UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GSC

Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

I'll give you a smoke report on her in about 4 to 6 weeks or so.

Amnesia Haze by Soma Seeds is some real fire but the seeds are not cheap.

I'd also like to grow out one of Hy-Pro's Amnesia cuts to use for some future breeding projects that I have planned but it's always sold out.

Too many varieties and not enough space to grow them all.....
Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

Morning UncleC

That sucks about the shipping costs but as you said, you are enlightened so rebuilding might be the cheapest route ;) And knowing you have a similar back ground to me, you have the technology to build it better than new :high-five:
Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

Morning UncleC

That sucks about the shipping costs but as you said, you are enlightened so rebuilding might be the cheapest route ;) And knowing you have a similar back ground to me, you have the technology to build it better than new :high-five:

Fabricating a new frame would be fairly easy. What I'm lacking is the time to chase up the needed materials and weld up some new corners.
I'm also contemplating downsizing my flowering space somewhat. I'm a bit overwhelmed with the amount of ganja that I'll end up with growing indoors in such a limited space.
I can only smoke so much and have no intention to sell or donate but it is good to be able to have an assortment of different strains to select from depending on the mood or occasion. Unfortunately it seems that having an assortment of strains to choose from can only be achieved with a larger flowering area. Decisions, decisions...
Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

Instead of a tent,you can rebuild or build a closet in the size you want.

Its fun to do. More possibilitys for setup ;)

I considered this when I first decided to take the leap and try my hand at growing indoors. But due to the space that is available to me (a spare bedroom) I decided to go with the tent option instead.
Some or the reasons for this are the ability to clone, veg, and flower all in one small space and behind a single locked door, better odor control, and not having to do any type of modifications to my home which would require repairs later.

I'm quite happy with my decision to go with the tent arrangement. I'm just not so pleased with my purchase of a frame that uses plastic corners.
That being said, I would love to have the space available to build a custom indoor garden someday. I'd be in hog heaven with a grin from ear to ear glued on my face if I were to be so blessed to have this type of setup. :)
Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

Mini Update

Veg Tent
There's not much going on in the vegetable tent now that the teenie boppers have been moved into the Ganja Grove. I do have lots of clones and some mothers that are homesteading but they don't require much TLC.


A few of the clones will be large enough to flower soon but I'm undecided if I will fill up the Ganja Grove with more girlz or leave space for the ones that are in there now to stretch out and have some breathing room.

I'll have to man up someday soon and kill off some of the clones and mothers to make space for some new seedlings. Damn that's going to hurt but it will have to be done I'm afraid. :(

Drying Tent
Temp: 66 degrees F
RH: 55%
Things are going as expected in the drying tent. Based on the feel of the buds I'll be trimming the buds off of the stems and moving to the cure jars in about another 2 days.





Milestone Achievement
Well folks today is a big day. Today is the first day that I'll be sampling the buds from the first round chop of the Girl Scout Cookies. They've only been in the cure jar for 10 days but curiosity is getting the best of me so now I just need to decide if I'll roll a big fatty or pack a bowl.

Here are a few pics of some of the GSC buds. They were chopped at 8 1/2 weeks.







Have a great day folks and keep on keepin' on!
Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

sweet looking nugs there UncleCannabis. I'd suggest you try both a fatty and a bowl :) I'm there in spirit helping test those out :surf::blunt:
Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

I'd suggest you try both a fatty and a bowl :) I'm there in spirit helping test those out :surf::blunt:

Puff, puff, pass. :rollit::lot-o-toke::slide:
Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

For those who may be interested, here's a sketch which shows how I have my ventilation system set up for my drying tent.

I have the tent that I use for drying placed such that the inlet air vent is near my room air conditioner with my veg tent placed on the opposite side. The fan and filter are both located in the veg tent. Cool air from the AC is pulled into the drying tent then this air is routed into the veg tent with scrubbed air from both tents being exhausted out of the veg tent only. So far this is working out like a champ. Odor is being kept under control and the temps and RH in both tents are both within acceptable ranges.

Just thought I'd share in case any of you may have your grow areas set up to accommodate something like this.

Peace out 420 friends! :peace:
Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

Random Thoughts

Lighting Schedule -
If any of you may have noticed the girls that are just finishing up were vegged with a 18/6 lighting schedule and were put into flower using a 13/11 lighting schedule. I let things go like this for the first 8 weeks then reduced the lighting time to 11.5/12.5 at about the beginning to middle of week 9.
This was done more or less out of curiosity not knowing what would happen. To be honest I'm not sure what effect it may have had compared to using a standard 12/12 flowering schedule but since it doesn't appear that it caused any real problems I'm now even more curious as to why there were no problems. Or could it be that the problems that may have been caused are just not noticeable or possibly camouflaged as other problems such as nutrient deficiencies?

If cannabis sativa being a photoperiod type plant truly requires a dark period equal to or more than the lighting period to flower successfully then why did the girls bloom like they did? Why no hermies? Why no mongrel looking leaves or deformities?

Topdressings & Teas during Bloom -
If any of you may recall when putting the girls into flower I made a decision to not add any topdressings or teas unless I started to notice deficiencies. Well I did notice deficiencies but decided to not do anything and just see what would happen letting them ride it out until harvest.

Here's how things have played out.
All were/are showing mild to moderate signs of calcium and phosphorus deficiencies.

The Girl Scout Cookies were the ones exhibiting deficiencies the most with medium to heavy signs of calcium and phosphorus deficiency toward the end.

