The Anti-Journal Journal

I usually burp once a day for a week or two, if RH above 62% then I take out of the jars and put on paper plate for 30-60 minutes, and back into jar until it settles in at 58-62% and then just burp (as I like it right around 60% as much drier it too crumbly/turns to dust for me. I'm overly paranoid of it molding so I usually open the jar ever few days to check out the flowers even if it been in the jar for a month. I haven't really noticed any difference in taste or high between a week cure and a month-month and a half cure, not has my Son. So kind of a "too each their own" (personal preference) or maybe it varies on the strain or it just a mental thing where folks go "it much better now than last week" ;) :rofl::rofl:, same as how dry you like your flower which varies on how you are smoking it too to a point.

Yes!!! Very good input!!! I am very handsy and want to check on it every couple days . But average I burp once to twice a week with at least 25-30 days curing... once again goes to personal preference and experience. You have some really nice looking buds!


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Yes!!! Very good input!!! I am very handsy and want to check on it every couple days . But average I burp once to twice a week with at least 25-30 days curing... once again goes to personal preference and experience. You have some really nice looking buds!


Sent from my iPhone using 420 Magazine Mobile App

First week or two I think it helps to burp once a day, and roll it around in the jar as if it is clumping together then you can get pockets that have a higher moisture content, as you want it all to even out to whatever RH% you are aiming for. But I'm kind of paranoid about losing all my hard work, so I can be kinda extreme about checking it daily or more often when it's drying and then first few weeks of curing, after that if it was going to mold it would have done it first few weeks.
But yeah quite happy with my results considering I had my first grow in July, no large quantity but decent quality which IMHO is better anyway.
Little Chronie went into the jar today, dried a bit quicker than I had wanted it to. Pint jar and barely covers the bottom inch, oh well it was the one of the four cuttings that was the fugliest of the bunch so put it into Flower with the PKF as didn't need 4 Clones. As wasn't sure if it was going to live anyway or get into and thru flower. I'll wait to weigh it once I get RH stable and where I want it in the jar.
The 3 Blue Widow Chronies that are left got fed today as they were finally light enough, CalMag/Grow/Marine/Root. Will get some current pics up next day or two.
Latest pics of the three Chronies:

Chronies were light today, so got fed CalMag/Grow/Root/Marine/SNS. Will get some new pics up next couple days, been working on my shed so I can move it all out there.
Smoked some more today, real happy with this plant and very glad I still have 3 Clones of it alive to try and keep her going. Considering it was a bag seed out of Blue Widow that my Son found in his buds I"m pretty happy with the results so far. Haven't noticed much difference in taste/high between the Mother and all the others, as to me the little baby Chronie Clone I threw into Flower came out the same as the Mother that was in Veg for a long time (just a big difference in quantity obviously, but I thought interesting result to my experimenting for what that worth ;) :rofl::rofl:).
Chronies got fed today, CalMag/Grow/SNS 203. Not all that much different so no pics, may get some updated ones next week as almost have my shed done and they may come out of the box.
Got my shed done, so a rousing game of Musical Plants. Put my big box out in shed and the tiny one, left medium one in house for when sexing clones or for cuttings/seedlings when I don't need to sex plants.
Shed a before and after:

And the Three Chronies are together again (smallest plant a Dairy Queen Clone from other thread):
Two big Chronies got uppotted to large pots I went out and bought today, now that I'm not growing in a cabinet I can play with the big boys (as lots more height/width/room/space/air and all them other imaginary "critical factors" to grow good chit man) ;) bigger isn't always better necessarily as many of you know :rofl::rofl:

Chronies in new pots:

And got one of those plastic Home Depot Special laundry sink, the shelf fits in sink on top and has holes in it (perfect for watering IMHO).
Oh and the two big ones got fed as light (best time to transplant is when dry IMHO), so got CalMag/Grow/Root. The little one not light yet and unsure how big a pot I"m going with as it may have to fit in one of the cabinets if I make it a Mother (or I will just take some more cuttings and make sure one lives and throw all three into Flower at the same time (whenever that is decided ;) I kind of fly by the seat of my pants :rofl: but why have a schedule etched in stone if not necessary and allows you to go with the flow as so many variables out of ones control in this growing hobby).
Enjoy that extra room while you got it, something tells me it's gonna be taken up before too long:laughtwo:

Today I chopped a female Kosher Kush that I turned male for the pollen. I had a little extra room for a minute or two but it's already filled in.:rofl:

+reps on the new room, nice job.
Enjoy that extra room while you got it, something tells me it's gonna be taken up before too long:laughtwo:

+reps on the new room, nice job.

Well I can fit 4 much bigger plants in there than I could with my cabinets, as 4 mature plants is what is allowed per residence (or the way rules are wrote for being legal for Recreational).
Tidy tidy tidy Dwight :) awesome work fella :) and four plants can yeild big, i got 950g from four last run :)

:thanks: Think I'm still a ways off from that kind of numbers as got just over a oz on that Mother, but that was in a cabinet with limitations on pot size and plant size. Time will tell though ;) :rofl: ....... though I'd rather have quality and work my way up to quantity while I slowly get the hang of this (maybe not as slowly as I think though as I"m having decent results compared to what some folks go thru, but maybe the KISS approach is best as trying too hard/doing too much can bite you in the backside sometimes more than if you let nature take it's course).
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