1st Hydro - LED Grow With Crop King White Widow From Seed

Ok, So i did get a chance to get into the grow and I took some pics. I am very excited. The net is at the 50 inch mark. I may lower that if the plants do not stretch all the way to it. I believe they have some more stretch in them so we will see just how motivated they are. The WW is of course already touching the net. Those girls are just big now. Big stems lots of branches, leaves and root balls. The PPP's are loving the light that they are getting and there are only a couple of dark spots now in the tent. The four corners are the only dark spots. everything else is in the foot print and getting lots of light. I am very pleased with this. It was PITA to rehang the lights and everything with the plants as well. But no help for it, it had to be done.

I will do ppm's and pH later. My RO filter is in my hands now. I will not have the time to make water today but I will be doing it in the morning. So happy about that. Just need my glasses and the veg tent and that should round out everything nicely.

I hope every one enjoys the pics and all. Again I am getting pretty stoked. I have flowers starting in some the tops and lots of vertical space and still have a bunch of horizontal space for the placement of tops. So here they are.
Congrats on the 12th!!!

Think back to a month ago on the girls you thought they where gonna be dead... Well they will WITH A BIG ASS HARVEST!

Good job bro they look great... good patience on the clones too... Some are starting... Congratz. Maybe a little longer than planned but they will keep the strain going for you ;) Not too late to pop another clone or two if needed.

The charcoal to me are the way to go.. 6 inch on flower tent it vents to my grow room and that vents with another charcoal out. Both on speed controls. Vent out also on temp control. No smells directly outside grow door. If i get a year out of each great... With just one filter last time venting out of room into basement the whole first floor of the house smelled nice. Now just 2nd one cured it.

And I truly am lucky my wife has given me full say on what ever I want to do in the space allotted. As long as I don't wreck our budget so I space it out a little so it looks reasonable... (ordered a butt load of nutes today ) lol. Well i do the budget so it all works well.. Actually my grow is really on the cheap and if i didn't buy mistake stuff would be even cheaper... Buy the best one first.. gauges etc. I am replacing the crap stuff now and have had to in past. Damn 3 week old accurite humidity.. temp gauge everyone has lcd wont show max temp... better one on way but still not what i "really" wanted.. ($600?? really? can't for that.. just can't)

Keep on things and you will be happy very soon !! Sorry to ramble.. damn meds.. maybe the PC will shut me up...


LOL. Your post made me happy FE. :)
Yeah my flower tent has the 6" fan and filter. It is awesome. I did not get the rest of my goodies today. The status on them says on Monday. So I still have a bunch I can do over the weekend but will have more stuff to do next week. There are a couple of high cost items I still want to get but I will have to wait probably until after the new years to get. The one I most want is the Blue Labs meter that you scored. I have really been itching to get one of those. I am also going to get a THC test kit. It also measures the CBD oils. I really want to "know" what the quality of this grow is. I want to see if I can get close to what the seed banks where saying about their potential. I probably won't be that close to the yields but I want to see how close to the THC percent I get.

Have a good one everyone.
Ok so this morning I am making water with my new RO filter. It is doing an outstanding job of flitering. Went from 164 ppm to 14 ppm. However it is only making 3 gallons per hour. I am 1.5 hours into it. I use about 34 gallons in my system. So yeah this will take a while. I may not get the veg tent up until Monday. I want to get the res dump and fill done today, but with football and family I may have to wait until tomorrow to finish the res dump. I have 5 gallon water bottles. I only have 3 of them at the moment so going to go get 3 more. To do the flower and veg tents I need about 70 gallons. So I have to get used to making water. :( LOL The things we do for quality meds. :)
looks good bama.

