have a day off today due to it being the frigid tundra outside and I'm doing some thinking/planning. So long story short I decided hey I've got these Triangle Kush reg seeds and it would be nice to have a kush strain to go with the wedding crasher and green crack as mothers. Anywho I was guna pop them but the little baggies I had with them separated from the tube of Jack 47 auto, the tube is open and all the seeds are mixed together. So here is hopefully one of the Triangle Kush(Jack 47) seeds in to be popped. I have nothing to base my choice on as I tried to pick 1 of the 2 Kush seeds out of the group of 5, this one spoke to me and said grow me.

It was a busy day besides starting a seed ⬆️.
I took the time to get the mother tent all ready to go, @VIVOSUN heat mat with temp controller, filled the bonsai pots with amended soil and wet them to get them ready for the seeds/clone.

My mix for the bonsai pots was 6ish cups of Mother Earth Groundswell, 1/2 tbsp Gaia Green grow, 1/4 tbsp Gaia Green Bloom, 2 tbsp Worm Castings, 1 teaspoon-ish Dynomyco.

The big tent just got reservoirs topped up and a couple leaves clipped but not much else to do but wait now.

Also I leave the room for 1 sec and I gained a helper. Guess I'll be bud washing at the end of this.
Buds coming in! The blueberry is ahead of everyone in that department but the Wedding Crasher isn't far behind.


Wedding Crasher

Having trouble keeping the heat up and the humidity down in the tent right now. It's also 3° outside right now lol but I'm guna keep an eye on it.
At this stage of growth I’d be focussing on getting the Temp up. Rh is plenty low enough for early flower.

Your Vivo sun is meant to do it automatically? Reducing the flow through the room drop the fan speed or close the inlet vent would probably do this and then it would allow the temp to build a bit, VPD will tick up a couple of notches.

I'm finding putzing around in the quiet morning hours really nice, just me and "P" the cat, and that fresh marijuana smell. The cat hears the tent unzip and he comes running.

I believe today would be considered the 4-5 day flowering, post transition phase. The plants have slowed their vertical stretch and are now starting to form nice buds. There will be another defoliating coming soon as the leaves keep going in.

Blueberry 56 Days, 16 days 12/12



Wedding Crasher 56 Days old, 16 days 12/12



Purple Haze 49 Days, 16 days 12/12


I found an intake that had not been pulled closed and that helped keep everything warmer.
I'm finding putzing around in the quiet morning hours really nice, just me and "P" the cat, and that fresh marijuana smell. The cat hears the tent unzip and he comes running.

I believe today would be considered the 4-5 day flowering, post transition phase. The plants have slowed their vertical stretch and are now starting to form nice buds. There will be another defoliating coming soon as the leaves keep going in.

Blueberry 56 Days, 16 days 12/12



Wedding Crasher 56 Days old, 16 days 12/12



Purple Haze 49 Days, 16 days 12/12


I found an intake that had not been pulled closed and that helped keep everything warmer.
Nice plants mate ,is that white box thing a camera ?
And I see your cat is keeping an eye on things 😳
Nice plants mate ,is that white box thing a camera ?
Yep it's a cheap wifi cam, when I'm stuck in overnight work trips I can at least make sure the lights are on and the fans are running.

And I see your cat is keeping an eye on things 😳
Bahaha ya I'm not a cat guy but this kitten wandered into my garage beat to hell and bloodied, so we got him fixed up but he ended up one eyed. We call him "P" which is short for Popeye, he's my buddy now and he beats up my 75lb pit mix haha.
Welp the RQS Green Crack Punch is in the paper towel, the mystery seed hasn't cracked yet and apparently the other night I placed another order with @North Atlantic Seed Co and it's coming today. Seeds are the 420 FastBuds fast flowering version of Tropicana Cookie, which I've always wanted to grow and and a CBD auto. So I officially have enough seeds to grow for at least a year lol.
You really don't want to get any lower than that, and it would be better if you could get it a degree or two warmer.
Can you put a couple of seedling heat mats in there?
I'm doing that right now in my 60x60cm tent and it's keeping lights off temps a couple of degrees warmer.
You really don't want to get any lower than that, and it would be better if you could get it a degree or two warmer.
Can you put a couple of seedling heat mats in there?
I'm doing that right now in my 60x60cm tent and it's keeping lights off temps a couple of degrees warmer.
So I actually have a 2' x 4' seedling mat in there but it never seemed to make a difference while under the SIP buckets. Do you think I could just put it standing on end would be a better way to heat?

