Sweetsue's Tiny Closet - Second Grow - Sweet Dark Devil & Bomb Berry Bomb - CFL - LED

Re: Sweetsue's Tiny Closet - Second Grow - Sweet Dark Devil & Bomb Berry Bomb - CFL -

Whew! You miss a day and holy cow! I'm all caught again. :lot-o-toke:

It did get a little wild here yesterday. We had a larger crowd than I anticipated check in on day one. Wasn't it fun? That happens occasionally. Anytime you get Dutty and Doc Bud in the same room they start rapid firing info and this time we've picked up a couple more of the HB crew and more LOS growers, so it will get fast and furious here sometimes. :laughtwo::green_heart:

It creates many opportunities for learning.
Re: Sweetsue's Tiny Closet - Second Grow - Sweet Dark Devil & Bomb Berry Bomb - CFL -

Hi Sue, I'm subbed in and eager to see what you can do with different seeds and more light :thumb:

Welcome ClosetPharmer. I promise to do my best to let the soil wow you. Glad you could join us.
Re: Sweetsue's Tiny Closet - Second Grow - Sweet Dark Devil & Bomb Berry Bomb - CFL -

Hi Sweetsue

Found that thread, thank you very much. I'm doing 4 autos starting next month, I'll send you an invite. I'm going to use your advice and SWICK them! I'll be using three gallon smart pots and I'm going to put two each in a nursery tray, I saw you suggested that also and I have two at my disposal. I'm looking forward to it and thank you for sharing!! :thanks:

Oh, and I'm here for this journal, how rude of me ;)
Re: Sweetsue's Tiny Closet - Second Grow - Sweet Dark Devil & Bomb Berry Bomb - CFL -

Hi Sweetsue

Found that thread, thank you very much. I'm doing 4 autos starting next month, I'll send you an invite. I'm going to use your advice and SWICK them! I'll be using three gallon smart pots and I'm going to put two each in a nursery tray, I saw you suggested that also and I have two at my disposal. I'm looking forward to it and thank you for sharing!! :thanks:

Oh, and I'm here for this journal, how rude of me ;)

Welcome petergreen. So glad you could join us. I'm thrilled that you will not only be doing a SWICK but will be journaling the experience. I'm sure you will be pleased. Don't forget the 25% by volume increase of aeration. I actually forgot about that but I overloaded aeration by mistake, so the universe stepped in and helped me there. I look forward to following your grow.
Re: Sweetsue's Tiny Closet: Second Grow, Sweet Dark Devil & Bomb Berry Bomb under CFL

That's interesting. I had almost the same thing happen (my first grow and NOT organic). My plants are about mid-way through their bloom. I culled one plant a month ago that wouldn't hook up. I thought for sure it was dead. For grins, I down-potted it and threw it under some T5's since I had room. A month later it looks nearly perfect (to me) but it is only about 10" tall and many leaves are three fingers - some with four or five. Anything above three fingers are tiny. When I transplanted it, I checked the roots and they looked perfect. I'm interested to see what happens to it. I may put it outside.
Yeah I am curious how mine will turn out. I was thinking it would be cool to start a thread of oddities kinda like the American Horror Story "Freak Show" filled with strange growth, morphed, bearded... :) maybe some spiders or bugs on the plants. I have this weird beetle on the top of one in veg.

Re: Sweetsue's Tiny Closet: Second Grow, Sweet Dark Devil & Bomb Berry Bomb under CFL

i am a freak


in bunny

or maybe kitten
Re: Sweetsue's Tiny Closet - Second Grow - Sweet Dark Devil & Bomb Berry Bomb - CFL -

Yeah I see it...cool lol :) If you include the leaf on the left its a squirrel!
Re: Sweetsue's Tiny Closet - Second Grow - Sweet Dark Devil & Bomb Berry Bomb - CFL -

Yeah I see it...cool lol :) If you include the leaf on the left its a squirrel!

very good indeed,, :high-five: cheers
Re: Sweetsue's Tiny Closet - Second Grow - Sweet Dark Devil & Bomb Berry Bomb - CFL -

It's a bat!! :volcano-smiley:

ha,, you are right,, it's flying,, big sweeping wings,, too funny

this is the poor thing now


few days later

heya sue,,
Re: Sweetsue's Tiny Closet: Second Grow, Sweet Dark Devil & Bomb Berry Bomb under CFL

Yeah I am curious how mine will turn out. I was thinking it would be cool to start a thread of oddities kinda like the American Horror Story "Freak Show" filled with strange growth, morphed, bearded... :) maybe some spiders or bugs on the plants. I have this weird beetle on the top of one in veg.