I wouldn't stress the clones to much. more than half look like they are generating new growth.
Enjoy the games or hope you did depending if they are over... Thanks for posting on the water. I always wondered that how quick they work. I am super lucky as my Tap in the room is 45 ppm. Super lucky! 150 isn't bad. In a pinch you could run 50/50 and knock it to 75-85 probably. cut time in half. You may also decide later after you get some runs in the nutes don't need to be pushed as much but the other supps as needed are almost as .. or more important not worrying about the 150 ppm loss.. I am trying that on this grow but I did end up way high on PPM's but I ran the GH micro and bloom at half the whole grow basically. This latest swap I am at like 25% nutes with normal Supps I think knowing what they need and when is the key. How's the PC look? F in Yummy if I do say so.. Can't wait..! lol j/k The very few issue's on the stuff in flower has all been explained and certainly not from the nutes as an issue. Well cal mag crap as always... that damn N1 bag seed.... wha wha wha... At least this time I caught it but should have already been doing it... Cal mag damages fast..permanent.

have a good night bro!



Blue labs $78 buck on amazon.. cheap!
I will jump on amazon in the morning. That is cheap. Thanks for the kind words. Yeah the filter is great but it is slow. I am going to make another 20 gallons in the morning. I wanted to do a res dump this morning but I ran out of time before kick off. The games were great. I mean really exciting close games. So that was great. I was just in the tent until the lights went off. The plants look great and I will def take pics tomorrow. I will have the veg tent up on Monday with all the clones in their buckets. Well all the ones that are going to make it. I will also be doing a res dump and we will see what we see as far as pushing the nutes and supplements. I am curious to see what happens with the RO water and concentrated nutes.

Good night everyone. Hope you have a great weekend.
Update day 15 in Flower.
This morning I did the res dump. I did not do a full on flush and rinse. I just did a dump and then I filled it with the RO water. I could only put 20 gallons into the system. It seems the roots are taking up the rest of the volume. :) That is awesome. I admit that I had not figured that in my previous res dump/fills. I was just filling till they were full. I forgot to figure what the roots were taking up. Now this explains why I would sometimes fill with nutes or supplements and it seemed that the PPM was high. I was off on my volume of water. By measuring out the gallons I put into the res, I was able to put in the right amount of nutes and supplements. Now that all the numbers are known and no longer variables, I was able to see how much a given volume of nutes increased the PPM's. So that is awesome.

I used 150mL of the Sensei Grow A/B and 150mL of Calmag. I also added 50mL of each of the supplements. It is the full line of supplements. :) This has only gotten me to the 1160 PPM mark. My pH is at the 5.8 range. I am not worried about pH so much anymore because the AN pH perfect stuff really does a good job of keeping the pH in a range. Sometimes it gets a little low but that is about it.

The plants have grown taller. The PPP's in the middle have grown the most. The Tuts are putting in a lot of growth but it is not as much vertical. It is growing out and up about evenly. I am going to add some Sensei Bloom A/B tomorrow when I top off the res in the morning. This was the last time I am going to give them the grow. I just wanted them to have the extra N if they needed it for more stretching. I know that I do not have too much more time to develop structure on them so a last push will hopefully have a big effect this week. :) Remember that 2 weeks ago when I flipped they went from 16" to 32" in seven days. (that reminds me, I will go back in the tent with the tape measure to get some measurements).

The clones are the same. I will get the veg tent up tomorrow and take pics of them in their new home then. Not much has changed. They still look like crap.

And now for the pics.
Looking great Bama (as always)!

RO filter, multiple tents, etc. -- you really aren't messing around are you!? :)

I've just been using one of those shower head water filters for my water; barely impacts water flow so I can fill up 30gal in less than 10 min. Water PPM out of the tap here is < 100 PPM (not exactly sure b/c blue labs PPM pen only reads > 100) so prob not even necessary to filter, but I do anyway.

Think I read you're getting a pair of those method 7 LED glasses right? I really think you'll like them; at least IMO they are amazing.

Keep up the good work!
Thanks Cogreen. I am excited about the glasses. The freaking tent is so bright it hurts and gives me a headache. I have to turn everything almost off just to look in there. So yeah the glasses are def a must have for me.

LOL I am messing around, I just have a habit of going overboard. :)
I'm pretty sure the ambition of commercial success is always a motivator as well.
No doubt you can make a fat harvest with hydro, go bama go!
Hydro is part science and part art!
Congrats on your 12th Bama!