I think its 14c where is actively harms your plants, but 16 is a bit close. Like Melville said even a couple of degrees would be good. On the plus side as calcium transport slows you’ll get more colours.
Haha I'll be ready for POTM with all the colors when that happens
Well I took @Melville Hobbes idea and hooked up my giant seedling mat. I took the opportunity to pull all the plants out and rearrange them. Also defoliated them some more because there was quite a bit of water laying on the leaves that were touching after the cold day.

Outside the tent they look a deep dark green.

Post defoliation, you can see where the budsites are developing

Wedding Crasher

Purple Haze

Blueberry, I ran outta steam so this has a light defoliation

The green crack seed popped and was put into it's mother pot. The tangerine cookies seed was put into a paper towel to crack.
So as long as I have a clone that roots I have my mother's set. I think I may eventually make another journal just to keep track of them and keep this journal streamlined.
So we are back on cruise control as far as the plants go. I like the amount of leaves left and i am slowly figuring out what I need to do with my tent to keep the humidity down around 60% and the temp around 78-80°F. I have the plan plugged into the grow tent and I'm going to watch it for a couple days to make sure it's going to maintain it.

Here's just a quick tent shot on the way to bed.

Tomorrow everyone gets Worm castings topper and some recharge to keep thing happy and healthy. I'll also have an update on the mother tent as things are starting to pop up and clones root(hopefully).
The girls got 2 cups of Worm castings, 1 tbsp of Gaia Green 4-4-4 and 2 tbsp of the Bloom 2-8-4. This isn't really the recommended mix for bloom and I wasn't thinking and just grabbed the all purpose and plopped in a tbsp in each pot. Its supposed to be 1tbsp per gallon of bloom and I went light with 2 tbsp of bloom, 1 tbsp of veg(all purpose). Should be fine I'll have 1 more feeding before the end of flower. The dry amendments and worm castings were watered in with 3/4 Gallon of Recharge. The reservoirs were completely dry and the plant should need topped up tomorrow after the water filters down tonight.

The even canopy is slowly falling apart lol the haze had the most stretch and it's under the 100w light because it's still slowly stretching. I was hoping to keep everyone the same height but it is what it is. Also the Blueberry is starting to get some trichomes on it, pretty neat to see.
Full tent shot

Blueberry 59 days, 19 days post flip


Wedding Crasher 59 days, 19 days post flip


Purple Haze 52 days old, 19 days post flip


The Triangle Kush photo or Jack 47 auto is up and tossed it's helmet. I'm no closer to figuring out what it is, but who doesn't love a good mystery. That being said I don't have a spot for an auto, if it is in fact one, in the big tent, is there anyway I can keep it super short maybe just one cola less than 20" hahaha.

The Girls in flower look awesome after the feed. I think I hit the feed right on the money because the Purple haze is starting to lighten just a hair on the new fan leaves. Everyone is slightly praying and the tent smells of soft berry and gas.
Well I got whatever is going around and was in bed sick all afternoon. Tonight I did a quick maintenance on everyone. I gave the seedlings in the mother tent a little water and spritzed the clones with some kelp. I topped up the SIPs and moved up the lights another inch. I'm about to have the lights up against the cabon scrubber and inline fan so that'll be interesting. I'll deal with that another day. Any ways here's the 2 quick pics of the two tents.


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