I think that's an excellent idea xtrchessreal! Buckshot has the Eye Candy thread to showcase exemplary shots. It would be fun to have an oddities thread. Frankenweed, if you will. :laughtwo: It would be interesting to see if the oddities produced in surprising ways, but just to watch these oddities make it through would be a hoot and a testimony of the sheer force of life.
Re: Sweetsue's Tiny Closet - Second Grow - Sweet Dark Devil & Bomb Berry Bomb - CFL -

Daily Update: Waiting on Germination

Still waiting

Berry Bomb......


..... Dark Devil. I don't know about you but that old stem there is a beautiful thing. Ok. Maybe I'm just odd. :laughtwo:


I just survived one of the roughest nights I can recall. Dale and I thought this was just a cold when we both came down with it last weekend, but good Lord, there were times during the night when I almost called an ambulance. I think BAR can identify. I'm still extremely shaky and weak - but I LIVED!!!!! In 34 years of marriage we've always had each other here to care for the sick one. That was rough to get through without him to hold on to. When I called him this morning I discovered he had the same experience. This is so wrong.

I'm taking the day to just sleep and rest. Chicken broth and crackers will be it for me today with lots and lots of water to wash the poison out of the bloodstream. This is one of those times when you appreciate the virtual neighborhood, because I can be isolated in my illness but never truly alone. I like that. :love:

Have a wonderful day everyone. Get out there and spread some joy. :laughtwo::green_heart:

PS: loving all the sharing going on guys. You're so much fun. Nivek, I think it looked more like a squirrel. :laughtwo:
Re: Sweetsue's Tiny Closet - Second Grow - Sweet Dark Devil & Bomb Berry Bomb - CFL -

Sorry to read you're not well. I see though that you are in good hands having prescribed yourself the perfect cure; plenty of rest and chicken broth. :thumb:

:hmmmm: mmmm, no! I would not call you odd! In my eyes, that old stump is a thing of beauty; from it's passing, a promise of more beauty to come, and I'm definitely not odd, no no no, not me, nope! :goof: :biglaugh:
Re: Sweetsue's Tiny Closet - Second Grow - Sweet Dark Devil & Bomb Berry Bomb - CFL -

OMe, I went back and read through your grow journal and great job on that! Your description of the perfume made me decide that one of my future grows should be that lovely strain. I was also entranced by the way the blossoms went blue on the side colas when you harvested the mains.

Great journal. It made me wish I'd caught it when you were posting. I look forward to following your next grow. :love:
Re: Sweetsue's Tiny Closet - Second Grow - Sweet Dark Devil & Bomb Berry Bomb - CFL -

ha,, you are right,, it's flying,, big sweeping wings,, too funny

this is the poor thing now


few days later

heya sue,,

That thing is a trifoilate? I have had a few of those before. I think it's the third leaf on the node that wigs the growth tip out. Just a small tangle in genetics. The ones I have had usually straighten out to two leaves per node and do just fine eventually.

I had a quadfoil once. 4 leaves at each node. Genetics can play wierd tricks.

Good morning, SweetSue :peace:
Re: Sweetsue's Tiny Closet - Second Grow - Sweet Dark Devil & Bomb Berry Bomb - CFL -

Good morning GhettoGro. :love: Nice share about genetics.

Subnoise, so thrilled that we'll be growing side-by-side this time. Black-Eyed Katy - that's an interesting name, and the promise of purple flowers (Swoon). I'll have to sub in and watch her grow. Will you just keep that journal going, or will you start a new one dedicated to her?

Yeah, I know it takes about five days for them to poke through when you just plant in the soil, but I keep going over and peering real close. :laughtwo:

Oh yes, Happy Belated Birthday wishes. :happy-birthday: I see your sister already made sure it was memorable.

I've been migrating from couch to bed all morning. Still feverish and trying to make myself eat some buttered toast and drink a cup of mint tea. Slow going with that, but I am forcing lots of water. I have to heal quickly. Thursday Dale meets with the rehab doctor to begin the process for that new leg, so at the most I have today and tomorrow to dedicate to healing.

Re: Sweetsue's Tiny Closet - Second Grow - Sweet Dark Devil & Bomb Berry Bomb - CFL -

My good friend (the only one who knows of my grow because he is my elctrician/plumber) lost his right leg just above the knee because of a stroke about 2 years ago came and saw me on his Harley this past weekend. Modern science and medicine in a miracle. I provide him "meds" he has been such an asset to me and my grow.

Positive vibes to you, Dale and the grow! :)
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