The Soviet Ripper seemed to be show phosphorus deficiency more so than calcium but they did show deficiencies for both P and Ca.

The Amnesia seems to be a lighter feeder than the others and didn't show deficiencies nearly as much as all of the other girls.

What's surprising to me is that none of them exhibited much sign of nitrogen or magnesium deficiency.

I'm interpreting this to mean that I may have had too much nitrogen in my soil at the time of transplant. But if this is the case then why didn't the girls cry uncle and tell me that the heat was too hot in the hot tub by exhibiting any sign of nitrogen burn when they were transplanted?

Anyways, these are some of the thoughts rolling around in my head as I sit back and enjoy a good doobie from my recent calcium/phosphorus deficient GSC harvest.
The one question that has been answered is that the deficiencies sure didn't dull the taste or effect very much if any. Life is good.

PS - If any of you green thumbs have answers or theories I'd love to hear them.
Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

I will chime in with my 2 cents based on observations of my own grow inside and out.

My girls were all started and veg'd under a 14.5/9.5 light schedule for a couple reasons. I planned on an outdoor grow and felt that this light schedule would be more indicative of late spring/summer light conditions here and I wanted to be able to put my girls out late May/early June. This would mean that the days were approximately the same as my light schedule and getting longer.

Now my inside grow consisted of THC Bomb and Cherry Bomb strains. Rather than do an abrupt switch to 12/12, I dropped the lights on time by 1/2hr every couple days until I got to 12/12. Somewhere around the 13.5 to 13hr light time, one of the strains had started to flower. I know this because the clones I cut at that time had signs of flowering by the time they rooted even though they went under a 24hr light schedule while taking root.

Now that my outdoor girls are beginning to flower, I suspect it was the Cherry Bomb that started to flower at the 13.5-13hr mark. This is because the outdoor Cherry Bombs are about a week ahead of the THC Bomb in flower development. This leads me to believe that light schedule required to initiate flowering may be strain dependant.

I have also read that the length of the dark period is for important than the length of the light period. It might have been Jorge Cervantes that stated this, or one of the other gurus, who knows, but it stuck in my head LOL If this is true, then theoretically if it takes 13hrs dark to induce flowering and length of light doesn't matter, we should be able to run a light schedule of say 18/12 and still see the girls flower. If this is true, the longer light time per day might speed up the flowering process and/or produce bigger, fatter bud. If I can figure out how to get my timer to do this (30 hr days) I might try it on my next indoor grow just to see what happens ;)
Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

Thanks for taking the time to throw your thoughts into the ring. Much appreciated bro.

When a MJ plant begins to mature which usually occurs at around the 60 to 75 day mark when growing from seed they will begin to preflower by showing pistils even though they are still building vegetative growth. The nodes will also begin to become staggered instead of having a node with a branch on each side.
This hormonal change from seedling to a mature plant will also carry over into any cuttings that are taken from a mature mother. The clones will also show preflowers and have staggered branch nodes.
If I recall correctly the flowering phase for MJ is supposed be initiated when they receive around 11 to 12 hours or so of uninterrupted dark period regardless of the lighting period.
This would be typical for most photoperiod type plants. In the commercial produce industry they sometimes use a lighting method in which they break up the dark period by either flashing the plants with light for a short period during the evening hours or by turning lights on for a short time during the night. This results in electricity cost savings by not having to run lights for long periods and it also keeps the plants in veg and prevents them from fruiting or seeding.

Anyways, I always assumed that MJ would not really get their groove on and bloom heavily until they were exposed to a 11.5 to 12 hour or more uninterrupted dark period.
Then again, if an older mother plant can force herself to flower with a 24/0 lighting schedule which can and does happen I guess there's no reason why a mature youngster couldn't go into full force bloom without being exposed to 12 hours or more of dark period.

Did I gain anything by adding an average of 1 hour per day of photosynthesis through bloom or did/could this hurt quality or yield in anyway? I have much to learn. Ain't it fun?
Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

I should start spending more time hitting the books and less time hitting the bong. But bong hits are fun too. :roorrip:
Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

Yesterday I learned that taking my morning pipe, reading and trimming bud bare handed is not a good idea for someone like me who uses very little LOL I got to the point I couldn't focus on reading and trimming at the same time and had to go for a walk to clear my head LOL
Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

LOL!! That's funny. You're a multitasking monster bro!!
Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

Special Delivery -

I received the first part of my recent seed order today! Wooohooo!!
My order will be sent in 3 different parcels over a period of 3 weeks. This is the contents of the first of the 3 parcels to arrive.


Jack Herer - Sensi
Fruity Juice - Sensi
Northern Lights - Sensi
Black Domina - Sensi
Blueberry Headband - Emerald Triangle
Amherst Sour D - Humbolt Seed
Grape Ape - Apothecary
#18 Pure Pakistani - DNA Reserva Privada
Pakistan Chitral Kush - Cannabiogen
Super Lemon Haze - Greenhouse
Fruity Chronic Juice - Delicious Seeds (Freebie)
Afghan Kush x Black Domina - World of Seeds (Freebie)
Black Gum - Original Sensible Seeds (Freebie)
CBD Lemon Aid - Original Sensible / CBD Seed Collaboration (Freebie)

The next parcel (2 of 3) should arrive in about a week or so.

It feels like Christmas in August at UncleC's hacienda. Happy, Happy, Happy!!!
Re: UncleC's Ganja Grove - Organic Soil - LED - SOG - La Chocolat/Vanilla Kush/LSD/GS

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