Last Sept. was my 37th with my legal wife. I'm a happily married man, haven't seen my wife in almost 35 years! :rofl: We split up 2 days short of our 2nd but never got around to getting a divorce. My C/L and I had our 15th last July. We are both married but not to each other. lol

Your plants are looking amazing man! Really got it together now. :thumb:

Hoping to come in to some money soon and a grand or more is slated for grow room goodies. I'll get a 10% discount if I blow a grand at my favorite grow shop in the big city. Have to take the owner some decent tasters for the great service I've been getting on deliveries.

Some of those glasses to save from the colour shift I get after just 10 min or so in the grow with the HPS lights on. I used to be a welder and am used to not looking into the light tho I got zapped plenty over the years and I think that makes my eyes more sensitive to the lights.

:goodjob: buddy!

Thanks OMU! Welcome back and so glad you are doing well. Congrats on the money! :) Look forward to see what you do. I loved the post you just did in your journal. I can not wait to follow your next one as I am very interested in your Auto breeding.
You made me laugh with the story about your Ladies. lol :) My wife and I have only been married once. If we ever get divorced, I swear I am never going to remarry. It just is not worth it. Plus dating is not so bad. :)
I'm pretty sure the ambition of commercial success is always a motivator as well.
No doubt you can make a fat harvest with hydro, go bama go!
Hydro is part science and part art!

Thanks Vlad! I appreciate the kind words and good vibes. :)
Update day 16 of flower,
Let me just start off with the bad news. I did not get the veg tent up today. I did not plan on getting busy today but I did and ran out of time for the tent. The clones will be fine until tomorrow. I also forgot to go and get another air pump and a couple of little things to go with the pump so I can have air in the buckets. So that was a fail on my part. Just chalk it up to being over excited about the flowering tent, and less so about the clones.

The flowering tent is going gangbuster at the moment. I checked my PPM's yeserday after adding in all my nutes and supplements. It came in at 1360. This morning it was at 1180 and then this evening it was at 1030. I added a gallon of water also. So that lowered the PPM's a bit as well. So that shows the girls have a healthy appetite. I gave them another splash of 50mL of all the supplements. I am waiting for another hour to let that mix up. I will go check the PPM's again so I have a point of reference for tomorrow. The pH is pretty steady at 5.8.

So the RO filter is well worth the money and hassle in my opinion. It has only been about 30 hours or so but I am loving the ease of it. The PPM's are no longer guesstimates and the pH pretty much does not change. So I am pretty stoked. If the plants continue to eat like this, they should explode with new growth. I had four additional tops pop through the top screen today. They all belong to the WW1 but still it is nice to see that. I have pulled down a couple of other tops on the Tut2 and PPP's. Just to fill in some blank spaces and open up the plant to more light. I am seeing these bottom tops shoot for the lights now. I am glad I gave them the dose of Grow now. I will give them bloom from now on, but like I said yesterday, I just wanted to encourage another big growth spurt this week. :)

When I started writing this update, I still had not received my package with my glasses and dehumidifier and jewelers loupe. Well fedex just showed up and made me very happy. I opened it up and grabbed my new toys and went straight to the tent. It felt like Xmass. The glasses work like a champ and so does the jewelers loupe. I also looked at the flower sites and could see tricombs. I was unable to focus the 60x. That will take me a bit to get used to but I am very excited. This is all very exciting stuff for me. It is my first time growing and everything is just new and fun at the moment. I am also going to order the test kit probably next month when it gets closer to harvest time. I just feel like I have to know exactly what my numbers are.

Anyway, I did not take pics yet. I will go take some now and post them in a bit. I will see if I can use the glasses on the phone as well as see if I can take a pic through the loupe. I did not get the usb phone attachment and now kinda wish I had. :)
Vlad, thanks for the reps and kind words. :Namaste:
OMU thanks for the reps! :Namaste:

I really enjoy this journal. Almost nothing but goodness, and where else can you see so many talented growers share their journals and pics.
I just love a dialed in hydro grow. Not a bad leaf anywhere. Soil is just so hard to get it dialed back in once it gets out of range. I'm jealous Rat! Keep doing what you are doing... It's looking awesome in there!

Wow! I just noticed you took those through your new glasses! That's just crazy!!! PM me the model of glasses you purchased.
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